
Version 4 (modified by Olivier Mattelaer, 13 years ago) ( diff )


KIAS School on MadGraph for LHC Physics

Installation of the different software

In order to be efficient during the time of the school, we would like to ask you to install all the different package that you will need during the school. For any trouble you can contact Olivier Mattelaer at the following address: olivier.mattelaer@… .


The different program are foreseen to run on Linux/Mac. If you don't have Linux or Mac, the best solution is to install Linux (I would advice to install Ubuntu) in dual boot and follow the instructions for Linux


  1. Basic program
    • perl
    • bash
    • gfortran 4.x (To check the version do gfortran do: gfortran --version) Those programs are by default present in any linux distribution, but just in case you should check that they are all installed in your computer. If they are not, you can use apt-get/yum/... in order to have those.
  1. Madgraph 5
    • python 2.6/2.7
      MadGraph 5 requires python 2.6 or python 2.7. In order to check your version of python, you can type: python --version. Some of the repositories are still on python 2.5. So if updating python via your repository manager didn't work. you can download directly python from the following link: and follow instructions.
    • Madgraph5
      You will find madgraph5 package on the following page: For this program, you just need to untar it. To check if mg5 is correctly install you directly try to run it by doing: ./bin/mg5 If you don't have a valid python version. It will fail directly.
    • Root
      Root is require, in order to make some of the plots in MadEvent. Except if you are in SLC4 or SLC5 distribution, you will need to install root from scratch on your computer. The current last verstion of Root is 5.30, which you can download from here: After Un-packing, follow the instruction of the file README/INSTALL.

  1. Pythia/pgs/MadAnalysis

In order to install those programs, you need to launch mg5 (./bin/mg5) and then type

   install pythia-pgs
   install MadAnalysis
  1. MC@NLO


  1. Basic program
  1. !MadGraph5
    • python
      1. The default python version of MacOs 10.6 is python 2.6 and is (in 99% of the case) fully working with Madgraph5, so nothing to install for you.
      2. The python version of MacOs 10.7 is python 2.7. We never test this python version with MG5 but in principle it should be fine.
      3. For other version of !MacOS, you will need to install python2.7 from the python web site:
    • Madgraph5
      You will find madgraph5 package on the following page: For this program, you just need to untar it. To check if mg5 is correctly install you directly try to run it by doing: ./bin/mg5 If you don't have a valid python version. It will fail directly.

If the installation is successful, you will need to have root working. In order to test it type root in the terminal. If it's not fine, please install it from Source.

  1. Pythia/pgs/MadAnalysis

In order to install those programs, you need to launch mg5 (./bin/mg5) and then type

   install pythia-pgs
   install MadAnalysis
  1. MC@NLO

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