Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Pavia2015

May 14, 2015, 10:06:07 AM (9 years ago)
Fabio Maltoni



  • Pavia2015

    v1 v1  
     3=  '''QCD and MC tools for the LHC''' in Pavia  2015=
     56h course on QCD, MC's and 4h tutorial on MadGraph5_aMCatNLO
     6by Fabio Maltoni and Marco Zaro
     12=== Lectures ===
     15The PDF of the lectures  be found here:
     17[attachment:intro.pdf Introduction]
     19[attachment:QCDRedux.pdf QCD Redux: Three lectures on QCD basics for hadron collider physics]
     21[attachment:MC1.pdf MC1: From Lagrangians to Fixed order calculations]
     23[attachment:MC2.pdf MC2: Parton showers]
     25[attachment:MC3.pdf MC3: Merging and matching]
     27==== Tests and exercises ====
     29We provide here complimentary material to the lectures that can used by students to verify their understanding of the basic concepts.
     31===== Monte Carlo integration =====
     33A short introduction to the techniques of Monte Carlo integration. Exercises proposed during lecture are collected in this Mathematica Notebook: [attachment:mc101.nb mc101.nb].
     35===== LHC Phenomenology =====
     37   * [wiki:DiscoverTheHiggs SM Higgs discovery at the LHC]: Three important channels
     38   * [wiki:WarmingUpChallenge Simple Black Boxes]: New gauge bosons
     41A collection of test, exercises, and web applications on pQCD can be found in [attachment:QCD_TASI2013.pdf QCD_TASI2013.pdf].
     43==== Going NLO ====
     45   1. pp>H at LO (1-loop): details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [ HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb]
     46   1. pp>H at NLO: details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [ higgsGG-NLO.nb]
     47   1. pp>H at NLO: cross section evaluation for the LHC (Mathematica Notebook+PDF libraries to be compiled) [ phenHiggs.tar.gz].
     49A summary of the results can be found in [attachment:Higgs.pdf Higgs.pdf].
     52=== Tutorials ===
     55==== Madgraph tutorial (I) ====
     57   * [attachment:13_06_10_tutomg_tasi.pdf MG5 Tutorial (question and answer)]
     59==== FeynRules tutorial ====
     61   * [attachment:feynrules.tar.gz   FeynRules]
     62   * [attachment:Tutorial.pdf  Hand out]
     63   * [attachment:FR_TASI_2013.pdf  Slides]
     64   * [attachment:Tutorial.tar.gz Tutorial Solutions]
     66==== Madgraph tutorial (II) ====
     68   * [attachment:13_06_13_tutomg_tasi2.pdf BSM in MG5 (question only)]
     70-- Main.FabioMaltoni - 2013-06-06