Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of HEPTOOLS08

Apr 6, 2012, 4:33:02 PM (12 years ago)




    v1 v2  
    66=== Lectures ===
    8 Find  [attachment:maltoni_lectures.pdf here] the pdf of the 4 hour lecture on "Monte Carlo's for the LHC" by Fabio Maltoni.<br>
     8Find  [attachment:maltoni_lectures.pdf here] the pdf of the 4 hour lecture on "Monte Carlo's for the LHC" by Fabio Maltoni.[[br]]
    99Find [ here] a very nice course on QCD and MC by Stefano Frixione.
    2626=== Exercises ===
    28     All exercises proposed here can be "solved" or checked with Software.MadGraph / Software.MadEvent. To familiarize with the code click [:MGFamiliarize:here].
     28    All exercises proposed here can be "solved" or checked with Software.MadGraph / Software.MadEvent. To familiarize with the code click [wiki:MGFamiliarize here].
    31    * [:DeadCone:Radiation from heavy quarks]:  the dead cone in %$e^+e^- \to Q \bar Q g$%.
    32    * [:GluonSpin:Spin of the gluon]:  Vector vs scalar in the  angular correlations of %$ e^+ e^- \to$% 4 jets.
    33    * [:2Jets:Jets] : Di-jet kinematics and rates in pp collisions.
    34    * [:3Jets:3 Jets] : Energy distributions in 3-jet events.
    35    * [:TopDecaySpinCorrelations: Spin correlations in top decay].
    36    * [:tt:top production] : %$t \bar t$% production, Tevatron vs LHC.
    37    * [:SimpleKinematics:Kinematics at the LHC]: single particle quantities.
     31   * [wiki:DeadCone Radiation from heavy quarks]:  the dead cone in $e^+e^- \to Q \bar Q g$.
     32   * [wiki:GluonSpin Spin of the gluon]:  Vector vs scalar in the  angular correlations of $ e^+ e^- \to$ 4 jets.
     33   * [wiki:2Jets Jets] : Di-jet kinematics and rates in pp collisions.
     34   * [wiki:3Jets 3 Jets] : Energy distributions in 3-jet events.
     35   * [wiki:TopDecaySpinCorrelations Spin correlations in top decay].
     36   * [wiki:tt top production] : $t \bar t$ production, Tevatron vs LHC.
     37   * [wiki:SimpleKinematics Kinematics at the LHC]: single particle quantities.
    3939Reference: [ QCD and Collider Physics]
    4747Choose a channel and investigate signal and background:
    49    1. The 4 lepton final state: %$pp \to H\to Z Z \to e^+e^- \mu^+ \mu^-$%
     49   1. The 4 lepton final state: $pp \to H\to Z Z \to e^+e^- \mu^+ \mu^-$
    5050      * Signal
    5151         * Events:  [ Parton Level] [ Detector Level]
    5454         * Events:  [ Parton Level] [ Detector Level]
    5555<!--         * Plots: [ Parton Level] [ Detector Level] -->
    56    1. The 2 lepton + missing Et final state: %$pp \to H\to W^+ W^- \to e^- \bar \nu_e \mu^+ \nu_\mu $%
     56   1. The 2 lepton + missing Et final state: $pp \to H\to W^+ W^- \to e^- \bar \nu_e \mu^+ \nu_\mu $
    5757      * Signal
    5858         * Events:  [ Parton Level] [ Detector Level]
    6161         * Events:  [ Parton Level] [ Detector Level]
    6262<!--         * Plots: [ Parton Level] [ Detector Level]  -->
    63    1. Top associated production %$pp \to t\bar tH$% with %$H \to b \bar b$%
     63   1. Top associated production $pp \to t\bar tH$ with $H \to b \bar b$
    6464      *  Signal + Background samples:
    6565         * Events:  [ Parton Level] [attachment:ttbb.lhco.gz Detector Level]
    8282Useful extra information:
    83    * In the plots %$H_T=\sum ||p_T^{vis}|| + E_T^{miss}$%.
     83   * In the plots $H_T=\sum ||p_T^{vis}|| + E_T^{miss}$.
    8484   * A SM-like  Z' would decay (more or less democratically) into: jet jet (uu~,cc~,dd~,ss~,bb~), t tbar (tt~), lept+lept- (e+e-,mu+mu-,ta+ta-), neutrino anti-neutrino (ve ve~,vm vm~,vt vt~). It could also have couplings to SM W and Z, and in that case would decay in to ZZ and W+W-.
    8585   * An Higgs couple to particles with a strength which is proportional to the particle masses. A SM-like  heavy H would decay in to t tbar (tt~), W+W-, ZZ.   