Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SchoolIndia

Oct 12, 2011, 8:01:47 PM (13 years ago)
Fabio Maltoni



  • SchoolIndia

    v1 v1  
     1 = Monte Carlo Event Generators at NLO and Jet Physics =
     3School of the Think Tank on Physics@LHC initiative.
     55-9 December 2011 Sariska Palace, Rajasthan, India
     9 == Preparatory Material ==
     11The school is meant to introduce to young researchers in phenomenology and experimental LHC physics the MC tools necessary
     12to perform accurate simulations and analyses. Particular emphasis will be given to NLO calculations, their interface to the shower programs, and  applications to jet physics. While the basics will be reviewed during the lectures, the school assume basic knowledge of
     13perturbative QCD concepts and methods.
     15We invite the students to study the excellent introductory lectures:
     17Elements of QCD for hadron colliders.
     18Gavin P. Salam (CERN)
     19e-Print: arXiv:1011.5131 [hep-ph]
     21These lecture notes cover all the basic concepts assumed in our lectures.
     23In order to develop an hand-on experience on QCD calculation, we propose the students to calculate the $pp>H+X$ cross section at NLO in the HEFT. The full computation is described [here Higgs.pdf].
     26== Preparatory Material ==
     28   1 pp>H at LO (1-loop): details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [[%ATTACHURL%/HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb][HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb]]
     29   1 pp>H at NLO: details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [[%ATTACHURL%/HiggsGG-NLO.nb][higgsGG-NLO.nb]]
     30   1 pp>H at NLO: cross section evaluation for the LHC (Mathematica Notebook+PDF libraries to be compiled) [[%ATTACHURL%/phenHiggs.tar.gz][phenHiggs.tar.gz]].