Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of MadAnalysis

Mar 20, 2012, 4:15:58 PM (12 years ago)



  • MadAnalysis

    v1 v1  
     3== MadAnalysis ==
     5=== Authors ===
     7R. Frederix and F. Maltoni   
     9=== Short Description ===
     11 Analysis and plotting routines for LHE and LHCO event files.           
     13=== How to use it ===
     15MadAnalysis is a fortran-based program, that can be used
     16for simple analysis of events and make plots
     17for events both at parton level (Les Houches Format)
     18and PGS4, LHC Olympics format. As a furhter utility a
     19Perl script (combine-pl) is included in the package that
     20combine plots of different event files in one, to ease comparisons.
     22The MadAnalysis package is to be unpacked in the main MG/ME base directory to work!
     24To compile, just type:
     26make restore
     30To make plots of events type
     32./plot_events file.lhe
     37./plot_events file.lhco
     40A file is produced. This is a ASCII file
     41that can be intepreted and/or transformed to a postscript
     42file by topdrawer (that needs to be installed
     45td -d postscript
     48As an alternative, an ascii file that can be read by
     49gnuplot is produced. See the ma_card.dat to set this
     53Event files ARE expected to have either .lhe or .lhco
     56This directory also contains a script, combine-pl, that allows
     57distributions for different event sets to be plotted
     58automatically onto one graph. An example is given
     59in the "script" where plots for events at parton-level
     60and at the PGS level are combined into one set
     61of plots to explicitly see the effects of the detector
     62smearing and resolutions on the typical plots
     63(p_t, eta,...).
     65Plots are normalized as number of events/bin.
     66Events are considered of weight one if unweighted.
     67If weighted (only for lhe files), the unit
     68weight corresponds to the average one.
     69Total cross section is reported in the info box.
     70Total number of events and events falling in the
     71plots are also given.
     73Plots are for classes of particles. Classes
     74are defined in the card file ma_card.dat. The syntax
     75is transparent. Each particle is identified by its PDG code.
     76Classes names are arbitrary.
     77Particles in the same class are ordered in pt, but this
     78can be changed in the file kin_func.f to any other
     79ordering function.
     81So, for instance, by defining:
     83jet  21  1  -1  2  -2  3  -3  4  -4  5  -5
     84lept 11 -11 13 -13 15 -15
     85mET  12 -12 14 -14 16 -16
     87a jet here contains gluons and u,d,s,c,b and their antiparticles.
     88For example, jet(3) is the third jet in pt.
     90mET is the missing energy and its name is reserved.
     92Classes can be edited at will, and given a name that
     93will then appear in the plots (no spaces in the name).
     95There are 13 build-in varables and 12 user-definable
     96variables that can be plotted. These variables can be
     97found in the file kin_func.f. To plot one of these variables
     98put the corresponding name and the particles that you want to
     99plot in the ma_card.dat.
     101Some comments about the plots (format):
     103   1. In the file kin_func.f the functions can be found that can be       
     104   plotted.                                                             
     105   1. With the plotting options one can set the number of plots for each   
     106   of these functions.                                                 
     107   1. One has to specify for each variable which particles from which     
     108   class are used to set the plots. Syntax:                             
     110      et  2 4                                                           
     112   means that the transverse energy of the first four particles in the 
     113   second class will be plotted.                                       
     115     mij 1 3                                                           
     116     mij 2 2                                                           
     118   means that for the invariant mass plots the first three particles   
     119   from the first class and the first two from the second class will be
     120   used to plot the invariant mass of two particles. (10 plots)         
     121   1. The ordering of the particles in a class can be set with the         
     122   'ordering function' in the file kin_func.f.                         
     123   1. Max number of plots is 200.                                         
     125Cuts can be set on the same variables. They can be defined in the
     126same ma_card.dat. The Syntax is transparent.
     128Some comments about the cuts:
     130   1. In the file kin_func.f the functions on which cuts can be applied   
     131   are given.                                                           
     132   1. The syntax is as follows.                                           
     134      etmin 1 3 30d0                                                     
     136    means that from the first class the Et of the first three particles
     137    has to be greater than 30 GeV.                                     
     139     etmissmin 20d0                                                     
     141    means that there must be at least 20 GeV of missing Et             
     143     dRmin 2 1 4 3 3d0                                                 
     145    means that the distance between the first particle in the second   
     146    class and the first three particles in the fourth class has to be   
     147    greater than 3.                                                     
     149     ptmax 1 3 10d0                                                     
     150     ptmax 1 2 15d0
     152    means that the maximum pt of the third particle in the first class 
     153    has to smaller than 10 GeV, and the first two particles of this     
     154    class has to be smaller than 15 GeV                                 
     155   1. The ordering of the particles within a class can be set with the     
     156   'ordering function' in the file kin_func.f.                         
     157   1. For all the 'min' cuts, an event will be thrown away if the particle
     158   does not exist. On the other hand, for all the 'max' cuts the cut   
     159   will be ignored if the particle does not exist                       
     160   (Only dRij is an exception, for which it is the other way around)   
     162=== Questions and Answers ===
     163Not all versions of topdrawer are supported, look [:Software.TopDrawer:here] for more information
     166-- Main.FabioMaltoni - 01 Aug 2007