Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Frascati

Apr 6, 2012, 4:33:02 PM (12 years ago)



  • Frascati

    v1 v2  
    2222=== Going NLO ===
    24    1. pp>H at LO (1-loop): details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [attachment:HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb]
    25    1. pp>H at NLO: details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [attachment:HiggsGG-NLO.nb higgsGG-NLO.nb]
    26    1. pp>H at NLO: cross section evaluation for the LHC (Mathematica Notebook+PDF libraries to be compiled) [attachment:phenHiggs.tar.gz phenHiggs.tar.gz].
     24   1. pp>H at LO (1-loop): details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [attachment:HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb]
     25   1. pp>H at NLO: details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) [attachment:HiggsGG-NLO.nb higgsGG-NLO.nb]
     26   1. pp>H at NLO: cross section evaluation for the LHC (Mathematica Notebook+PDF libraries to be compiled) [attachment:phenHiggs.tar.gz phenHiggs.tar.gz].
    2828A summary of the results can be found in [attachment:Higgs.pdf Higgs.pdf].
    3030=== Selected exercises on QCD that can be solved with a Matrix Element generator. ===
    32    * [:DeadCone:Radiation from heavy quarks]: the dead cone in %$e^+e^- \to Q \bar Q g$%.
    33    * [:GluonSpin:Spin of the gluon]: Vector vs scalar in the angular correlations of %$ e^+ e^- \to$% 4 jets.
    34    * [:2Jets:Jets] : Di-jet kinematics and rates in pp collisions.
    35    * [:3Jets:3 Jets] : Energy distributions in 3-jet events in pp collisions.
    36    * [:tt:top production] : %$t \bar t$% production, Tevatron vs LHC.
    37    * [:WAsymm:Drell-Yan]: rapidity asymmetry at the Tevatron and LHC.
    38    * [:TopDecaySpinCorrelations: Spin correlations in top decay], by [ Bryan Webber].
     32   * [wiki:DeadCone Radiation from heavy quarks]: the dead cone in $e^+e^- \to Q \bar Q g$.
     33   * [wiki:GluonSpin Spin of the gluon]: Vector vs scalar in the angular correlations of $ e^+ e^- \to$ 4 jets.
     34   * [wiki:2Jets Jets] : Di-jet kinematics and rates in pp collisions.
     35   * [wiki:3Jets 3 Jets] : Energy distributions in 3-jet events in pp collisions.
     36   * [wiki:tt top production] : $t \bar t$ production, Tevatron vs LHC.
     37   * [wiki:WAsymm Drell-Yan]: rapidity asymmetry at the Tevatron and LHC.
     38   * [wiki:TopDecaySpinCorrelations Spin correlations in top decay], by [ Bryan Webber].
    4040=== Monte Carlo integration ===
    4444=== LHC Phenomenology ===
    46    * [:DiscoverTheHiggs:SM Higgs discovery at the LHC]: Three important channels
    47    * [:WarmingUpChallenge:Simple Black Boxes]: New gauge bosons
     46   * [wiki:DiscoverTheHiggs SM Higgs discovery at the LHC]: Three important channels
     47   * [wiki:WarmingUpChallenge Simple Black Boxes]: New gauge bosons
    4949=== How to familiarize with Software.MadGraph ===
    5353   * Logon to the Software.MadGraph web site and register.
    55    * Familiarize with the code by generating a few processes in QED and QCD trying to guess which diagrams appear. What is the minimum number of jets have to be asked for in %$e^+e^-$% collisions so that the triple gauge vertex appear?
     55   * Familiarize with the code by generating a few processes in QED and QCD trying to guess which diagrams appear. What is the minimum number of jets have to be asked for in $e^+e^-$ collisions so that the triple gauge vertex appear?
    5757   * Look at the new physics models and check the particle and interactions content.
    5959   * Generate events for a few selected processes and look at the plots:
    60       * ttbar production with decays: pp>tt~>bb~mu+e-ve~vm
    61       * VV production: pp>VV> leptons, with V=Z,W.
    62       * Single top + Higgs: pp>tHj (QCD=0, QED=3, j=gudsc,p=gudscb). Show that there is a large negative interference between the diagrams
     60      * ttbar production with decays: pp>tt~>bb~mu+e-ve~vm
     61      * VV production: pp>VV> leptons, with V=Z,W.
     62      * Single top + Higgs: pp>tHj (QCD=0, QED=3, j=gudsc,p=gudscb). Show that there is a large negative interference between the diagrams
    6464-- Main.FabioMaltoni - 05 May 2010