'''Computational, simulation and machine learning methods in high energy physics and beyond: automated computational tools'''[[BR]] 2022 edition at Milan University, by Olivier Mattelaer and Marco Zaro ---- Information: - The course will span three days (from Monday, June 20th to Wednesday, June 22nd 2022) - Lectures will start at 10AM and last until 5PM (with coffee and lunch breaks). The course consists of a total of 15 hours, shared between frontal lectures and hands-on sessions - Location: Laboratorieo di Calcolo, Milan University, Phisycs Dept. (Via Celoria 16 Milano) - Students should bring their laptops, with a working installation of the software [https://launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo MadGraph5_aMC@NLO] (see [https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/attachment/wiki/Milan2022/tutorial-unimi-2022-part0.pdf here] for instructions). Lectures material: - Lecture day #1: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/attachment/wiki/Milan2022/22_06_20_Milan_MG5%2Bmerging.pdf (LO/evaluation of matrix-element/event generation) Tutorials material: - Tutorial day #1: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/attachment/wiki/Milan2022/22_06_20_Milan_MG5_tuto_day1.pdf (Learning MG5aMC)