Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of DevelopmentPage/PlanningGame

May 20, 2010, 4:03:27 PM (14 years ago)
Olivier Mattelaer



  • DevelopmentPage/PlanningGame

    v11 v12  
    55Three stars: Very hard and/or we do not know how to do it. Consider splitting into smaller stories.
    66Don't change ratings after having started the actual work. It will be used to check prediction accuracy for the next round.
    7 == User stories (next milestones 0.4.1 - 0.5.0) ==
     7== User stories (next milestones 0.4.2 - 0.5.0) ==
    99|| Short name || Rating || Who ? || Description
    1010|| automatic comparison of matrix elements with MG4 || ** || M || Scripts for running automatic comparison of the matrix elements for a set of processes between MG4 and MG5 ||
    11 || MG5 on the Web || ** || O || Possibility to choose MG5 instead of MG4 for the Web interface. Make sure also MG5-style decay chain syntax is supported! ||
    12 || test cmdline || * || O || Possibility to test the cmd_interface module. ||
    1311|| C++ output || * || J || Generation of matrix element files and Helas calls in C++ ||
    1412|| Pythia 8 process interface || ** || J || Generation of matrix elements for Pythia 8 ||
    5755|| MG4->MG5 proc_card || ** || 0.4.0 || O || Translation of the MG4 proc_card into cmd_interface calls for MG5. ||
    5856|| history || * || 0.4.0 || O || Possibility to see the history of command and to write those in a files.
     57|| MG5 on the Web || ** || 0.4.1 || O || Possibility to choose MG5 instead of MG4 for the Web interface. Make sure also MG5-style decay chain syntax is supported! ||
     58|| test cmdline || * || 0.4.1 || O || Possibility to test the cmd_interface module. ||
    6061== User stories (discarded/postponed indefinitely) ==