Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of ComplexMassScheme

Aug 12, 2015, 9:12:47 PM (10 years ago)
Valentin Hirschi



  • ComplexMassScheme

    v2 v3  
     4=== Basic Syntax Rules ===
     6   * Use a ">" to separate the initial state particle(s) from the final state ones.
     8   * Initial state can be one (decay) or two (scattering) particles.
     10   * Use " x x > [[span(z,style=color: #990099;)]] > y y y " form to require particle [[span(z,style=color: #990099;)]] to appear in a s-channel intermediate state (not recommended due to gauge invariance).
     12   * Use " x x > y y y $ [[span(z,style=color: #990099;)]]" form to forbid particle [[span(z,style=color: #990099;)]] from appearing in a s-channel intermediate state (not recommended due to gauge invariance).
     14   * Use " x x > y y y / [[span(z,style=color: #990099;)]]" form to exclude particle [[span(z,style=color: #990099;)]] to appear as internal particle in any diagram.
     16   * Use comma to specify decay chains. For instance "x x > Z W, Z >y y, W > k k" means "x x > Z W" where Z then decays to yy and W to kk.
     17   * Coupling orders are automatically detected to generate the leading order processes. To explicitly specify coupling orders, add them after the process on the same line:[[br]]x x > y y y / z QCD=0[[br]]x x > Z W QED=2, Z > y y, W > k k[[br]]Note that if a coupling order is omitted, it defaults to infinity (or, for restricted couplings such as HIG in the HEFT model, to the restricted value).
     18   * Use the multi-label "p" to indicate a proton or an anti-proton.[[br]] The symbol "p~" does not exist. In fact the type of initial state (pp or ppbar or parton-parton fixed energy) is specified later, during the run, in the run_card.dat.[[br]]The multi-lable "j" suggests a final-state jet.
     19   * Note that the syntax for MadGraph 5 differs slightly from previous versions: a space (" ") is required between particle names, and the decay chain syntax has been upgraded to a more powerful syntax which allows better control of the different processes.
     21=== Process Examples ===
     23|| '''PROCESS''' || '''Sample Diagram''' || '''Notes''' ||