Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of IPMUYITPMCSchool2011

Mar 20, 2012, 4:16:29 PM (12 years ago)



  • IPMUYITPMCSchool2011

    v1 v1  
     3==== [ 2011 IPMU-YITP on Monte Carlo Tools for the LHC], Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, 5-10 Sep 2011 ====
     5=== Authors ===
     7   * Rikkert Frederix (lecturer)
     8   * Claude Duhr (lecturer)
     10=== References ===
     12   * [ QCD and Collider Physics] by Keith Ellis, James Stirling, Bryan Webber (Cambridge Monographs, 1996).
     13   * [ Perspectives on LHC physics, Ed. by G. Kane and A. Pierce].
     14   * [ Pythia 6 Physics and Manual] (excellent introduction to event generation, parton showers and hadronization).
     16=== Exercises 1: Familiarize with Software.MadGraph ===
     18   * Logon to the Software.MadGraph web site and register:
     19   * Register with a valid e-mail address
     20   * Download the latest version of the !MadGraph v5 code from the Dowloads page on the madgraph website.
     21   * Untar it and start the command line interface by executing =./bin/mg5=
     22   * Start the tutorial by typing {{{tutorial}}} in the mg5 command prompt and follow the instruction. Discuss the results with your neighbours.
     24=== Exercises 2: Implement a new model with FeynRules ===
     25   * Read the tutorial sheet [attachment:Tutorial.pdf Tutorial.pdf] and follow the instructions together with your neighbours. If you don't have Mathematica, you can download the model files [attachment:Triplet_Top.tgz here] and jump directly to corresponding section of the tutorial sheet.
     27=== Extra exercises 1: On-line process generation ===
     28   * Use the on-line website to generate a few processes (with different QED + QCD couplings) trying to guess which diagrams appear:
     29      * uu~>tt~
     30      * gg>tt~
     31      * gg>tt~h (in SM and HEFT)
     32      * uu~>tt~bb~
     33   * Subprocess identification. List all subprocesses contributing to:
     34      * pp>l+vljj
     35      * pp>tt~bb~
     36      * pp>tt~jj
     37   * Look at the new physics models and check the particle and interactions content.
     39=== Extra exercises 2: Calculate cross sections and generate events ===
     40   * Generate events for a few selected processes (work in groups, pick one each), for Tevatron and LHC energies. Does the cross section scale as you expect?
     41   * Compare cross sections with the processes of your neighbors. Do they differ as you would expect?
     42   * Look at the generated plots. Are the distributions as you would expect? Discuss with your neighbors.
     44Example processes:
     45   * ttbar production: pp > tt~, QED=0
     46   * W production: pp > l+vl
     47   * Z/gamma* production: pp > e+e-
     48   * g g > H, H > e+ ve mu- vm~ (in HEFT model)
     49   * p p > W+ W-, W+>e+ ve, W- > mu- vm~ (important background to previous process)
     51=== Extra exercises 3: The full simulation chain and advanced features ===
     53Try out the Analysis Tools:
     54   * a Fortran-based package: Software.MadAnalysis ([ Download it here])
     55   * a Root-based package: Software.ExRootAnalysis ([ Download it here])
     57Study SM Higgs production at the LHC. Choose a channel and investigate signal and background, using either of the packages above:
     58   1. The 2 lepton + missing Et final state: %$ pp \to H\to W^+ W^- \to e^- \bar \nu_e \mu^+ \nu_\mu $%
     59   1.
     60      * Signal
     61         * Events: [ Parton Level] || [ Detector Level]
     62         * Plots: [ Parton Level] || [ Detector Level]
     63      * Background
     64         * Events: [ Parton Level] <span style="color: #000000;">|| </span>[ Detector Level]
     65         * Plots: [ Parton Level] <span style="color: #000000;">|| </span>[ Detector Level]
     66   1. Top associated production %$pp \to t\bar tH$% with %$H \to b \bar b$%
     67      * Signal + Background samples:
     68         * Events: [ Parton Level] || [ Detector Level]
     69         * Plots: [ Parton Level] || [ Detector Level]
     71=== Extra exercises 4: Implementation of a new model in !MadGraph or [ FeynRules] + !MadGraph ===
     72   * Implement your favourite Model into !MadGraph using FeynRules, specific for studying a given process. Generate events, study relevant distributions.
     73   * Determine most relevant Standard Model backgrounds with identical final states (&ldquo;non-reducible&rdquo;). If not too complicated, generate backgrounds with cuts determined from signal distributions.
     74   * Which other (&ldquo;reducible&rdquo;) backgrounds might be important?
     75   * Can the signal be seen at Tevatron? At the LHC?
     77==== Animations ====
     78   * [ Interactive Flash version] Note you may want to zoom in!
     79   * [ Fast movie (.avi) of collision]
     80   * [ Guided movie (.mov) of collision]
     81   * [ John Ellis on Daily Show]