Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of LoopInducedTimesTree

Aug 30, 2016, 3:29:35 AM (8 years ago)
Valentin Hirschi



  • LoopInducedTimesTree

    v1 v2  
    1 This page describes the technical modifications necessary to compute Loop-Induced processes times tree-level diagrams with MadEvent and the Loop-Induced module of MG5aMC.
    2 Notice that there is no official support for such computation in MG5aMC as of now, so that the procedure below must be performed with care and should be cross-checks in some limits before as we cannot guarantee the same level of reliability as with other MG5aMC functionalities.
    3 It was however already successfully used and tested for g g > h > t t~ g.
     1=== Computing the interference of loop-induced diagrams with a tree-level background with MadEvent in MG5aMC
    5 You can try to adapt this recipe to the latest version of MG5aMC or use directly v2.3.3 for which you should have a one-to-one correspondance with my intstructions.
     3This page describes the technical modifications necessary to compute the interference of loop-induced diagrams with tree-level diagrams using MadEvent and the Loop-Induced module of MG5aMC.
     4Notice that there is as of now '''no official support for such computation in MG5aMC''', so that the procedure below must be performed with care and should be cross-checks in some limits since '''we cannot guarantee the same level of reliability as with other MG5aMC functionalities'''.
     5It was however already successfully used and tested for 'g g > h > t t~ g'  X 'g g > t t~ g'.
     7You can try to adapt this recipe to the latest version of MG5aMC or use directly v2.3.3 for which you should have a one-to-one correspondance with the intstructions.
    13 b) Untar the 'special_loop_sm' UFO loop model file attached to this email and place it in the 'model' directory of your MG distribution. Notice that this model is a simple copy of the default 'loop_sm' model but contains modifications in the file 'CT_vertices' which now contains special 'UVtree' counterterms, which are precisely those which will emulate the QCD background you are interfering against.
     15b) Untar the '[ special_loop_sm]' UFO loop model file attached to this page and place it in the 'model' directory of your MG distribution. Notice that this model is a simple copy of the default 'loop_sm' model but contains modifications in the file 'CT_vertices' which now contains special 'UVtree' counterterms, which are precisely those which will emulate the QCD background you are interfering against.
    1416Have a look at them; they are placed under the comment: