Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Cargese

Mar 20, 2012, 4:17:11 PM (12 years ago)



  • Cargese

    v1 v1  
     3== [  Signaling the Arrival of the LHC Era] <br /><br /> Top Quark Physics at the LHC ==
     5=== Authors ===
     7   * Fabio Maltoni (lecturer)
     9=== Lectures ===
     11Find the pdf of the 2 x 1.5h lectures [attachment:cargese_lectures_top.pdf here]
     13=== References ===
     15   * [ QCD and Collider Physics] by Keith Ellis, James Stirling, Bryan Webber (Cambridge Monographs, 1996). General introduction QCD. The section on top is an easy and efficient reading to learn the basics.
     17   * [ Top physics at the LHC], by Beneke et al. : A complete document, though a bit outdated, that covers many of the interestings studies that will be performed at the LHC. A very useful reference.
     19   * [ Top Physics at the LHC], by Werner Bernreuther : A nice and up-to-date overview on top physics at the LHC. It has also a complete reference list that can be used for further studies.
     21   * [ Top mass definition], by M. Smith and S.Willenbrock. This is an easy and very clear discussion that it will make you appreciate the subtleties associated to a meaningful definition of a mass of a quark.
     23=== Exercises ===
     27   * [:TopWidth:Top width]: Calculate the width of the top quark.
     28   * [:DeadCone:Radiation from heavy quarks]: the dead cone in %$e^+e^- \to Q \bar Q g$%.
     29   * [:TopDecaySpinCorrelations: W+ polarization in top decays].
     33   * [:tt:top production] : %$t \bar t$% production and single top at Tevatron vs LHC.
     34   * [:scalar:scalar vs fermion top cross sections at hadron colliders] : Compare the production of scalar and fermion heavy color triplets in hadron collisions.
     35   * [:SpinCorr:Spin Correlations in top production]
     37=== Light material on the heaviest quark ===
     39   * Movies
     40      * [ Interactive Flash version] Note you may want to zoom in!
     41      * [ Fast movie (.avi) of collision]
     42      * [ Guided movie (.mov) of collision]
     43   * Review
     44      * [attachment:heavyweight.pdf Secrets of a heavyweight], by Kurt Riesselmann.
     46=== Familiarize with Software.MadGraph ===
     48A brief tutorial on Software.MadGraph / Software.MadEvent can be found [attachment:mad-tutorial.pdf here].
     50   * Logon to the Software.MadGraph web site and register:
     51   * Familiarize with the code by generating a few processes in QED + QCD trying to guess which diagrams appear.
     52   * Look at the new physics models and check the particle and interactions content.
     53   * Generate events for a few selected processes and look at the plots:
     54      * ttbar production with decays: pp&gt;tt~&gt;bb~mu+e-ve~vm
     55      * Single top + Higgs: pp&gt;tHj (QCD=0, QED=3, j=gudsc,p=gudscb). Show that there is a large negative interference between the diagrams.
     57Analysis Tools
     59   * a Fortran-based package: Software.MadAnalysis ([ Download it here])
     60   * a Mathematica-based package: [ Chameleon].
     62=== MC101 ===
     64For those interested in Monte Carlo techniques, here is a short Mathematica course with applications to top physics:
     66   * Write the simplest integration function based on the definition of average and error
     67   * Importance sampling via an analytic transformation
     68   * Von Neumann's rejection method : plain and improved
     69   * Phase space for 1 -&gt; n particles
     70   * Vegas
     71   * Top decay : comparison among the various methods
     72   * qq -&gt; tt production
     74All exercises are presented and solved this Mathematica Notebook: [attachment:mc101. mc101.nb]. Reference: [ Introduction to MC methods], by [ Stefan Weinzierl]
     76-- Main.FabioMaltoni - 2010-07-21