=== Manual === * [http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/Manual/Manual-March-2007.pdf Web and offline Minimal User Manual (pdf)] (2007) to be updated soon. === Other docs === * [https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MadGraphCMSPage The MadGraph page in CMS] (Roberto Chierici) === How to and FAQ's === ==== General ==== * [:MGChart:Structure flowchart] * [:InstallMG:How to install the whole Madgraph/MadEvent package on your machine and generate a new process] * [:InputEx:Syntax and process input examples] * [:GenEv:How to generate events on your machine] * [:General-Scripts:Submission scripts and running on your cluster] '''FAQ's''' * [:FAQ-General-1:How do I implement my own cuts in MadEvent ?] * [:FAQ-General-2:How do I implement my own renormalization/factorization scales in MadEvent ?] * [:FAQ-General-3:How do I change the mass of a particle that is assumed massless in MadGraph/MadEvent ?] * [:FAQ-General-4:Can I just calculate the amplitudes for a (sub)process and check them point-by-point in phase space points using MadGraph ?] * [:FAQ-General-5:Is there a limit to the maximum allowed number of diagrams? How can I change it?] * [:FAQ-General-6:How do I generate only a subset of diagrams? What are the decay chains?] * [:FAQ-General-7:Can I use MadGraph (or any other external matrix element generator) with Pythia for DIS?] * [:FAQ-General-8:How many events can I generate in one run with MadEvent?] * [:FAQ-General-9:Can I use the LHE file from Pythia as input to detector simulation?] * [:FAQ-General-10:I generated an s-channel process p p > W+ > e+ ve, and in some events the W doesn't show up in the event record. Why is this?] * [:FAQ-General-11:How do I read the .hep file from Pythia?] * [:FAQ-General-12:Why don't I get the number of events I asked for from MadEvent?] ==== Input Cards ==== * [http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/EXAMPLES/proc_card_examples.html Proc card examples] * [:RunCard:Run Card : description and examples] '''FAQ's''' * [:FAQ-Cards-1:Should I use different ids (@1,@2,...) in multiprocess proc_card or could I use the same ?] * [:FAQ-Cards-2:What is bwcutoff, and why is it important for decay chains?] ==== Interfaces and Tools ==== * [:Software.ToolS:List of interfaces and tools] '''FAQ's''' * [:FAQ-IT-2:How I decay heavy particles in the final state?] * [:FAQ-IT-3:What is REPLACE?] * [:FAQ-IT-4:Pythia and HERWIG require a mass for all particles, while in MadGraph several are set to zero. How do I fix it?] * [http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/Manual/lhco.html How to read the LHCO event files] * [:FAQ-IT-5:How do I get nice plots automatically when running generate_events, like I get on the web?] ==== Matching/Merging with the Shower ==== * [:IntroMatching:Introduction to Matching in MG/ME] '''FAQ's''' * [:FAQ-Matching-1:What are Qcut and xQcut?] * [:FAQ-Matching-2:Can I change the ren and fac scales when I use the matching?] ==== Gridpacks ==== * [:IntroGrid:Introduction to Grid running option in MG/ME] * [:Library.GridDevelopment:Technical details for setting up and running the Grid Package] '''FAQ's''' * [:FAQ-Gridpacks-2:Can I analyse only a part of the produced sample?] * [:FAQ-Gridpacks-3:Is there a minimal statistics suggested?] * [:FAQ-Gridpacks-4:The gridpack seems sometimes very large in size? Can I improve on this?] * [:FAQ-Gridpacks-5:I have downloaded a madevent.tar.gz package. Can I create the gridpack locally?] ==== New Physics ==== * [http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/Manual/usrmod.html How to create a new model with usrmod v1] '''FAQ's''' * [:FAQ-NewPhysics-1:What are the options in MG/ME for creating a new model ?] * [:FAQ-NewPhysics-2:What are the QNUMBERS useful for?] ==== Matrix element method ==== * [:Software.MadWeight:Introduction to matrix element methods (MadWeight) in MG/ME] * [:Software.MadWeightFAQ:MadWeight FAQ ] ==== Quarkonium Simulations ==== * [:Software.MadOniaDescription:Introduction to heavy quark bound state simulations (MadOnia) in MG/ME ] * [:Software.MadOniaManual:How to use it] * [:Software.MadOniaFAQ:FAQ on MadOnia] * [http://www.OutdoorFountains.com outdoor fountains] -- Main.FabioMaltoni - 02 Mar 2009