Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of MadSpin

Mar 6, 2020, 9:27:33 PM (5 years ago)
Olivier Mattelaer



  • MadSpin

    v17 v18  
    2323   || '''import FILE''' || imports the LO or NLO lhe file and reads the associated header in order to load relevant information, e.g. the relevant model. || ||
    2424   || '''define LABEL = PART1 PART2 ...''' || allows to define an additional multi-particle tag. The multi-particle tags defined in the header of the file are automatically recognized. ||
    25    || '''decay PROCESS''' ||specifies the decay branch initiated by an unstable particle to be decayed by MadSpin. Multi-particle tags can be used for the final state particles. || ||
     25   || '''decay PROCESS''' ||specifies the decay branch initiated by an unstable particle to be decayed by MadSpin. Multi-particle tags can be used for the final state particles (but NOT for initial-state, i.e. before the ">" symbol). || ||
    2626   || '''set OPTION VALUE''' ||allows to change some internal options of MadSpin such as the seed or the value of the maximal weight in the unweighting procedure. Type “help options” in the interface for more details on the various available options (and/or see the list below). || ||
    2727   || '''launch''' || runs MadSpin according to the specified options/decay channels. || ||