Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of HiggsPairProduction

Jun 30, 2014, 3:57:25 PM (11 years ago)



  • HiggsPairProduction

    v36 v37  
    4343== Complete 2HDM ==
    45 We calculated the H bosons pair production through gluon fusion at LO in the Two Higgs Doublet Model, allowing the following 7 final states: hh, hH, HH, hA, HA, AA, H+H- where h (H) stands for the light (heavy) scalar boson and A is the pseudoscalar neutral boson. This model contains the exact form factors at LO for the triangle loop and the box as given in [ arxiv:9603205] [hep-ph] and [ arxiv:9707430] [hep-ph] and includes both contribution of top quark and bottom quark in the loops.
     45We calculate Higgs pair production through gluon fusion at LO and NLO in the Two Higgs Doublet Model, for the following 7 final states: hh, hH, HH, hA, HA, AA, H+H- where h (H) stands for the light (heavy) scalar boson and A is the pseudoscalar neutral boson. Details of the calculation can be found in this paper: arxiv:1407.xxxx
    47 It is important to note that in this model we didn't restrict ourselves to the more constrained MSSM, which means for example that the masses of the 5 new bosons are left as free parameters, as well as all their extended Yukawa coupling to top and bottom quarks (expressed as rescaling factor with respect to their SM value) so that they can be changed at will in the parameter card for any phenomonological study. For convenience we attached here some benchmark param_cards: [attachment:param_cards.tar.gz param_cards]
     47Here we provide the LO codes of MG5_aMC@NLO for every final state: [attachment:h1h1.tar.gz hh], [attachment:h1h2.tar.gz hH], [attachment:h1h3.tar.gz hA], [attachment:h2h2.tar.gz HH], [attachment:h2h3.tar.gz HA], [attachment:h3h3.tar.gz AA], [attachment:hphm.tar.gz H+H-]. The LO calculation codes are based on the form factors for the triangle and the box diagrams, as given in ​arxiv:9603205 [hep-ph] and ​arxiv:9707430 [hep-ph] and have been checked against the 2HDM implementation in the NLOCT package of arXiv:1406.3030.
    49 The corresponding code out of MG5_aMC@NLO can be downloaded here for every final state: [attachment:h1h1.tar.gz hh], [attachment:h1h2.tar.gz hH], [attachment:h1h3.tar.gz hA], [attachment:h2h2.tar.gz HH], [attachment:h2h3.tar.gz HA], [attachment:h3h3.tar.gz AA], [attachment:hphm.tar.gz H+H-]
     49For convenience we also attach the benchmark parameter cards used in arxiv:1407.xxxx: [attachment:param_cards.tar.gz param_cards]. Assistance can be provided to obtain parameter cards for other benchmarks. 
     51NLO codes can also be provided upon request.