Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of StartingMadWeight

Feb 3, 2014, 3:04:31 PM (11 years ago)
Olivier Mattelaer



  • StartingMadWeight

    v6 v7  
    1 = MadWeight5
     1[[PageOutline(1-2,Page Contents,inline)]]
    3 ==Instalation
     3= MadWeight5 =
     5== Installing the code
    57=== program dependencies
    911   3. A unix based machine (Linux or Mac but not Windows)
    1012   4. bash
    12    1. This programs requires typically on a cluster. We currently support (most of) the following cluster:
     13   5. This programs requires typically on a cluster. We currently support (most of) the following cluster:
    1314      * condor
    1415      * pbs
    1718      * GE
    1819      * LSF
    19       We can provide help for any type of cluster.
     20     We can provide help for any type of cluster. A multi-core modes exists as well.
    2122=== Installation
    2324   1. Install the latest MG5_aMC (2.1.0 and later). MadWeight is included in that version. You are ready to go!
     26== Running the code
    2528=== How to create a MW run?
     36=== Running MadWeight (input files-parametrisation)? ===
     38   1. You can run MadWeight either from the created directory (via the command "./bin/") or via the main mg5_amc shell (with the command "launch PATH")
     39   2. The code ask you then the following question:
     40      {{{
     41Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?
     42  1 / param      : param_card.dat
     43  2 / run        : run_card.dat
     44  3 / madweight  : madweight_card.dat
     45  4 / transfer   : transfer_card.dat
     46  5 / lhco       : input.lhco
     47 you can also
     48   - enter the path to a valid card or banner.
     49   - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly.
     50     The set option works only for param_card, run_card and madweight_card.
     51     Type 'help set' for more information on this command.
     52   - use the 'change_tf' command to set a transfer functions.
     53 [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 3, madweight, 4, enter path, ... ][60s to answer]
     54      }}}
     55      * If this is the first time you run in that directory, You *have to* type "change_tf" to define your transfer_function
     56      * You can type a number to edit the related cards.
     57         * run_card.dat -> impose some cut in your phase space integration (Normaly you have to remove all cut for MadWeight except if you have divergencies)
     58         * param_card.dat (initial value for the theoretical parameter: some parameter can be different in running time following what is asked in MadWeight_card.dat->see run option)     
     59         * transfer_card.dat -> See TransferFunction
     60         * MadWeight_card.dat -> See below
     61      * You can enter the path to your events sample either here or inside MadWeight_card.
     63=== Output format ===
     64  You have two output file: Events/${RUN_NAME}/weights.out and Events/${RUN_NAME}/output.xml. Note that the weights are '''NOT''' normalized to the cross-section. You have to compute tha
     67  1. weights.out:
     68     {{{
     69  1 1 1 2.86248722993e-26 3.20462163546e-28
     71     * The first three column are respectively: the LHCO_event_number, the theoretical hyppothesis number, the transfer function parameter set number.
     72     * The two latest numbers are the value of the weight and the associate error.
     73  2. output.xml
     74     This files contains all the details associate to the computation written in a xml way. By default this output format didn't contain additional information compare to the  weights.out, but if you change the log_level in the MadWeight card, then it can contain the value of each jet-parton permutation as well as the (technical) value associate to each channel of integration and potentially the full log associate to each jobs.
     76=== More options ===
     78   * More options are available via the executable: ./bin/mw_options. This open an invite of commands where you can call each step of the code, redifine your transfer functions, launch a refine and so on. You can type help to have more details on the various options.
     79   * All the options described for MW2 below are still accessible in the same way (IF they still makes sense like the dir options.).
     82== Tutorial ==
     84   * [ WMassMeasurmentExample]: determination of the W mass.
    3587= MadWeight2
     88Note that this version is not maintained anymore.
    3791=== What is needed to run MadWeight (software)? ===