Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of MadWeightOption

Mar 20, 2012, 4:15:47 PM (12 years ago)



  • MadWeightOption

    v1 v1  
     5=== All the option ===
     7Even if  some option can be apply on the command line (See StartingMadWeight). Most of the options are enter via some cards.
     8In MadWeight we have '''four''' different card. Two are common with MadGraph : run_card.dat  and param_card.dat. And correspond respectively
     9to the phase space cut and to parametrization of the model(mass,branching ratio, coupling value,...) Two other are more specific and are described here:
     11=== MadWeight_card.dat ===
     12The MadWeight Card follow the convention use for the param_card (SLHAC2). It defines some bloks and some tag in those blocks:
     14==== Block Run  ====
     16Define the cluster and some constraint on the run.
     17||    '''Options for block MW_run''' |||| '''option for job schedulling (step=2,5,6)''' ||
     18||     ||   '''tag'''     || '''Effect'''   ||
     19||   ^   || 1 ||cluster choice (0: single machine// 1: condor // 2: SGE //3:Bash ) ||
     20||   ^   || 11 ||condor requirements (only for condor)||
     21||   ^   || 2 ||number of data to analyse||
     22||   ^   || 3 ||control efficiency block by block||
     23||   ^   || 4 ||normalizes Weight by cross-section||
     24||   ^   || 5 ||number of points in MadGraph integral||
     25||   ^   || 6 ||number of points in MadWeight integral||
     26||    ^  || 9        ||[F]                use the cut defined in run_card.dat for weight computation ||
     27||  ^    ||91      ||[F]                use the cut defined in run_card.dat for cross-section computation||
     28In these Block you can define some (trully) '''advanced user''' option
     30||    '''Options for block MW_run''' |||||| '''option for job schedulling (step=5,6)''' ||
     31||     ||   '''tag'''   || '''Default value'''  || '''Effect'''   ||
     32||  ^  ||   7.        ||       0.01            ||requested final precision for each weight              ||   
     33||  ^  ||   710.    ||       0.3              ||minimal requested precision for the first refinment criteria              ||
     34||  ^  ||   711.    ||       1d-4            ||first refinment criteria              ||
     35||  ^  ||   720.    ||       0.1              ||requested precision for the second refinment criteria           ||
     36||  ^  ||   721.    ||       2d-3            ||second refinment criteria           ||
     37||  ^  ||   731.    ||        2                ||number of iteration in permutation selection -first loop-           ||
     38||  ^  ||   732.    ||        2                ||number of iteration in configuration search           ||
     39||  ^  ||   733.    ||        5                ||number of iteration in permutation selection -second loop-         ||
     40||  ^  ||   734.    ||        1                ||number of iteration in plotting diagram  mode (not used for the moment)         ||
     41||  ^  ||   735.    ||       10               ||maximal number of iteration in final loop            ||
     43==== Block Perm ====
     45Define how to treat the permutation in MadWeight.
     47||    '''Option for block MW_perm''' |||| '''option for treating permutation (step=6)''' ||
     48||     ||   '''tag'''     || '''Effect'''   ||
     49||   ^   || 1 ||makes permutation||
     50||   ^   || 2 ||considers b jet like other jet for permutations||
     52==== Block Parameter ====
     54MadWeight can run on different parameter value on the same run. For that you have three different choice (differentiate by the value of the entry with tag 1)
     55   * value '''0''': use the param_card defined by the user. Those one must be enter in the Card directory with name: param_card_1.dat, param_card_2.dat,...
     56   * value '''1''': Apply from the param_card.dat the modification define in MadWeight_card.dat (see below)
     57   * value '''2''': Same than one but all parameter modification are correlated (see below)
     59||    '''Option for block MW_parameter''' |||| '''option for creating param_card (step=1)''' ||
     60||     ||   '''tag'''     || '''Effect'''   ||
     61||   ^   || 1 ||how create all the param card  (see above for value description) ||
     62||   ^   || n*10+1 ||name of the block to modify for variable n  (branching ratio is special see below)||
     63||   ^   || n*10+2 ||tag  of the value to modify  (if they are a double tag use two times this line (in the correct order)||
     64||   ^   || n*10+3 ||different value to insert (so you can use this tag more than once) ||
     67   * decay is consider like a block name
     68   * branching ratio have their our name: 'br' (tag1:id of the decay particule. tag2: first desint,  tag3: second desint, ...)
     72Block MW_parameter
     73#   TAG      VALUE                     UTILITY
     74     1.         1           #    type of input
     75                           #    0. : inputs are read from the cards: param_card_1.dat, param_card_2.dat,...
     76                           #    1. : redefines some values from param_card.dat according to the form below
     77                           #    2. : same but the value for different parameters are modified simultaneously
     79#                             # first parameter #
     80     11.       mass          # Block of the parameter to change
     81     12.       6             # id of the parameter to change
     82     13.       180           # here you can enter the different values:
     83     13.       190           #   add a new line with tag 13 to introduce a new value
     85#                            #  second parameter #
     86     21.       MGCKM          # Block of the parameter to change
     87     22.       1              # id of the paramter to change
     88     22.       2              # id2 of the paramter to change
     89     23.       1.5E-02       # here you can enter the different values:
     90     23.       1.8E-02       #   add a new line with tag 23 to introduce a new value
     92In this mode '''four''' different param_card will be created. Two with a top mass (pid=6) at 180 GeV (one for each value of %$V_{us}$%) and two for a top-mass at190 Gev.
     93If We have choose at the first line the second mode:
     95#   TAG      VALUE                     UTILITY
     96     1.         2           #    type of input
     98We will obtain only two different card. the first one will have %$m_t=180$% GeV with  %$V_{us}=1.5e-2$%. The other will have %$m_t=190$% GeV with %$V_{us}=1.8e-2$%
     102Since Version 2.1.9, it's possible to generate directly the difference of masses. The blok parameter is then
     103'''diff_mass''' This is an example:
     106Block MW_parameter
     107#   TAG      VALUE                     UTILITY
     108     1.         1           #    type of input
     109                           #    0. : inputs are read from the cards: param_card_1.dat, param_card_2.dat,...
     110                           #    1. : redefines some values from param_card.dat according to the form below
     111                           #    2. : same but the value for different parameters are modified simultaneously
     113#                             # first parameter #
     114     11.       mass          # Block of the parameter to change
     115     12.       6             # id of the parameter to change
     116     13.       180           # here you can enter the different values:
     117     13.       190           #   add a new line with tag 13 to introduce a new value
     119#                            #  second parameter #
     120     21.       diff_mass          # fix M_W-M_T
     121     22.       23              # id of the first mass (M_W) the value of M_W will be choose to have the correct mass differences.
     122     22.        6             # id2 of the second mass (M_T) this must be fixed before
     123     23.       -10       # here you can enter the different values:
     124     23.       0       #   add a new line with tag 23 to introduce a new value
     125     23.       10
     127In this case 6 param_card will be create
     129||180||170||-10 ||
     140==== Block Generation  ====
     142This block parametrize how MadWeightAnalyzer will find the approriate phase-space generator.
     143More information on those option in MadWeightAnalyzer page.
     146||    '''Option for block MW_Gen''' |||| '''option for MadWeightAnalyzer (step=2)'''||
     147||     ||   '''tag'''     || '''Effect'''   ||
     148||   ^   || 1 ||chooses which propagator to allign in ECS: 0-> thinest/ 1-> chooses more local possibility     ||
     149||   ^   || 2 ||chooses which propagator to allign in blob: 0-> thinest/ 1-> chooses more local possibility     ||
     150||   ^   || 3 ||maximal multiplicity for ECS sector    ||
     151||   ^   || 4 ||uses blob solutions which optimizes Breit-Wigner integration     ||
     152||   ^   || 5 ||uses blob solutions which optimizes TransferFunction integration   ||
     153||   ^   || 6 ||use s balanced solutions  (more than one true is possible)    ||
     154||   ^   || 10 ||allows  ECS A  (0 neut) for change of variables    ||
     155||   ^   || 11 ||allows  ECS B  (1 neut) for change of variables   ||
     156||   ^   || 12 ||allows  ECS C  (1 neut) for change of variables    ||
     157||   ^   || 13 ||allows  ECS D  (2 neut ttbar) for change of variables    ||
     158||   ^   || 14 ||allows  ECS E  (2 neut HWW) for change of variables     ||
     159||   ^   || 15 ||allows  ECS F  (2 neut gamma-gamma) for change of variables    ||
     161==== Trully advanced option ====
     163You will find a list of all possible option in the page MadWeightAdvancedOpttion
     168=== transfer_card ===
     170This Card depend of your choice on your TransferFunction. All the undefinned value of your transfer functions can be entered at this point.
     171More information about this card at the page TransferFunction.
     173-- Main.OlivierMattelaer - 04 Nov 2008