Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of BUSSTEPP
- Timestamp:
- Aug 28, 2018, 3:01:18 PM (7 years ago)
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v1 v2 18 18 19 19 20 == = Supporting material ===20 == Supporting material == 21 21 22 22 The course includes tests, simple exercises, fully worked out numerical calculations/simulations, and a complete and easy-to-use series of mathematica notebooks which allow the computation at next-to-leading order accuracy of the total production cross section of a Higgs boson in gluon-gluon fusion at the 23 23 LHC 24 24 25 -----26 25 27 26 27 ===== Tests and exercises ===== 28 29 [attachment:BUSSTEP-Exercises.pdf Exercises] 28 30 29 31 32 ==== Pheno applications ==== 30 33 31 [attachment:QCD-GGI-2017.pdf QCD Exercises] 32 33 ----- 34 35 36 We provide here complementary material to the lectures that can used by students to verify their understanding of the basic concepts. 37 38 39 ===== LHC Phenomenology ===== 40 41 * [wiki:DiscoverTheHiggs SM Higgs discovery at the LHC]: Three important channels 42 * [wiki:WarmingUpChallenge Simple Black Boxes]: New gauge bosons 43 34 1. DIS quarks : fermions vs scalars (Mathematica Notebook) [attachment:DIS_quark_fermionVSscalar.nb DIS_quark_fermionVSscalar.nb] 35 1. W spin correlations (Mathematica Notebook) [attachment:wspincorr.nb wspincorr.nb] 36 1. Exercises (Mathematica Notebook) [attachment:exercises.nb exercises.nb] 44 37 45 38 ==== Higgs production at the LHC : A case study ==== … … 51 44 The original paper by Sally Dawson on the NLO calculation can be found [attachment:dawson_ggh_nlo.pdf here] and a note of the calculation results can be found in [ here]. 52 45 46 ===== Hands On LHC Phenomenology ===== 47 48 * [wiki:DiscoverTheHiggs SM Higgs discovery at the LHC]: Three important channels 49 * [wiki:WarmingUpChallenge Simple Black Boxes]: New gauge bosons 53 50 54 51 ==== Bibliography ====