Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of HelpSyntax

May 17, 2010, 3:37:07 PM (14 years ago)
Olivier Mattelaer


  • HelpSyntax

    v1 v1  
     1== !MadGraph5 Syntax For generate events ==
     3Compare to MG4 the syntax is basically the same
     6   1. All particles should be separated with a spaces
     8      write this:
     9         w+ > ve e+
     10      and not:
     11         w+>vee+
     13   2. The coupling is specify after the process in the same line
     14      Please note that::
     15        a. Note that contrary to !MG4 the default for the coupling is to infinity
     16        b. couplings are case sensitive
     18      write this:
     19         w+ > ve e+ QED=2
     20      and not:
     21         w+>ve e+ qed=2
     23   3. you can still use the special tag at the end of the process
     24      a. "/" fordids the following particles to appear in the process
     25      b. "$"  fordids the following particles to appear in a S-Channel
     27   4. The syntax for decay chain is different.
     28      a. In !MG5 the production process is separated from the decay by a coma.
     29      b. Each part can be restricted by couplings/ special tag restrictions
     31      write this:
     32         g g > t t~ QED=0 /a, (t > b W+, W+ > l+ vl), t~ >j j j QCD=0
     33      and not:
     34         g g > (t >b (W+ >l+vl))(t~> j j j)     