Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of DevelopmentPage/PlanningGame

Feb 12, 2010, 3:09:16 PM (15 years ago)
Michel Herquet



  • DevelopmentPage/PlanningGame

    v1 v2  
    66Don't change ratings after having started the actual work. It will be used to check prediction accuracy for the next round.
    8 == User stories (next milestone 0.3.0) ==
     8== User stories (next milestone 0.4.0) ==
    1010|| Short name || Rating || Who ? || Description
    1212|| non squared amp || * || T+J || The user can get amplitudes for certain processes, not only squared amplitudes (required for NLO purposes) ||
    1313|| interference terms || ** || T+J || (Connected to non squared amp item) Calculate two amplitudes with the same initial and final state but different couplings/orders and generate a matrix.f that returns the interference. Necessary for NLO. ||
    14 || diagram drawing || *** || O+T || For any diagram object, mg5 renders a graph associated to it and outputs the result in (at least) eps/pdf/jpg ||
    15 || save amps || * || T+J || All the generated amplitudes are saved using a proprietary format which can be read back. ||
    16 || export amps || *** || T+J || The generated amplitudes are exported to various formats which can be read by ME/Pythia8/... ||
    17 || color || *** || F+M || Given a specific diagram, with specific vertices and particles, MG computes the color contribution by contracting the various color "strings" ||
    1814|| color-ordered amplitudes || ** || F+J || Modify the diagram generation to compute the color-ordered amplitudes : keep the cyclic order of the external legs fixed. Feynman rules are without color and slightly different (NB does not need color to be implemented!). This algorithm should scale as 3.8 to the n. Number of diagrams per n gluons amplitudes available in Table 1. of hep-ph/0209271. Implementation idea (JA): Specify combination method in model. ||
    19 || save diagrams || * || M || The generated diagrams are saved with a specific proprietary format. ||
    2015|| test cmdline || * || O || The cmd_interface module can be tested! ||
    21 || multiprocesses || ** || J+T || Multiparticle labels and multiple processes. Identical processes are grouped in an efficient way. Possibility to run multiprocess generation in parallel? ||
    22 || orders || ** || M+J || User can enter max order for diagram generation ||
     16|| decay chains || ** || J || Definition of decay chains. Optionally, used could be allowed to define whether the decay should be done in the matrix element or factorized to save time. ||
     17|| memory and time profiling and optimization || ** || J+M || Time and memory profiling should be done, to find possible simple improvements. In particular memory might be(come) crucial for generation of e.g. pp > X jjjj and similar multiprocesses with huge numbers of diagrams. ||
    2419== User stories (future milestones) ==
    2823|| initial checks || ** || Setup a list of consistency checks on the process requested that have to be fulfilled in order to have a non-zero results. An example is e+e- > n gluons which now runs very slowly. The logic is check what you can get out of e+e- > a, e g > 0, g g > g, e+ e- g > 0, g g g > g and more up to highest vertex possible in the model. This generates a list of procs with a smaller set of external state. Then one iterates with the results until you end up with a number of legs which is of the same number of verteces in the theory. At this point is easy to check if you have a possibility… Johan, in fact the crucial difference here compared to normal diagram generation is that we don't assign number to external legs. So indeed for multi gluon/photon final states it's a big improvment. But for all other processes it's minor. ||
    2924|| inline usrmod || ** || Inside the command line, the user can add/remove/modify particle, parameter and interaction lists interactively, and the model as a whole is modified accordingly (i.e., if a particle is removed, all associated interactions/parameters should also be removed). All features of usrmod2 are available.||
    30 || save model || * || All the model content is saved using a proprietary format which can be read back. ||
    3125|| export model || *** || The current model is exported to various formats which can be read by ME/Pythia8/... ||
    3226|| process input v4 || * || MG5 reads proc_card.dat with v4 format. ||
    33 || decay chains || ** || Definition of decay chains. Optionally, used could be allowed to define whether the decay should be done in the matrix element or factorized to save time. ||
    34 || memory and time profiling and optimization || ** || Time and memory profiling should be done, to find possible simple improvements. In particular memory might be(come) crucial for generation of e.g. pp > X jjjj and similar multiprocesses with huge numbers of diagrams. ||
    3527|| replace particles in diagrams || ** || Corresponding to the "replace" script: replace particles in processes, assuming identical diagrams (but not necessarily identical interactions). Useful in particular for l+l-/lvl+jets production, where it would save LOTS of time to just generate for one species of lepton and then replace with all species of leptons (or quarks, for ttbar production!). ||
    4537|| process input || * || 0.2.0 || Michel || The user can enter a well defined process request, using the command line interface.||
    4638|| bug with w+/- || * || 0.2.0 || Johan || Fix the bug giving 4 diagrams for t e- > ve b ||
     39|| diagram drawing || *** || 0.3.0 || O+T || For any diagram object, mg5 renders a graph associated to it and outputs the result in (at least) eps/pdf/jpg ||
     40|| save amps || * || T+J || 0.3.0 || All the generated amplitudes are saved using a proprietary format which can be read back. ||
     41|| export amps || *** || T+J || 0.3.0 || The generated amplitudes are exported to various formats which can be read by ME/Pythia8/... ||
     42|| color || *** || F+M || 0.3.0 || Given a specific diagram, with specific vertices and particles, MG computes the color contribution by contracting the various color "strings" ||
     43|| save diagrams || * || J || 0.3.0 || The generated diagrams are saved with a specific proprietary format. ||
     44|| multiprocesses || ** || J+T || 0.3.0 || Multiparticle labels and multiple processes. Identical processes are grouped in an efficient way. Possibility to run multiprocess generation in parallel? ||
     45|| orders || ** || M+J || 0.3.0 || User can enter max order for diagram generation ||
     46|| save model || * || J || 0.3.0 || All the model content is saved using a proprietary format which can be read back. ||