Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Reweight

Jul 1, 2013, 7:03:24 PM (11 years ago)
Olivier Mattelaer



  • Reweight

    v6 v7  
    282282 == EWDIM6 Validation
     283 === input
    284284 1. The model use for this validation is the EWDIM6 (See: 10k events where generated with the standard model (cross-section:  0.8008 ± 0.0026 pb)
    285285 2. The reweight_card was:
    318318The same scan was done for the three first coupling (CWWW, CW, CB)
    320 This is the result:
     320=== result:
    321321 1. For CWWW
    322 ||   Coupling value ($TeV^{-2}$)   ||    Reweight cross-section (pb)   ||      MadEvent cross-section (pb)   ||   Status   ||
    323 ||    0.01                ||  0.800810008029             ||  0.7973 ± 0.0023  || OK ||
    324 ||    0.1                 ||  0.800903791291             ||  0.799 ± 0.0026   || OK ||
    325 ||    1                   ||  0.802209013071             ||  0.7987 ± 0.0025  || OK ||
    326 ||    10                  ||  0.85200014698              ||  0.8584 ± 0.00092 || OK ||
    327 ||    100                 ||  5.0238030968               ||  6.09 ± 0.0082    || '''FAIL''' ||
    328 ||    100                 ||  5.04763                    ||  6.09 ± 0.0082    || '''FAIL'''  (make with a sample of 100k events) ||
    330   1. The last entry fails since the expected distribution for such value of the coupling is too different from the distribution of the Standard Model. Such discrepancy are expected in this case. One hint is that the cross-section is an order of magnitude higher than the original one (Looking at the distribution confirm this).
    331   2. The inversed reweight (i.e. starting from the CWW=100 sample of events and reweight to find back the SM) is working properly. It returned: 0.803341120226
    334  2. For CW
    335 ||   Coupling value ($TeV^{-2}$)   ||   Reweight cross-section (pb)    ||   MadEvent cross-section (pb)  ||  Status  ||
    336 ||    0.01                ||  0.800798262059             ||  0.7953 +- 0.002497  || OK ||
    337 ||    0.1                 ||  0.801379445746             ||  0.7988 ± 0.0023   || OK ||
    338 ||    1                   ||  0.806872565125             ||  0.8065 ± 0.0023  || OK ||
    339 ||    10                  ||  0.889336417677             ||  0.8832 ± 0.003 || OK ||
    340 ||    100                 ||  4.46724081967              ||  4.519 ± 0.015    || '''FAIL''' ||
    341 ||    100                 ||  4.44273                    ||  4.519 ± 0.015    || '''FAIL'''  (make with a sample of 100k events) ||
    342   Same comment as for the previous coupling.
    344  2. For CB
    345 ||   Coupling value ($TeV^{-2}$)   ||   Reweight cross-section (pb)  ||   MadEvent cross-section (pb)  ||   Status   ||
    346 ||    0.01                ||  0.800798262059             ||  0.7977 ± 0.0027   || OK ||
    347 ||    0.1                 ||  0.800782626532             ||  0.7985 ± 0.0024    || OK ||
    348 ||    1                   ||  0.800626859275             ||  0.7981 +- 0.002365  || OK ||
    349 ||    10                  ||  0.799127987884             ||  0.7971 ± 0.0024 || OK ||
    350 ||    100                 ||  0.790019392142             ||  0.7852 ± 0.0026    || OK ||
    351 ||    100                 ||  0.786698206995             ||  0.7852 ± 0.0026    || OK  (make with a sample of 100k events) ||
    352   This operator has less impact on the cross-section/distributions, and therefore even a large value of the coupling is still working fine.
     323    ||   Coupling value ($TeV^{-2}$)   ||    Reweight cross-section (pb)   ||      MadEvent cross-section (pb)   ||   Status   ||
     324    ||    0.01                ||  0.800810008029             ||  0.7973 ± 0.0023  || OK ||
     325    ||    0.1                 ||  0.800903791291             ||  0.799 ± 0.0026   || OK ||
     326    ||    1                   ||  0.802209013071             ||  0.7987 ± 0.0025  || OK ||
     327    ||    10                  ||  0.85200014698              ||  0.8584 ± 0.00092 || OK ||
     328    ||    100                 ||  5.0238030968               ||  6.09 ± 0.0082    || '''FAIL''' ||
     329    ||    100                 ||  5.04763                    ||  6.09 ± 0.0082    || '''FAIL'''  (make with a sample of 100k events) ||
     330    The last entry fails since the expected distribution for such value of the coupling is too different from the distribution of the Standard Model. Such discrepancy are expected in this case. One hint is that the cross-section is an order of magnitude higher than the original one (Looking at the distribution confirm this).
     331    The inversed reweight (i.e. starting from the CWW=100 sample of events and reweight to find back the SM) is working properly. It returned: 0.803341120226
     3342. For CW
     336    ||   Coupling value ($TeV^{-2}$)   ||   Reweight cross-section (pb)    ||   MadEvent cross-section (pb)  ||  Status  ||
     337    ||    0.01                ||  0.800798262059             ||  0.7953 +- 0.002497  || OK ||
     338    ||    0.1                 ||  0.801379445746             ||  0.7988 ± 0.0023   || OK ||
     339    ||    1                   ||  0.806872565125             ||  0.8065 ± 0.0023  || OK ||
     340    ||    10                  ||  0.889336417677             ||  0.8832 ± 0.003 || OK ||
     341    ||    100                 ||  4.46724081967              ||  4.519 ± 0.015    || '''FAIL''' ||
     342    ||    100                 ||  4.44273                    ||  4.519 ± 0.015    || '''FAIL'''  (make with a sample of 100k events) ||
     343    Same comment as for the previous coupling.
     3453. For CB
     346    ||   Coupling value ($TeV^{-2}$)   ||   Reweight cross-section (pb)  ||   MadEvent cross-section (pb)  ||   Status   ||
     347    ||    0.01                ||  0.800798262059             ||  0.7977 ± 0.0027   || OK ||
     348    ||    0.1                 ||  0.800782626532             ||  0.7985 ± 0.0024    || OK ||
     349    ||    1                   ||  0.800626859275             ||  0.7981 +- 0.002365  || OK ||
     350    ||    10                  ||  0.799127987884             ||  0.7971 ± 0.0024 || OK ||
     351    ||    100                 ||  0.790019392142             ||  0.7852 ± 0.0026    || OK ||
     352    ||    100                 ||  0.786698206995             ||  0.7852 ± 0.0026    || OK  (make with a sample of 100k events) ||
     353   This operator has less impact on the cross-section/distributions, and therefore even a large value of the coupling is still working fine.
    355356  1. The cross-section obtained for 100k events sample is 0.7989 ± 0.00087
    356   2. The statistical fluctuation of the original sample appears on the reweighing (as expected)
    357   3.
     357  2. The statistical fluctuation of the original sample is reflected on the reweighing cross-section (as expected)