== Effective field theory for new physics in top production and decays == Author : Celine Degrande References : * S. Willenbrock and C. Zhang, arXiv:1008.3869 [hep-ph] * C. Degrande et al., arXiv:1010.6304 [hep-ph] == Description == This MadGraph5 model is the implementation of the top effective field theory described in arXiv:1008.3869 [hep-ph]. All the four-fermion operators are flavor diagonal and universal for the two lightest generations. The model has not been used so far for a full study and can thus not be considered as fully tested. The four-fermion operators have been implemented using heavy vectors since they are not yet available in MadGraph5. In consequence, the model should not be used for other processes than the top decay and single top and top pair productions because it can contain extra operators. For example, a heavy vector coupled to tt and dd will induce a ttdd vertex as well as a 4-top one. Futher information can be found in the note included in the model directory.