Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DevelopmentArea

May 3, 2012, 5:26:44 PM (12 years ago)



  • DevelopmentArea

    v1 v1  
     3== Development Area ==
     5Please use these pages as a "scratch" notebook to report status and eventual problems related to your process generation. If not yet done, please create "your" page by clicking on the interrogation mark. Feel free to organize your page as you want (and to add links, plots, ...), but avoid creating additional pages if not absolutely needed. Please also update your status on this page on a regular basis (started, ongoing generation, first generation finished, game over, ...)
     7=== Grid package  ===
     9   * [wiki:GridDevelopment  Grid Development ]
     11=== Work distribution ===
     13   * [wiki:OnlyJets Only jets] and [wiki:Photons Photons + jets]: Johan
     14   * [wiki:GaugeBosons 1,2 and 3 Gauge bosons + jets]: Loic & Nicolas
     15   * [wiki:GaugeBosonsHeavyQuarks Gauge bosons + pair of heavy quarks + jets]: Pierre & Olivier
     16   * [wiki:Top Top + jets]: Julien
     17   * [wiki:Higgs Higgs +jets]: Rik + Marco
     19   * Michel ( cluster support and user support
     20   * Simon ( supervision on matching parameters choices and validation with Software.MatchChecker
     22=== Status summary ===
     26   * [wiki:OnlyJets Only jets] and [wiki:Photons Photons + jets]: Starts soon
     27   * [wiki:GaugeBosons 1,2 and 3 Gauge bosons + jets]: W+ et W- (0,1,2,3jet) OK; Z/a* (0,1,2,3 jets) OK; Z>vv waiting for news; a (1,2,3 jets OK, error for 0jet, two much diagram for 4jets)
     28   * [wiki:GaugeBosonsHeavyQuarks Gauge bosons + pair of heavy quarks + jets]: Waiting new cuts on fynu cluster
     29   * [wiki:Top Top + jets]: tt+njets: LHE files done, HEP files done. Comparison between "default" and "gridpack".
     30   * [wiki:Higgs Higgs +jets]: In progress...
     32==== Phase 1 ====
     34    In this phase we validate the basic processes:
     36   * W,Z + jets : Loic & Nicolas   
     37   * VV samples + jets : Pierre & Olivier . Note: here we try to define the samples in a smart way based on the number of charged leptons in the final state.
     38   * tt+ jets : Julien .
     39   * H+ jets (HEFT) : Rik and Marco
     41=== How to? ===
     43There are several points to follow in order to do things fast and safely:
     45   * The Madevent events have to be produced with the web interface (of course)
     46   * In order to save place on the data storage of MadGraph, the pythia step will be performed on the fynu storage mass
     47   * At the adress /nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/test, a directory MG_ME contains everything to perform the pythia step:
     49The arborescence is MG_ME and then the directory Wplus, Wminus, ttbar and Z. In one of these there is the directory Events where all .lhe have to be stored. The easiest and cleanest way is maybe to put thel in separate dir like 0jet, 1jet...etc...
     51Knowing this, how to do things? The proposed solution is:
     53   * Download all LHE files from the web in the corresponding directory and choose a cool name for each. The possibility is for example KindOfProcess_JetMuliplicity_xqcut_NumberOfTheFile. For example: '''wplus_2jet_10_5.lhe'''. Of course, the corresponding .hep file (pythia output) should have the samme name, except the extension.
     54   * In the process directory, there is the perl script that will read the list of files liste.txt containing the adress of all your samples (ex: 2jet/wplus_2jet_10_5.lhe). It produces a shell script: script.dat. This script will perform pythia over each of the lhe file accordind to the pythia card you have choosen
     55   * The pythia_card.dat has to be put in the process directory and indicated in the perl script
     56   * perl
     57   * chmod u+x script.dat
     58   * ./script.dat
     60This will execute in a serial way pythia on each sample. This will take a bit of time, maybe a few hour in all a production.
     62=== Common parameters to use ===
     64   * PDF: CTEQ6L1 -> final PDF to use!
     65   * fact. and ren. scale: F
     67=== Clusters status ===
     68   * [ UCL cluster] : %BLUE% Up and running %ENDCOLOR%
     69   * [ UIUC cluster] : %BLUE% Up and running %ENDCOLOR%
     70   * [ Roma cluster] : %RED% Down (FS Problems) %ENDCOLOR% 
     71   * [ FYNU cluster] : %BLUE% Up and running %ENDCOLOR% (Warning: test cluster for the grid version)
     73=== Useful links ===
     75   * Software.MatchChecker
     76   * Software.MadGraph4Grid
     78=== Status of the production ===
     79   * Friday 8th february
     81-- Main.OlivierMattelaer - 25 Jan 2008