== Strong interactions and symmetries 2011 ==
=== Lecturers ===
* Jean-Marc Gerard
* Fabio Maltoni
=== Abstract ===
This course aims at providing a first introduction to perturbative and non perturbative QCD. The prerequisites include Quantum Field Theory I and II, and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. The course will be divided in three parts, for a total of 30+10 hours (5+1 ECTS).
=== Program ===
I Part : Non-perturbative aspects and symmetries (J.-M. Gerard)
* Perturbative vs non-perturbative approaches
* Chiral symmetry and 1/Nc expansion
* Effective Lagrangians and current algebra
* U(1)_A problem and T invariance
II Part : Perturbative QCD (F. Maltoni)
* Abelian and non-Abelian gauge invariance : formal and heuristic approaches
* Ghosts and basics on the quantization of gauge theories
* Feynman rules for QCD. Color algebra and its magic
* Beta function in QCD : asymptotic freedom
* e+ e- -> hadrons : LO (and NLO)
* Infrared safety. Jets.
III Part : Advanced topics in pQCD (G. Soyez)
* QCD in $e^{+}e^{-}$
* $e^{+}e^{-}$ -> ''qqg'': QCD divergences and various consequences
* Event shapes, jets (cone, JADE, $k^t$)
* QCD in Deep Inelastic Scattering
* DIS kinematics, Parton Distribution Functions and Bjorken scaling
* QCD radiation: scaling violations, factorisation theorem, DGLAP equation
* QCD at hadronic colliders
* PDF uncertainties
* Drell-Yan and jets at LO
* Multileg and NLO computations
* jets
=== References ===
* Cross sections and the S-matrix (Section 4.5 of Peskin and Schroeder [P&S])
I Part : Non-perturbative aspects and symmetries
* [http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9505231 Quantum Chromodynamics], by A.Pich.
* [http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/vol21/pdf/v21p0257.pdf Electroweak interactions of hadrons], Acta Phys. Polon. B21:257-305,1990 J.M. Gerard.
* [http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~hgeorgi/weak.pdf Weak Interactions], by Howard Georgi.
II Part : Perturbative QCD
* [attachment:mangano.pdf Introduction to QCD], by M.L. Mangano.
* [attachment:nason.pdf Introduction to QCD], by P. Nason.
* Section 7.4, Chapters 15 and 16, and Sections 17.1 -> 17.4 of [P&S].
III Part : Advanced topics in PQCD
* [attachment:gsoyez_epem.pdf QCD in e+e-]
* [attachment:gsoyez_dis.pdf QCD in Deep Inelastic Scattering]
* [attachment:gsoyez_pp.pdf QCD at hadronic colliders]
* [attachment:gsoyez_figs.pdf Additional figures]
=== Exercises ===
I Part
* A list of exercises can be found [attachment:QCD.pdf here].
* Take Home Project :
* Calculation of the beta function in QCD.
* Calculation of e+ e- -> hadrons at NLO in dimensional regularization.
II Part
=== QCD Phenomenology at colliders ===
Here is a list of exercises that can be "solved" using Software.MadGraph. To do so register at http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu and send an e-mail to F.M. to get running access.
* [wiki:DeadCone Radiation from heavy quarks]: the dead cone in $e^+e^- \to Q \bar Q g$.
* [wiki:GluonSpin Spin of the gluon]: Vector vs scalar in the angular correlations of $ e^+ e^- \to$ 4 jets.
* [https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/wiki/WAsymm Drell-Yan] : Study the rapidity asymmetry at the Tevatron.
* [wiki:2Jets Jets] : Di-jet kinematics and rates in pp collisions.
* [wiki:3Jets 3 Jets] : Energy distributions in 3-jet events.
* [wiki:TopDecaySpinCorrelations Spin correlations in top decay].
* [wiki:Tt top production] : $t \bar t$ production, Tevatron vs LHC.
* [wiki:Tprime t' production] : $t'$ production at the LHC.
* [wiki:X New resonances]: Discover new resonances at the LHC.