== !MC4BSM tutorial == The tutorial consists in implementing the so-called ''Hill Model'', described in [http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0603082 hep-ph/0603082], into !MadGraph, and to simulate the full chain down to PGS level events for a sample of ''tt~h'' events at the !LHC. A very brief description of the model can be found [attachment:MC4BSM_FeynRules.pdf here]. * The !MC4BSM [http://particle.physics.ucdavis.edu/workshops/doku.php?id=2009:mc4bsm_wishlist/ website]. === Implementing the model into !FeynRules === [http://feynrules.phys.ucl.ac.be/ FeynRules] is a Mathematica® package that allows the calculation of Feynman rules in momentum space for any !QFT physics model. The Feynman rules calculated by the code can then be used to implement the new physics model into other existing tools, such as MC generators. Usefull material for the tutorial: * A ready-to-go !FeynRules model file for the Hill model: [attachment:HillModel.fr.tar.gz HillModel.fr.tar.gz]. * An example notebook of how to run !FeynRules: [attachment:MC4BSM.nb.tar.gz MC4BSM.nb]. * A short introduction to implementing new models into !FeynRules, and how to run the !MadGraph interface: [attachment:MC4BSM_FeynRules.pdf MC4BSM_FR.pdf]. === Generating parton level events with MG/ME === After the model has been implemented into !FeynRules, it can easily be exported to !MadGraph via the corresponding !FeynRules interface. The model can then be used just like any other built-in !MadGraph model. In this tutorial we use the !FeynRules implementation of the Hill model to generate a sample of ''pp>tt~h1'' events at the !LHC @ 14TeV. * A short introduction of how to import !FeynRules models into MG/ME: [attachment:MG_MC4BSM.pdf MC4BSM_MG.pdf]. === Decaying the BSM particles with BRIDGE === We can use [http://www.lepp.cornell.edu/public/theory/BRIDGE/ BRIDGE] to * Compute the branching ratios and the decay tables for the BSM particles contained in the Hill model. * Decay the ''tt~h1'' final state obtained in the previous step. === Pythis and PGS === Finally, we can run [http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/Pythia.html Pythia] and [http://www.physics.ucdavis.edu/~conway/research/software/pgs/pgs.html PGS] to obtained hadron-level and detector level events. -- Main.ClaudeDuhr - 14 Apr 2009