Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of OfficialRefs

Mar 20, 2012, 4:16:54 PM (12 years ago)



  • OfficialRefs

    v1 v1  
     3==== The official citation for !MadGraph and !MadEvent v. 5: ====
     5   * '''MadGraph 5: Going Beyond.''' <br />Johan Alwall, Michel Herquet, Fabio Maltoni, Olivier Mattelaer and Tim Stelzer<br />[ JHEP1106(2011)128], [ arXiv:1106.0522 [hep-ph]]
     7The full set of citations
     9   * !MadGraph/MadEvent v. 4:<br /><strong>MadGraph/MadEvent v4: The New Web Generation</strong> <br />J. Alwall, P. Demin, S. de Visscher, R. Frederix, M. Herquet, F. Maltoni, T. Plehn, D.L. Rainwater and T. Stelzer <br />[ JHEP0709(2007)028], [ arXiv:0706.2334 [hep-ph]]
     11   * Decay chains, decay widths: <br /> '''New Developments in !MadGraph/MadEvent''' <br /> J. Alwall, P. Artoisenet, S. de Visscher, C. Duhr, R. Frederix, M. Herquet, O. Mattelaer <br /> [ arXiv:0809.2410 [hep-ph]]
     13   * Matching of matrix elements and parton showers using !MadGraph/MadEvent+Pythia: <br /> '''QCD radiation in the production of heavy colored particles at the LHC''' <br /> J. Alwall, S. de Visscher, F. Maltoni<br /> [ JHEP0902(2009)017], [ arXiv:0810.5350 [hep-ph]]
     15   * [:SoftWare.MadDipole:MadDipole]: <br /> '''Automation of the Dipole Subtraction Method in !MadGraph/MadEvent''' <br /> R. Frederix, T. Gehrmann, N. Greiner <br /> [ JHEP09(2008)122], [ arXiv:0808.2128 [hep-ph]]
     17   * [:SoftWare.TopBSM:TopBSM], BSM physics in ttbar production: <br /> '''Top pair invariant mass distribution: a window on new physics''' <br /> R. Frederix and F. Maltoni <br /> [ JHEP01(2009)047], [ arXiv:0712.2355 [hep-ph]]
     19   * [:SoftWare.MadOnia:MadOnia], heavy quarkonium production in NRQCD: <br /> '''Automatic generation of quarkonium amplitudes in NRQCD''' <br /> P. Artoisenet, F. Maltoni and T. Stelzer <br /> [ JHEP02(2008)102], [ arXiv:0712.2770 [hep-ph]]
     21   * '''MadEvent: Automatic event generation with !MadGraph''' <br /> F. Maltoni and T. Stelzer, JHEP 0302:027, 2003 <br /> [ JHEP02(2003)027 ], [ hep-ph/0208156]
     23   * '''MadGraph''' <br />
     24      1. '''Automatic generation of tree level helicity amplitudes''' <br /> T. Stelzer and W.F. Long, Phys. <br /> Commun. 81 (1994) 357-371, [ hep-ph/9401258]
     25      1. '''SMadGraph: Weak boson fusion production of supersymmetric particles at the LHC''' <br /> G.-C. Cho, K. Hagiwara, J. Kanzaki, T. Plehn, D. Rainwater, T. Stelzer <br /> [ Phys.Rev.D73:054002,2006], [ hep-ph/0601063]
     27   * '''HELAS''' <br />
     28      1. '''HELAS: HELicity amplitude subroutines for Feynman diagram evaluations''' <br /> H. Murayama, I. Watanabe, and K. Hagiwara, 1991 <br /> [  KEK-91-11 ]
     29      1. '''HELAS and !MadGraph/MadEvent with spin-2 particles''' <br /> K. Hagiwara, J. Kanzaki, Qiang Li, K. Mawatari <br /> [ Eur.Phys.J.C56(2008)435-447], [ arXiv:0805.2554]
     31-- Main.JohanAlwall - 2011-07-14