Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SusyJets

Mar 20, 2012, 4:18:47 PM (12 years ago)



  • SusyJets

    v1 v1  
     3== Jet Radiation in SUSY events ==
     7=== People ===
     8   1. Johan Alwall
     9   1. Simon de Visscher
     10   1. Fabio Maltoni
     12=== Aim of the project ===
     13We study QCD radiation in SUSY events, such as gluino-gluino, stop-stop, stop-gluino processes.
     14We use the MLM matching and verify/improve the results of
     15[ Tilman, David and Peter], and in particular we investigate
     16whether the extra hard jets in SUSY events are well described by the parton-shower, as it is usually claimed,
     17or if matching gives a better description. We also study the matching in heavy tops events as a reference and
     18the SM background needed in these kind of analysis. The SM samples will be used also for other applications.
     20=== Tools ===
     21   * Madgraph/MadEvent v4 : SUSY and matching
     22   * [ MadMatchChecker]
     24=== Work ===
     25We have identified two phases:
     26   1. MC samples generation and validation
     27   2. Physics results and paper writeup
     29==== MC samples generation and validation ====
     30The strategy here is to first generate samples at the after-showering level to perform the validation.
     31Once all samples are validated, we'll do the full Pythia-PGS simulation.
     33===== Generation =====
     34====== Standard Model Samples (Simon) ======
     35To get a faster generation we:
     36   *  define a new model (smzerobmass), where the bmass is set to "Zero" in the particles.dat. This optimizes the  flavor sum
     37   * We don't decay the Z, W+,W-, and tops. We'll let these particles be decayed by Pythia. In doing this we loose spin correlations, which, however are irrelevant for the multi-jet samples for this type of studies.
     38   * Not to generate the single particle samples for Z and W. These have a negligible impact on the multi-jet
     39 configurations we are interested in.
     40   * In Pythia, we consider only decays of W into leptons (e, mu and tau) and also into neutrinos for Z.
     42====== SUSY and SM Samples ======
     44||'''Process'''||'''Webpage'''||'''section(s)'''||'''LHE (on disks)'''||'''Pythia'''||'''MC'''||'''PGS'''||
     45||1. '''gogo at 607 GeV (sps1a)'''|| n/a|| all ||ok || ok||ok || ||
     46||1a. '''SC 1'''||n/a||4||ok||ok|||| n/a ||
     47||1b. '''SC 2'''||n/a||4||ok|||||| n/a ||
     48||1c. '''SC 3'''||n/a||4||ok|||||| n/a ||
     49||1d. '''SC 4'''||n/a||4||ok|||||| n/a ||
     50||1e. '''QCUT x 2'''||n/a||3.1||ok|||||| n/a ||
     51||2. '''gogo at 607 GeV with xqcut and QCUT / 2'''|| [ here] || 3.1 || || || || n/a ||
     52||3. '''gogo at 607 GeV with scales divided by 2'''||[ here] ||3 ||ok || || || n/a ||
     53||4. '''gogo at 607 GeV with scales multiplied by 2'''|| [ here]||3 || ok|| || || n/a ||
     54||5. '''gogo at 300 GeV'''|| ||4 ||ok || ok|| ok|| n/a ||
     55||6. '''gogo at 1200 GeV'''|| ||4 || ok||ok || ok|| n/a ||
     56||7. '''sqsq at sps1a'''||n/a || 4,5|| ok|| || || ||
     57||8. '''sqgo at sps1a'''|| n/a|| 4,5||ok|| || || ||
     58||9. '''ulul at 607 GeV'''||[ here] ||3,4 ||ok ||ok || || n/a ||
     59||10. '''ulul at 607 GeV with scales divided by 2'''|| [ here]||3 ||ok ||ok ||ok || n/a ||
     60||11. '''ulul at 607 GeV with scales multiplied by 2'''|| [ here] ||3 ||ok ||ok || ok|| n/a ||
     61||12. '''ululbar at 607 GeV'''|| [ here] ||3,4 ||ok ||ok ||ok || n/a ||
     62||13. '''ululbar at 607 GeV with scales divided by 2'''||[ here] ||3 ||ok ||ok ||ok || n/a ||
     63||14. '''ululbar at 607 GeV with scales multiplied by 2'''||[ here] ||3 || ok|| ok|| ok|| n/a ||
     64||15. '''ttbar'''|| n/a|| 3,5|| ok||ok || ok|| ||
     65||15a. '''QCUT x 2'''|| n/a|| 3,5|| ok|| || || n/a ||
     66||16. '''ttbar with xqcut and QCUT / 2'''|| n/a|| 3.1 || || || || n/a ||
     67||17. '''ttbar with scales divided by 2'''|| [ here]||3 ||ok||ok || ok|| n/a ||
     68||18. '''ttbar with scales multiplied by 2'''||[ here] ||3 ||ok ||ok ||ok || n/a ||
     69||19. '''W+4 jets biaised'''|| n/a||5 ||ok || || || ||
     70||20. '''W+3 jets biaised'''|| [ here]|| 5||ok|| || || ||
     71||21. '''Z+4 jets biaised'''|| n/a||5 ||ok|| || || ||
     74==== Physics results and paper writeup ====
     76===== Plots for the paper =====
     78Explanation of notation:
     79   * 4x2 runs means 4 unmatched, 4 matched runs with the different shower params
     80   * 4 params means with the 4 different shower params
     81   * decay jet #s means number of jets from decays
     82   * jet numbers means plot of number of jets above (say) 50 GeV in the events
     84||'''Figure'''||'''section'''||'''Process(es)'''||'''Description'''||'''Done (plan)'''||'''plot'''||
     85|| 1 || 2 || n/a || Feynman diagrams illustrating resonance double counting (3 plots) ||done||||
     86|| 2 || 3.1 || 1,1e,2,15,15a,16 || Standard validation plots: diff. jet rates 0,1,2 with QCUT, x2, /2 for pT- and Q2-ordered showers, for gogo and ttbar (4x3x3 plots)|| ? ||||
     87|| 3a || 3.2 || 15 (4x2 runs),16,17 || pT of 1st and 2nd extra jet in ttbar, unmatched and matched dep on shower params, scale dep. for matched (4 plots) || 6-7/08 ||[attachment:Pt_ttbar.eps Pt_ttbar.eps]||
     88|| 3b || 3.2 || 1 (4x2 runs),3,4 || pT of 1st and 2nd extra jet in gogo, unmatched and matched dep on shower params, scale dep. for matched (4 plots) || 8/08? ||[attachment:Pt_gogo.eps Pt_gogo.eps]||
     89|| 4(7) || 3.3 || 1,9,12 || HTred and pTs, matched for gogo, ulul and ulul* 600 GeV (3 plots) || 11/08 ||[attachment:Htred.eps Htred.eps]||
     90|| 5(6) || 3.3 || 1,5,6 || pT of 1st-2nd extra jet and HTred, matched for gogo at 300, 600, 1200 GeV (2x3 plots) || 11/08 ||[attachment:pt_300_600_1200.eps pt_300_600_1200.eps]||
     91|| 6a(8) || 4 || 1a (4x2 runs) || HT(n),n=3,4,5(?) matched for gogo with decay jet #s, ETmiss unmatched and matched for sc. 1 (4 plots) || 6-7/08 ||[attachment:htcontrib-mockup.eps htcontrib-mockup.eps]||
     92|| 6b(9) || 4 || 1b (4x2 runs) || HT(n),n=3,4,5(?) matched for gogo with decay jet #s, ETmiss unmatched and matched for sc. 2 (4 plots) || ||[attachment:htcontrib-sc2.eps htcontrib-sc2.eps]||
     93|| 7(10) || 4.1 || 1a (4 unm runs),12 || HT(n),n=2,3,4 and jet numbers for unmatched gogo sc. 1 (4 params) and matched ululbar sc. 3 (2x4 plots) || 12/08 ||||
     94|| 8(11) || 4.2 || 1d (4x2 runs) || ETmiss unmatched and matched (1 plot) || 12/08 ||||
     96For sec. 5 we should plot the most important quantities used in typical experimental analyses, such as ETmiss, HT(4), and what else? All after PGS.
     100-- Main.JohanAlwall - 05 Aug 2008
     102   * [attachment:Pt_ulul.eps Pt_ulul.eps]: Pt of 1rst and 2nd jet for ulul
     104   * [attachment:Pt_ululbar.eps Pt_ululbar.eps]: Pt of 1rst and 2nd jet for ululbar
     106   * [attachment:Htred.eps Htred.eps]: Ht red for gogo, ulul and ululbar, as well as Pt of 1rst and second, all with and without matching
     108   * [attachment:htcontrib-mockup.eps htcontrib-mockup.eps]: contrib of jets to Ht scenario 1
     110   * [attachment:Pt_ttbar.eps Pt_ttbar.eps]: pt for ttbar
     113   * [attachment:pt_300_600_1200.eps pt_300_600_1200.eps]: characteristic of jets for in gogo for go mass=300, 600 and 1200 GeV
     115   * [attachment:Pt_gogo.eps Pt_gogo.eps]: pt of the 1rst and 2nd jet for gogo (with ME and PS)
     117   * [attachment:Pt_ulul.eps Pt_ulul.eps]: Pt of two leading jets for ulul
     119   * [attachment:Pt_ululbar.eps Pt_ululbar.eps]: pt of leading jets for ululbar
     121   * [attachment:Htred.eps Htred.eps]: Htred and Pt for gogo, ulul and ululbar, Pythia vs ME
     123   * [attachment:Pt_ttbar.eps Pt_ttbar.eps]: Pt_ttbar.eps
     125   * [attachment:Pt_ulul.eps Pt_ulul.eps]: Pt_ulul.eps
     127   * [attachment:Pt_ululbar.eps Pt_ululbar.eps]: Pt_ululbar.eps
     129   * [attachment:Pt_ulul.eps Pt_ulul.eps]: Pt_ulul.eps
     131   * [attachment:pt_300_600_1200.eps pt_300_600_1200.eps]: pt_300_600_1200.eps
     133   * [attachment:htcontrib-sc2.eps htcontrib-sc2.eps]: preliminary plot showing the contribution of decay jets to Ht and MET for scenario2
     135   * [attachment:Htred.eps Htred.eps]: Htred.eps