= Public release of MadGraph5 v2.0 including aMC@NLO = List below the different points which __necessarily__ need to be adressed before the public release of MadGraph5 v2.0. When editing the above, please try to stick to the self-explanatory conventions (Syntax, fixed numbering and placement in the right section when fixed). == Open issues == 2 | O.M | Generate command autocompletion:: Update the autocompletion for the loop functionalities of the generate command. '''[ ? ] ?.? |''' Comment 3 | V.H | Tracking of unstable points in MadFKS:: For now simply from the IR cancellation test. At the end of a run, it should give their number versus the total number of calls to the virtual as well as writing out the first ten (with the renormalization scale used) in a log file like 'UPS.log' in the G* folder. MZ: DONE 4 | O.M. | Generate some html output for checking the generation of the fortran code and of the output. :: '''[ ? ] ?.? |''' Comment 5 | O.M. | Have a nice error/treatment if fast jet is missing:: MZ: DONE (r341) 6 | O.M. | Explaining how to launch the shower (and the point for the counter-term in the tutorial:: MZ: DONE (r343) 7 | O.M. | add process crash in MC@NLO (if no generate are done before):: MZ: DONE (r341) 8 | M.Z. | param_card updates do not affect results == Fixed issues == 1 | R.F | Default coupling orders at NLO:: Change the default chosen coupling order configuration for processes which can have mixed order contributions at LO already. Typically, one wants p p > t t~ [QCD] to return only contributions with QED = 0. '''[ Fixed ] V.H. |''' Now in the case proposed above, it will inform the user that the configuration (QED=0,QCD=*) is chosen and warns that additional contributions of configuration (QED=2,QCD=*) are detected but discarded. == == = Development issues and strategies = === The "end" of version 4, the early "beginning" of version 5 === '''When''' do we freeze MG/ME v4? 1st October 2009, right after MG meeting '''What do we include''' in the frozen v4? 1. lhapdf will be in. 1. proto CKKW matching. Only initial state are in. Final state will be there. 1. FR models + USRMOD2 will be in. Old models will be moved in a subdir of Models/ called Legacy/ + give the possibility to use old param_card.dat ? An email to the whole team to fix details. '''What kind of modification will be allowed''' ? 1. Any new model (FR compatible) 1. Any other modification can be released as downloadable patches to "protect" the code. '''MG@NLO''' stuff will be developed on top of the frozen in v4 and added to v5 when ready. '''MG4Pythia''': considered as a side project anyway, especially if the only public thing to release is a 2>2 process library, not the code to produce it (which is much more v5 in the philosophy). Johan will be in charge for the wrapping script, Tim will help for possible modifications to MG or HELAS required to produce off shell final state particles. === Yellow Sheet (OLD) === This is the official list of proposed improvements/developments. Some of them are prioritized. * YellowSheet : This is the historical name of the todo list for Mad developers. === Comments and meeting minutes === * 2 Aug 2007 - GRID oriented developments * 31 Jul 2007 - [attachment:brain.pdf brain.pdf]: Slides of Brainstorming session held at UCL * 31 Jul 2007- [wiki:DorianComments Comments & suggestions] by Dorian Kcira === Sanity check for a modification of MadGraph === * TestProgram: This page present how to use (and also implement) the test of the different code of MadGraph === A long term project for MadGraph: version 5 ??? === * [attachment:v4tov5_plan.pdf v4tov5_plan.pdf]: v4 to v5 scattered thoughts * ["MadGraph5"]: ideas/proposal for the v5 of MadGraph (full Python) * ["MadEvent5"]: ideas/proposal for the v5 of MadEvent (Python + gfortran) * ["MadGraph++"] (old version, first thoughts)