Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DevelopmentPage/TimeSchedule

Feb 11, 2010, 5:33:00 PM (15 years ago)
Michel Herquet



  • DevelopmentPage/TimeSchedule

    v1 v1  
     1= Time Schedule =
     3== Milestone 0.3.0 dawn ==
     5=== Team organization ===
     71) amplitude: everything related to amplitude writing (HELAS code), to be developed by Tim and Johan
     92) color: everything related to color calculations, to be developed by Fabio and Michel
     113) drawing: everything related to diagram drawing, to be developed by Olivier (in collaboration with Tim)
     134) process-devel: all improvement related to diagram generation (multiprocesses, fixed orders, ...), to be developed by everybody, maintained by Johand and Michel
     15=== Possible schedule ===
     17week 1: 16-20 Nov: since at least Fabio and Johan are absent, next week should be mainly dedicated to some preparatory work (planning game to share the work on Monday, definition of the problems, ideas about object structures, ...)
     19Skype meeting Friday Nov 20 at 3:30PM Brussels tim, be there!
     21week 2: 23-27 Nov: test writing to define clearly the objectives + pair programming as much as possible to achieve first goals
     23week 3: 30-4 Dec: pair programming as much as possible to achieve first goals
     25Intermediate report to everybody (at least: goals, tests, code structure and first results) on Tuesday Dec 8
     27week 4: 7-11 Dec: possible refactoring following the intermediate report + pair programming
     29week 5: 14-18 Dec: pair programming, again, and polishing. Final sprint: all tests should pass on Friday 18th.
     31Final report to everybody of Friday 18th
     33week 6: 21-23 Dec: beginning of the review process
     35week 7: 4-9 Jan: end of the review process + final commits for all branches + final merge on Thursday/Friday (full time work).
     37Ultimate goal, milestone 0.3.0 released on Monday Jan 11…
     39== Milestone 0.2.0 diagramatica ==
     41Finished Oct. 28th (J+M), Reviewed Nov. 5th (T+F), Released Nov. 5th (M)
     43== Milestone 0.1.0 framework ==
     45Finished Oct. 7th (M+O), Reviewed Oct. 14th (J), Released Oct. 14th (M)