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21 |
22 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
23 | Cell["Phenomenology of pp\[Rule]H+X at NLO", "Title"],
24 |
25 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
26 |
27 | Cell["Introduction", "Section"],
28 |
29 | Cell[TextData[{
30 | StyleBox["In this notebook we calculate the inclusive cross section for \
31 | Higgs production at hadron colliders, at NLO in the strong coupling. We use \
32 | the analytic results obtained in a previous notebook corresponding to the \
33 | original calculation by Sally Dawson (Nuclear Physics B (1991) 283). To get \
34 | useful numbers we use a modern set of PDF, i.e. the MRST as implemented in ",
35 | FontSize->16],
36 | StyleBox["Mathematica",
37 | FontSize->16,
38 | FontSlant->"Italic"],
39 | StyleBox[" by J.Andersen (many thanks!). A description of the calculation, \
40 | including the formulas used here for the numerical results, is given in the \
41 | notes.",
42 | FontSize->16]
43 | }], "Text"]
44 | }, Open ]],
45 |
46 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
47 |
48 | Cell["Preliminaries", "Section"],
49 |
50 | Cell["\<\
51 | Off[General::spell];
52 | Off[General::spell1];
53 | Clear[\"Global`*\"];\
54 | \>", "Input"],
55 |
56 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
57 |
58 | Cell["Install Vegas", "Subsection"],
59 |
60 | Cell["\<\
61 | I use the Vegas package of CUBA library of T. Hahn (hep-ph/0404043). If you \
62 | do not want to use it, use NIntegrate instead of Vegas\
63 | \>", "Text"],
64 |
65 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
66 |
67 | Cell[BoxData[
68 | RowBox[{
69 | RowBox[{
70 | "Install", "[", "\"\</Users/fabiomaltoni/Physics/Codes/CUBA/VegasX\>\"",
71 | "]"}],
72 | RowBox[{
73 | "Install", "[", "\"\</Users/fabiomaltoni/Physics/Codes/CUBA/SuaveX\>\"",
74 | "]"}]}]], "Input"],
75 |
76 | Cell[BoxData[
77 | FormBox[
78 | RowBox[{
79 | StyleBox[
80 | RowBox[{"LinkOpen", "::", "linke"}], "MessageName"],
81 | RowBox[{
82 | ":", " "}], "\<\"\[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"\\\\\\\"Could not find \
83 | MathLink executable\\\\\\\"\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak]. \
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85 | ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/LinkOpen/linke\\\", \
86 | ButtonNote -> \\\"LinkOpen::linke\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message",\
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101 | ButtonNote -> \\\"LinkOpen::linke\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message",\
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105 |
106 | Cell[BoxData[
107 | FormBox[
108 | SuperscriptBox["$Failed", "2"], TraditionalForm]], "Output",
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110 | 3.692598560229701*^9, 3.692600928162171*^9}]
111 | }, Open ]]
112 | }, Open ]],
113 |
114 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
115 |
116 | Cell["Call special graphics routines", "Subsection"],
117 |
118 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
119 |
120 | Cell["\<\
121 | << Graphics`Colors`;
122 | << Graphics`Graphics`;\
123 | \>", "Input"],
124 |
125 | Cell[BoxData[
126 | FormBox[
127 | RowBox[{
128 | StyleBox[
129 | RowBox[{"Get", "::", "noopen"}], "MessageName"],
130 | RowBox[{
131 | ":", " "}], "\<\"Cannot open \
132 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"\\\\\\\"Graphics`Colors`\\\\\\\"\\\", \
133 | TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak]. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \
134 | ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
135 | ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/noopen\\\", ButtonNote -> \
136 | \\\"Get::noopen\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
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138 | 3.692598560342369*^9, 3.692600928264494*^9}],
139 |
140 | Cell[BoxData[
141 | FormBox[
142 | RowBox[{
143 | StyleBox[
144 | RowBox[{"Get", "::", "noopen"}], "MessageName"],
145 | RowBox[{
146 | ":", " "}], "\<\"Cannot open \
147 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"\\\\\\\"Graphics`Graphics`\\\\\\\"\\\", \
148 | TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak]. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \
149 | ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
150 | ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/noopen\\\", ButtonNote -> \
151 | \\\"Get::noopen\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
152 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597281174869*^9, 3.692597370755665*^9,
153 | 3.692598560342369*^9, 3.692600928322658*^9}]
154 | }, Open ]]
155 | }, Open ]],
156 |
157 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
158 |
159 | Cell["Install PDF'S: for help read the PDF-HOWTO document", "Subsection"],
160 |
161 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
162 |
163 | Cell[BoxData[{
164 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "\"\<~/DropBox/GGI/GGHiggs/Jeppe\>\"",
165 | "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
166 | RowBox[{"Install", "[", "\"\<pdf.exe\>\"", "]"}]}], "Input",
167 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.6925973632884817`*^9, 3.692597419539439*^9}}],
168 |
169 | Cell[BoxData[
170 | FormBox["\<\"/Users/marcozaro/Dropbox/GGI/GGHiggs/Jeppe\"\>",
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172 | CellChangeTimes->{
173 | 3.6925972813152027`*^9, {3.692597370915719*^9, 3.692597375754075*^9},
174 | 3.69259742117518*^9, 3.6925985604805*^9, 3.692600928383765*^9}],
175 |
176 | Cell[BoxData[
177 | FormBox[
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179 | StyleBox[
180 | RowBox[{"LinkOpen", "::", "linke"}], "MessageName"],
181 | RowBox[{
182 | ":", " "}], "\<\"\[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"\\\\\\\"Could not find \
183 | MathLink executable\\\\\\\"\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak]. \
184 | \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", \
185 | ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/LinkOpen/linke\\\", \
186 | ButtonNote -> \\\"LinkOpen::linke\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message",\
187 | "MSG",
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191 |
192 | Cell[BoxData[
193 | FormBox["$Failed", TraditionalForm]], "Output",
194 | CellChangeTimes->{
195 | 3.6925972813152027`*^9, {3.692597370915719*^9, 3.692597375754075*^9},
196 | 3.69259742117518*^9, 3.6925985604805*^9, 3.692600928390266*^9}]
197 | }, Open ]],
198 |
199 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
200 |
201 | Cell["\<\
202 |
203 | <<\"loadCTEQ5.m\";\
204 | \>", "Input"],
205 |
206 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
207 |
208 | Cell[BoxData[
209 | FormBox["\<\"Loading Package: PDF\"\>", TraditionalForm]], "Print",
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212 |
213 | Cell[BoxData[
214 | FormBox["\<\"PDF's from CTEQ5\"\>", TraditionalForm]], "Print",
215 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
216 | 3.692600928434042*^9}],
217 |
218 | Cell[BoxData[
219 | FormBox["\<\"Eur.Phys.J.C12:375-392,2000 \"\>", TraditionalForm]], "Print",
220 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
221 | 3.6926009284386387`*^9}],
222 |
223 | Cell[BoxData[
224 | FormBox["\<\"*** Warning *** Unofficial release. \"\>",
225 | TraditionalForm]], "Print",
226 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
227 | 3.6926009284427223`*^9}],
228 |
229 | Cell[BoxData[
230 | FormBox["\<\"*** Cross-check with official Fortran code.\"\>",
231 | TraditionalForm]], "Print",
232 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
233 | 3.6926009284466553`*^9}],
234 |
235 | Cell[BoxData[
236 | FormBox["\<\" Version 1.0: Written by Tamara Trout & Fred Olness, October 1, \
237 | 2000\"\>", TraditionalForm]], "Print",
238 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
239 | 3.692600928450611*^9}],
240 |
241 | Cell[BoxData[
242 | FormBox["\<\" \"\>", TraditionalForm]], "Print",
243 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
244 | 3.692600928454577*^9}],
245 |
246 | Cell[BoxData[
247 | FormBox["\<\"In case of problems, contact:\"\>", TraditionalForm]], "Print",
248 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
249 | 3.692600928458466*^9}],
250 |
251 | Cell[BoxData[
252 | FormBox["\<\"Fred Olness: olness@mail.physics.smu.edu\"\>",
253 | TraditionalForm]], "Print",
254 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597444321074*^9, 3.6925985605638103`*^9,
255 | 3.6926009284624033`*^9}]
256 | }, Open ]]
257 | }, Open ]],
258 |
259 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
260 |
261 | Cell["\<\
262 | Wrapper to call the pdf. Notation is self-explanatory. Just notice that all \
263 | parton distribution codes usually return x f(x). To avoid confusion, at \
264 | expense of a couple more floating point operations, I divide all the values \
265 | by the corresponding x. pdfcall calculates the parton-parton luminoties, gg \
266 | qg, qq~\
267 | \>", "Subsubsection"],
268 |
269 | Cell["\<\
270 | (* MRST *)
271 |
272 | pdfMRST[X1_,X2_,q_]:=Module[
273 | {Q,xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF,pd1,pd2,xgg,xqg,xqq},
274 | Q=q*1.;
275 | xgDF =f[3,X1,Q]/X1;
276 | xdbDF=f[8,X1,Q]/X1;
277 | xdDF =f[2,X1,Q]/X1+xdbDF;
278 | xubDF=f[4,X1,Q]/X1;
279 | xuDF =f[1,X1,Q]/X1+xubDF;
280 | xsDF =f[6,X1,Q]/X1;
281 | xcDF =f[5,X1,Q]/X1;
282 | xbDF =f[7,X1,Q]/X1;
283 |
284 | pd1={xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF};
285 | xgDF =f[3,X2,Q]/X2;
286 | xdbDF=f[8,X2,Q]/X2;
287 | xdDF =f[2,X2,Q]/X2+xdbDF;
288 | xubDF=f[4,X2,Q]/X2;
289 | xuDF =f[1,X2,Q]/X2+xubDF;
290 | xsDF =f[6,X2,Q]/X2;
291 | xcDF =f[5,X2,Q]/X2;
292 | xbDF =f[7,X2,Q]/X2;
293 | pd2={xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF};
294 |
295 |
296 | xgg=pd1[[1]]*pd2[[1]];
297 | xqg=pd1[[1]]*(pd2[[2]]+pd2[[3]]+pd2[[4]]+pd2[[5]]+2(pd2[[6]]+pd2[[7]]+pd2[[8]]\
298 | ))+
299 | pd2[[1]]*(pd1[[2]]+pd1[[3]]+pd1[[4]]+pd1[[5]]+2(pd1[[6]]+pd1[[7]]+pd1[[8]])\
300 | );
301 | xqq=pd1[[2]]*pd2[[3]]+pd1[[4]]*pd2[[5]]+pd1[[3]]*pd2[[2]]+pd1[[5]]*pd2[[4]]+
302 | 2(pd1[[6]] pd2[[6]]+pd1[[7]] pd2[[7]]+pd1[[8]] pd2[[8]]);
303 |
304 | Return[{xgg,xqg,xqq}];
305 | ];\
306 | \>", "Input"],
307 |
308 | Cell["\<\
309 |
310 | (* cteq5 *)\
311 | \>", "Input"],
312 |
313 | Cell["\<\
314 | pdfCTEQ[X1_,X2_,q_]:=Module[
315 | {Q,pd1,pd2,xgg,xqg,xqq},
316 | Q=q*1.;
317 |
318 | pd1={cteq5pdf[1,0,X1,Q],
319 | cteq5pdf[1,2,X1,Q],
320 | cteq5pdf[1,-2,X1,Q],
321 | cteq5pdf[1,1,X1,Q],
322 | cteq5pdf[1,-1,X1,Q],
323 | cteq5pdf[1,3,X1,Q],
324 | cteq5pdf[1,4,X1,Q],
325 | cteq5pdf[1,5,X1,Q]};
326 | pd2={cteq5pdf[1,0,X2,Q],
327 | cteq5pdf[1,2,X2,Q],
328 | cteq5pdf[1,-2,X2,Q],
329 | cteq5pdf[1,1,X2,Q],
330 | cteq5pdf[1,-1,X2,Q],
331 | cteq5pdf[1,3,X2,Q],
332 | cteq5pdf[1,4,X2,Q],
333 | cteq5pdf[1,5,X2,Q]};
334 |
335 | xgg=pd1[[1]]*pd2[[1]];
336 | xqg=pd1[[1]]*(pd2[[2]]+pd2[[3]]+pd2[[4]]+pd2[[5]]+2(pd2[[6]]+pd2[[7]]+pd2[[8]]\
337 | ))+
338 | pd2[[1]]*(pd1[[2]]+pd1[[3]]+pd1[[4]]+pd1[[5]]+2(pd1[[6]]+pd1[[7]]+pd1[[8]])\
339 | );
340 | xqq=pd1[[2]]*pd2[[3]]+pd1[[4]]*pd2[[5]]+pd1[[3]]*pd2[[2]]+pd1[[5]]*pd2[[4]]+
341 | 2(pd1[[6]] pd2[[6]]+pd1[[7]] pd2[[7]]+pd1[[8]] pd2[[8]]);
342 |
343 | Return[{xgg,xqg,xqq}];
344 | ];
345 |
346 | pdfCTEQLO[X1_,X2_,q_]:=Module[
347 | {Q,xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF,pd1,pd2,xgg,xqg,xqq},
348 | Q=q*1.;
349 |
350 | pd1={cteq5pdf[3,0,X1,Q],
351 | cteq5pdf[3,2,X1,Q],
352 | cteq5pdf[3,-2,X1,Q],
353 | cteq5pdf[3,1,X1,Q],
354 | cteq5pdf[3,-1,X1,Q],
355 | cteq5pdf[3,3,X1,Q],
356 | cteq5pdf[3,4,X1,Q],
357 | cteq5pdf[3,5,X1,Q]};
358 | pd2={cteq5pdf[3,0,X2,Q],
359 | cteq5pdf[3,2,X2,Q],
360 | cteq5pdf[3,-2,X2,Q],
361 | cteq5pdf[3,1,X2,Q],
362 | cteq5pdf[3,-1,X2,Q],
363 | cteq5pdf[3,3,X2,Q],
364 | cteq5pdf[3,4,X2,Q],
365 | cteq5pdf[3,5,X2,Q]};
366 |
367 | xgg=pd1[[1]]*pd2[[1]];
368 | xqg=pd1[[1]]*(pd2[[2]]+pd2[[3]]+pd2[[4]]+pd2[[5]]+2(pd2[[6]]+pd2[[7]]+pd2[[8]]\
369 | ))+
370 | pd2[[1]]*(pd1[[2]]+pd1[[3]]+pd1[[4]]+pd1[[5]]+2(pd1[[6]]+pd1[[7]]+pd1[[8]])\
371 | );
372 | xqq=pd1[[2]]*pd2[[3]]+pd1[[4]]*pd2[[5]]+pd1[[3]]*pd2[[2]]+pd1[[5]]*pd2[[4]]+
373 | 2(pd1[[6]] pd2[[6]]+pd1[[7]] pd2[[7]]+pd1[[8]] pd2[[8]]);
374 |
375 | Return[{xgg,xqg,xqq}];
376 | ];\
377 | \>", "Input"]
378 | }, Open ]],
379 |
380 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
381 |
382 | Cell["Decide the pdf family to be used ", "Subsubsection"],
383 |
384 | Cell["pdfcall[x__] = pdfCTEQ[x];", "Input"]
385 | }, Open ]]
386 | }, Open ]],
387 |
388 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
389 |
390 | Cell["\<\
391 | Alpha_S: Very basic implementation of Alpha_S.
392 | Check that the value of Lamda_4 or Lambda_5 is consistent with that of the \
393 | PDF.
394 | One simple, but indirect way to do it is to compare the value of alphas(MZ) \
395 | with the one quoted by MRST.\
396 | \>", "Subsection"],
397 |
398 | Cell[BoxData[{
399 | RowBox[{
400 | RowBox[{
401 | RowBox[{
402 | RowBox[{"b", "[", "nf_", "]"}], ":=",
403 | RowBox[{
404 | RowBox[{
405 | RowBox[{"(",
406 | RowBox[{"33", "-",
407 | RowBox[{"2", " ", "nf"}]}], ")"}], "/", "12"}], "/", "Pi"}]}], ";"}],
408 | " "}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
409 | RowBox[{
410 | RowBox[{
411 | RowBox[{"bp", "[", "nf_", "]"}], ":=",
412 | RowBox[{
413 | RowBox[{
414 | RowBox[{
415 | RowBox[{"(",
416 | RowBox[{"153", "-",
417 | RowBox[{"19", " ", "nf"}]}], ")"}], "/", "2"}], "/", "Pi"}], "/",
418 | RowBox[{"(",
419 | RowBox[{"33", "-",
420 | RowBox[{"2", " ", "nf"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
421 | RowBox[{
422 | RowBox[{
423 | RowBox[{"t", "[", "nf", "]"}], ":=",
424 | RowBox[{"Log", "[",
425 | RowBox[{
426 | RowBox[{"q", "^", "2"}], "/",
427 | RowBox[{
428 | RowBox[{"\[CapitalLambda]", "[", "nf", "]"}], "^", "2"}]}], "]"}]}],
429 | ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
430 | RowBox[{
431 | RowBox[{
432 | RowBox[{"mb", "=", "4.75"}], ";"}],
433 | "\[IndentingNewLine]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
434 | RowBox[{
435 | RowBox[{
436 | RowBox[{"\[CapitalLambda]", "[", "5", "]"}], "=", "0.146"}],
437 | ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
438 | RowBox[{
439 | RowBox[{
440 | RowBox[{"asLO", "[",
441 | RowBox[{"q_", ",", "nf_"}], "]"}], "=",
442 | RowBox[{"1", "/",
443 | RowBox[{"(",
444 | RowBox[{
445 | RowBox[{"b", "[", "nf", "]"}], " ",
446 | RowBox[{"t", "[", "nf", "]"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ";"}], "\n",
447 | RowBox[{
448 | RowBox[{
449 | RowBox[{"\[CapitalLambda]", "[", "5", "]"}], "=", "0.226"}],
450 | ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
451 | RowBox[{
452 | RowBox[{
453 | RowBox[{"asNLO", "[",
454 | RowBox[{"q_", ",", "nf_"}], "]"}], "=",
455 | RowBox[{
456 | RowBox[{"1", "/",
457 | RowBox[{"(",
458 | RowBox[{
459 | RowBox[{"b", "[", "nf", "]"}], " ",
460 | RowBox[{"t", "[", "nf", "]"}]}], ")"}]}],
461 | RowBox[{"(",
462 | RowBox[{"1", "-",
463 | RowBox[{
464 | RowBox[{
465 | RowBox[{"bp", "[", "nf", "]"}], "/",
466 | RowBox[{"b", "[", "nf", "]"}]}], " ",
467 | RowBox[{
468 | RowBox[{"Log", "[",
469 | RowBox[{"t", "[", "nf", "]"}], "]"}], "/",
470 | RowBox[{"t", "[", "nf", "]"}]}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ";"}]}], "Input"],
471 |
472 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
473 |
474 | Cell["Check the values of alpha_S at the scale MZ", "Subsubsection"],
475 |
476 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
477 |
478 | Cell["asNLO[91.118,5]", "Input"],
479 |
480 | Cell[BoxData[
481 | FormBox["0.11799518835498904`", TraditionalForm]], "Output",
482 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597281533689*^9, 3.692597537385448*^9,
483 | 3.692598560867756*^9, 3.6926009285672293`*^9}]
484 | }, Open ]]
485 | }, Open ]]
486 | }, Open ]],
487 |
488 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
489 |
490 | Cell["Color factors ", "Subsection"],
491 |
492 | Cell["\<\
493 | CF=4/3;
494 | CA=3;
495 | nf=5;
496 | TF=1/2;
497 | b0=11/6 CA -2 nf TF/3;
498 | \
499 | \>", "Input"]
500 | }, Open ]]
501 | }, Open ]],
502 |
503 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
504 |
505 | Cell["LO cross section", "Section"],
506 |
507 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
508 |
509 | Cell["\<\
510 | Integral of the LO loop. The sign of the Imaginary part is given by the usual \
511 | prescription mt^2-i eps which is equivalent to t+i eps in the notation below.
512 | t=mh^2/4/mt^2;\
513 | \>", "Subsubsection"],
514 |
515 | Cell[" ", "Input"],
516 |
517 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
518 |
519 | Cell["\<\
520 | eps=0.00000001;
521 | inte01[t_]=Integrate[(1-4 x y)/(1-4 t x y),{x,0,1},{y,0,1-x}, \
522 | Assumptions->{t>0, t<1}]//Simplify
523 | integt1[t_]=Integrate[(1-4 x y)/(1-4 t x y),{x,0,1},{y,0,1-x}, \
524 | Assumptions->{Im[t]>0, Re[t]>1}]//Simplify
525 | inte[t_]:=3*If[ Re[t]<1, inte01[t], integt1[t]]
526 | Plot[{Re[inte[t+I eps]],Im[inte[t+I \
527 | eps]]},{t,0,10},PlotStyle\[Rule]{{Blue,Thickness[0.007]},{Red,Thickness[0.007]\
528 | }}]\
529 | \>", "Input",
530 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.692598014632957*^9, 3.692598098844996*^9}, {
531 | 3.692598128904375*^9, 3.6925981341662483`*^9}, {3.692598281716309*^9,
532 | 3.6925982901939507`*^9}, 3.692598627050342*^9, 3.692598666202496*^9,
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539 | FormBox[
540 | FractionBox[
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542 | RowBox[{
543 | RowBox[{"(",
544 | RowBox[{"t", "-", "1"}], ")"}], " ",
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546 | RowBox[{"2", " ", "t"}], "-",
547 | RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ",
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555 | RowBox[{"(",
556 | RowBox[{"t", "-", "1"}], ")"}], " ",
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558 | RowBox[{"2", " ", "t"}], "+",
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564 | RowBox[{"t", "-", "1"}], ")"}]}], " ", "t"}]]}]}]},
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567 | RowBox[{"4", " ",
568 | SuperscriptBox["t", "2"]}]], TraditionalForm]], "Output",
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571 | 3.692599046704132*^9}, 3.6925991193441973`*^9, 3.692599187436233*^9,
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573 |
574 | Cell[BoxData[
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577 | RowBox[{
578 | RowBox[{
579 | RowBox[{"(",
580 | RowBox[{"t", "-", "1"}], ")"}], " ",
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582 | RowBox[{"2", " ", "t"}], "-",
583 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
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586 | RowBox[{"(",
587 | RowBox[{"t", "-", "1"}], ")"}], " ", "t"}]]}]}]},
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596 | RowBox[{
597 | RowBox[{"(",
598 | RowBox[{"t", "-", "1"}], ")"}], " ", "t"}]]}], ")"}]}]},
599 | "PolyLog"]}], "+",
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601 | RowBox[{"4", " ",
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604 | 3.692598901668117*^9, 3.692598959121788*^9, {3.692599021175414*^9,
605 | 3.692599046704132*^9}, 3.6925991193441973`*^9, 3.692599187436233*^9,
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863 | CellChangeTimes->{
864 | 3.692598901668117*^9, 3.692598959121788*^9, {3.692599021175414*^9,
865 | 3.692599046704132*^9}, 3.6925991193441973`*^9, 3.692599187436233*^9,
866 | 3.69259928561417*^9, 3.692601000884819*^9}]
867 | }, Open ]],
868 |
869 | Cell["\<\
870 | Plot of the real and imaginary part of 3*I(a) as defined in the notes (I use \
871 | 3*I(a) so that the function goes to 1 as a->0.)\
872 | \>", "Text"]
873 | }, Open ]],
874 |
875 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
876 |
877 | Cell[TextData[{
878 | "Function to be integrated to get the LO cross section. In general, we use \
879 | the convention that all functions to be numerically integrated in the \
880 | hypercubes ",
881 | Cell[BoxData[
882 | FormBox[
883 | SuperscriptBox[
884 | RowBox[{"[",
885 | RowBox[{"0", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "d"], TraditionalForm]]],
886 | ", where d is the dimension of the integration space. dsigma depends on the \
887 | Higgs mass (mh), the total collider energy (sqrtS) and from the arbitrary \
888 | normalization and factorization scales (mur,muf)."
889 | }], "Subsubsection"],
890 |
891 | Cell["\<\
892 | dsigmaLO[zz_,mh_,sqrtS_,muf_,mur_]:=Module[
893 | {y,x1,x2,gg0,qg0,qq0,s0,ymin,ymax,JAC,v,S,tau0},
894 | Muf=muf*1.;
895 | v=246.;
896 | S=sqrtS^2;
897 | tau0=mh^2/S;
898 | ymax=-Log[Sqrt[tau0]];
899 | ymin=-ymax;
900 | y=ymin+(ymax-ymin)*zz;
901 | JAC=ymax-ymin;
902 | x1=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[y];
903 | x2=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[-y];
904 | {gg0,qg0,qq0}=pdfCTEQLO[x1,x2,Muf];
905 | s0=asLO[mur,5]^2/576/Pi/v^2*tau0;
906 | s0=s0*gg0;
907 | s0=s0*389379660; (*to picobarns*)
908 | s0=s0*JAC;
909 | Return[s0];
910 | ];\
911 | \>", "Input"],
912 |
913 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
914 |
915 | Cell["sLO=NIntegrate[dsigmaLO[xx,100,14000,100,100],{xx,0,1}]", "Input"],
916 |
917 | Cell[BoxData[
918 | FormBox["32.22522904747175`", TraditionalForm]], "Output",
919 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692597362173498*^9, 3.692597627791092*^9,
920 | 3.692599370554532*^9, 3.6926010013707323`*^9}]
921 | }, Open ]]
922 | }, Open ]],
923 |
924 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
925 |
926 | Cell["\<\
927 | Get the cross section for various Higgs masses and including the form factor \
928 | of the loop.
929 | I first build a table with the results of the cross section in picobarns, and \
930 | then plot it.\
931 | \>", "Subsection"],
932 |
933 | Cell["\<\
934 | resEFT=Table[{i,NIntegrate[dsigmaLO[x,i*1.,14000.,i*1.,i*1.],{x,0,1}]},{i,20,\
935 | 600,10}];\
936 | \>", "Input"],
937 |
938 | Cell["\<\
939 | resFULL=Table[{resEFT[[i]][[1]],Abs[inte[resEFT[[i]][[1]]^2/175^2/4]]^2*\
940 | resEFT[[i]][[2]]},{i,1,Length[resEFT]}];\
941 | \>", "Input"],
942 |
943 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
944 |
945 | Cell[BoxData[
946 | RowBox[{"ListLogPlot", "[",
947 | RowBox[{
948 | RowBox[{"{",
949 | RowBox[{"resEFT", ",", " ", "resFULL"}], "}"}], ",", " ",
950 | RowBox[{"Joined", "\[Rule]", "True"}], ",", " ",
951 | RowBox[{"PlotLabels", "\[Rule]",
952 | RowBox[{"{",
953 | RowBox[{"EFT", ",", " ", "FULL"}], "}"}]}]}], "]"}]], "Input",
954 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.6925995130057592`*^9, 3.692599673664235*^9}, {
955 | 3.6925997070262327`*^9, 3.692599793542263*^9}}],
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1558 | 3.692599645527886*^9, 3.692599721491393*^9, {3.6925997870283203`*^9,
1559 | 3.692599794342276*^9}, 3.692601005643268*^9}]
1560 | }, Open ]],
1561 |
1562 | Cell["\<\
1563 | Cross section (pb) as a function of the Higgs mass. This plot shows how well \
1564 | the EFT does. For a Higgs<200 GeV the approximation is very good.\
1565 | \>", "Text"]
1566 | }, Open ]],
1567 |
1568 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1569 |
1570 | Cell["Various ways to do the integration over the x1 and x2.", "Subsection"],
1571 |
1572 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1573 |
1574 | Cell["\<\
1575 |
1576 | uno=Integrate[x1*x2,{x1,t0,1},{x2,t0/x1,1}]//Expand
1577 | due=Integrate[ta,{ta,t0,1},{y,Log[Sqrt[ta]],-Log[Sqrt[ta]]}]//PowerExpand//\
1578 | Expand
1579 | tre=Integrate[t0/z \
1580 | t0/z^2,{z,t0,1},{y,Log[Sqrt[t0/z]],-Log[Sqrt[t0/z]]}]//PowerExpand//Expand\
1581 | \>", "Input"],
1582 |
1583 | Cell[BoxData[
1584 | FormBox[
1585 | RowBox[{"ConditionalExpression", "[",
1586 | RowBox[{
1587 | RowBox[{
1588 | RowBox[{"-",
1589 | FractionBox[
1590 | SuperscriptBox["t0", "2"], "4"]}], "+",
1591 | RowBox[{
1592 | FractionBox["1", "2"], " ",
1593 | SuperscriptBox["t0", "2"], " ",
1594 | RowBox[{"log", "(", "t0", ")"}]}], "+",
1595 | FractionBox["1", "4"]}], ",",
1596 | RowBox[{
1597 | RowBox[{"(",
1598 | RowBox[{
1599 | RowBox[{"(",
1600 | RowBox[{
1601 | RowBox[{
1602 | RowBox[{"Re", "(",
1603 | FractionBox["t0",
1604 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], ")"}], "\[GreaterEqual]", "0"}],
1605 | "\[And]",
1606 | RowBox[{
1607 | FractionBox["t0",
1608 | RowBox[{"t0", "-", "1"}]], "\[NotEqual]", "0"}]}], ")"}], "\[Or]",
1609 |
1610 | RowBox[{
1611 | FractionBox["t0",
1612 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], "\[NotElement]",
1613 | TagBox["\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]",
1614 | Function[{}, Reals]]}], "\[Or]",
1615 | RowBox[{
1616 | RowBox[{"Re", "(",
1617 | FractionBox["t0",
1618 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], ")"}], "<",
1619 | RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}]}], ")"}], "\[And]",
1620 | RowBox[{"(",
1621 | RowBox[{
1622 | RowBox[{"t0", "\[NotElement]",
1623 | TagBox["\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]",
1624 | Function[{}, Reals]]}], "\[Or]",
1625 | RowBox[{
1626 | RowBox[{"Re", "(", "t0", ")"}], ">", "1"}], "\[Or]",
1627 | RowBox[{"0", "<",
1628 | RowBox[{"Re", "(", "t0", ")"}], "<", "1"}]}], ")"}]}]}], "]"}],
1629 | TraditionalForm]], "Output",
1630 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692599859998564*^9, 3.6926010108109922`*^9}],
1631 |
1632 | Cell[BoxData[
1633 | FormBox[
1634 | RowBox[{"ConditionalExpression", "[",
1635 | RowBox[{
1636 | RowBox[{
1637 | RowBox[{"-",
1638 | FractionBox[
1639 | SuperscriptBox["t0", "2"], "4"]}], "+",
1640 | RowBox[{
1641 | FractionBox["1", "2"], " ",
1642 | SuperscriptBox["t0", "2"], " ",
1643 | RowBox[{"log", "(", "t0", ")"}]}], "+",
1644 | FractionBox["1", "4"]}], ",",
1645 | RowBox[{
1646 | RowBox[{"(",
1647 | RowBox[{
1648 | RowBox[{"(",
1649 | RowBox[{
1650 | RowBox[{
1651 | RowBox[{"Re", "(",
1652 | FractionBox["t0",
1653 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], ")"}], "\[GreaterEqual]", "0"}],
1654 | "\[And]",
1655 | RowBox[{
1656 | FractionBox["t0",
1657 | RowBox[{"t0", "-", "1"}]], "\[NotEqual]", "0"}]}], ")"}], "\[Or]",
1658 |
1659 | RowBox[{
1660 | FractionBox["t0",
1661 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], "\[NotElement]",
1662 | TagBox["\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]",
1663 | Function[{}, Reals]]}], "\[Or]",
1664 | RowBox[{
1665 | RowBox[{"Re", "(",
1666 | FractionBox["t0",
1667 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], ")"}], "<",
1668 | RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}]}], ")"}], "\[And]",
1669 | RowBox[{"(",
1670 | RowBox[{
1671 | RowBox[{"t0", "\[NotElement]",
1672 | TagBox["\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]",
1673 | Function[{}, Reals]]}], "\[Or]",
1674 | RowBox[{
1675 | RowBox[{"Re", "(", "t0", ")"}], ">", "1"}], "\[Or]",
1676 | RowBox[{"0", "<",
1677 | RowBox[{"Re", "(", "t0", ")"}], "<", "1"}]}], ")"}]}]}], "]"}],
1678 | TraditionalForm]], "Output",
1679 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692599859998564*^9, 3.69260101499305*^9}],
1680 |
1681 | Cell[BoxData[
1682 | FormBox[
1683 | RowBox[{"ConditionalExpression", "[",
1684 | RowBox[{
1685 | RowBox[{
1686 | RowBox[{"-",
1687 | FractionBox[
1688 | SuperscriptBox["t0", "2"], "4"]}], "+",
1689 | RowBox[{
1690 | FractionBox["1", "2"], " ",
1691 | SuperscriptBox["t0", "2"], " ",
1692 | RowBox[{"log", "(", "t0", ")"}]}], "+",
1693 | FractionBox["1", "4"]}], ",",
1694 | RowBox[{
1695 | RowBox[{"(",
1696 | RowBox[{
1697 | RowBox[{"(",
1698 | RowBox[{
1699 | RowBox[{
1700 | RowBox[{"Re", "(",
1701 | FractionBox["t0",
1702 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], ")"}], "\[GreaterEqual]", "0"}],
1703 | "\[And]",
1704 | RowBox[{
1705 | FractionBox["t0",
1706 | RowBox[{"t0", "-", "1"}]], "\[NotEqual]", "0"}]}], ")"}], "\[Or]",
1707 |
1708 | RowBox[{
1709 | FractionBox["t0",
1710 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], "\[NotElement]",
1711 | TagBox["\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]",
1712 | Function[{}, Reals]]}], "\[Or]",
1713 | RowBox[{
1714 | RowBox[{"Re", "(",
1715 | FractionBox["t0",
1716 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "t0"}]], ")"}], "<",
1717 | RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}]}], ")"}], "\[And]",
1718 | RowBox[{"(",
1719 | RowBox[{
1720 | RowBox[{"t0", "\[NotElement]",
1721 | TagBox["\[DoubleStruckCapitalR]",
1722 | Function[{}, Reals]]}], "\[Or]",
1723 | RowBox[{
1724 | RowBox[{"Re", "(", "t0", ")"}], ">", "1"}], "\[Or]",
1725 | RowBox[{"0", "<",
1726 | RowBox[{"Re", "(", "t0", ")"}], "<", "1"}]}], ")"}]}]}], "]"}],
1727 | TraditionalForm]], "Output",
1728 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692599859998564*^9, 3.692601019133106*^9}]
1729 | }, Open ]]
1730 | }, Open ]]
1731 | }, Open ]],
1732 |
1733 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1734 |
1735 | Cell["NLO cross section", "Section"],
1736 |
1737 | Cell["\<\
1738 | We have integrated over the angular variables, so we are only left with two \
1739 | integrations. One is over z (=mh/S/x1/x2) and the other over the rapidity y \
1740 | of the partonic cms. For every point in the phase space we have to calculate \
1741 | an event and a corresponding counter-event with z=1 to implement the + \
1742 | distributions in the gg channel. Various contributions add to the final result:
1743 |
1744 | virtual: gg>h at 1-loop + corrections to the effective lagrangian (UV and IR \
1745 | divergent)
1746 | real: qq~ >h g (finite)
1747 | qg > qh (collinear divergent)
1748 | gg>gh (soft and collinear divergent)
1749 | \
1750 | \>", "Text",
1751 | CellChangeTimes->{3.6925999095314913`*^9},
1752 | FontSize->16],
1753 |
1754 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1755 |
1756 | Cell["Born+Virtual ", "Subsection"],
1757 |
1758 | Cell[TextData[{
1759 | "dsigmaBV[yy_,mh_,sqrtS_,muf_,mur_]:=Module[\n",
1760 | StyleBox["(* local variables *)",
1761 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 1, 0]],
1762 | "\n{y0,x10,x20,sig0,ymax0,JAC0,v,S,tau0,beta,gg0,qg0,qq0},\nMuf=muf 1.;\n\
1763 | Mur=mur 1.;\nv=246.;\nS=sqrtS^2;\ntau0=mh^2/S;\nbeta=Sqrt[1-tau0];\n\n",
1764 | StyleBox["(* calculate quantities for z=1 *)",
1765 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1766 | "\nymax0=-Log[Sqrt[tau0]];\ny0=-ymax0+2*ymax0*yy;\nJAC0=2*ymax0;\n\
1767 | x10=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[y0];\nx20=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[-y0];\n\
1768 | {gg0,qg0,qq0}=pdfcall[x10,x20,Muf];\n\n",
1769 | StyleBox["(* sigma0 *)",
1770 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1771 | "\nsig0=asNLO[Mur,5]^2/576/Pi/v^2*tau0;\nsig0=sig0+sig0*asNLO[Mur,5]/2/Pi*\n\
1772 | (11/3 CA+ 2 Pi^2 - 2 b0 2 Log[Muf/Mur]+\n16 CA Log[beta] Log[mh/Muf]+16 CA \
1773 | Log[beta]^2);\nsig0=sig0*gg0;\nsig0=sig0*389379660; (*to picobarns*)\n\
1774 | sig0=sig0*JAC0;\n\n\
1775 | (*Print[{muf,mur,v,S,tau0,beta,ymax0,y0,JAC0,x10,x20,gg0,qg0,qq0,sig0}];*)\n\
1776 | Return[sig0];\n];"
1777 | }], "Input"]
1778 | }, Open ]],
1779 |
1780 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1781 |
1782 | Cell["Real contributions", "Subsection"],
1783 |
1784 | Cell[TextData[{
1785 | "dsigmaR[xx_,yy_,mh_,sqrtS_,muf_,mur_]:=Module[\n",
1786 | StyleBox["(* local variables *)",
1787 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 1, 0]],
1788 | "\n{v,S,tau0,\n y,y0,z,tau,\n x1,x2,x10,x20,\n ymax0,ymax,\n JAC,JAC0,\n \
1789 | gg,qg,qq,gg0,qg0,qq0,\n qqterm,qgterm,ggterm,ggterm0,\n sig,sig0,\n Muf},\n\n\
1790 | v=246.;\nS=sqrtS^2;\ntau0=mh^2/S;\nMuf=muf*1.0;\n\n",
1791 | StyleBox["(* calculate quantities for an event *)",
1792 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1793 | "\nz=tau0+(1-tau0)*xx;\ntau=tau0/z;\nymax =-Log[Sqrt[tau]];\n\
1794 | y=-ymax+2*ymax*yy;\nJAC =2*ymax*(1-tau0)*tau0/z^2;\nx1=Sqrt[tau] Exp[y];\n\
1795 | x2=tau/x1;\n",
1796 | StyleBox["(* call the pdf *)\n",
1797 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1798 | "\n{gg,qg,qq}=pdfcall[x1,x2,Muf];\n\n",
1799 | StyleBox["(* calculate quantities for counter-event *)",
1800 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1801 | "\nymax0=-Log[Sqrt[tau0]];\ny0=-ymax0+2*ymax0*yy;\n\
1802 | JAC0=2*ymax0*(1-tau0)*tau0;\nx10=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[y0];\nx20=tau0/x10;\n",
1803 | StyleBox["(* call the pdf at z=1 *)",
1804 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1805 | "\n{gg0,qg0,qq0}=pdfcall[x10,x20,Muf];\n\n",
1806 | StyleBox["(* sigma0 *)",
1807 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1808 | "\nsig0=asNLO[mur,5]^2/576/Pi/v^2;\nsig0=sig0*asNLO[mur,5]/2/Pi;\n\n",
1809 | StyleBox["(* qq channnel : no counter event *)",
1810 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1811 | "\nqqterm=64/27*(1-z)^3;\nqqterm=qqterm*sig0*JAC*qq;\n\n",
1812 | StyleBox["(* qg channnel : no counter event *)",
1813 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1814 | "\nqgterm=CF*( (1+(1-z)^2)/z (2*Log[mh/muf]+2 Log[1-z]-Log[z])\n \
1815 | +(z^2-3/2(1-z)^2)/z )*z;\nqgterm=qgterm*sig0*JAC*qg;\n\n",
1816 | StyleBox["(* gg channnel *)",
1817 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1818 | "\nggterm=CA*(2 (2 (z/(1-z)+(1-z)/z+z (1-z) )) * (2*Log[mh/muf])-\n \
1819 | 11/3 (1-z)^3/z -\n 4 (1-z+z^2)^2/z/(1-z) Log[z]+\n 8 \
1820 | (1-z+z^2)^2/z Log[1-z]/(1-z) )*z;\nggterm=ggterm*sig0*JAC*gg;\n",
1821 | StyleBox["(* gg counter-event *)",
1822 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1823 | "\nggterm0=CA*(-4/(1-z) 2*Log[mh/muf] - 8*Log[1-z]/(1-z) );\n\
1824 | ggterm0=ggterm0*sig0*JAC0*gg0;\n\n\n",
1825 | StyleBox["(* total *)",
1826 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
1827 | "\nsig=0;\nsig=sig+qqterm;\nsig=sig+qgterm;\nsig=sig+ggterm+ggterm0;\n\
1828 | sig=sig*389379660; (*to picobarns*)\n\nReturn[sig];\n\n];\n"
1829 | }], "Input"],
1830 |
1831 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1832 |
1833 | Cell["\<\
1834 | virt=NIntegrate[dsigmaBV[xvar,100,14000,100,100],{xvar,0,1}];
1835 | virt\
1836 | \>", "Input"],
1837 |
1838 | Cell[BoxData[
1839 | FormBox["33.568776025755255`", TraditionalForm]], "Output",
1840 | CellChangeTimes->{3.69259998438443*^9, 3.6926010194034967`*^9}]
1841 | }, Open ]],
1842 |
1843 | Cell["\<\
1844 | eps=0.0000000001;
1845 | (* real=Vegas[dsigmaR[xvar,yvar,100,14000,100,100],{xvar,eps,1-eps},{yvar,eps,\
1846 | 1-eps},Compiled->False,NStart->1000,MaxPoints->10000]*)\
1847 | \>", "Input",
1848 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.692600210806891*^9, 3.692600216702009*^9}}],
1849 |
1850 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1851 |
1852 | Cell[BoxData[
1853 | RowBox[{"real", "=",
1854 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "[",
1855 | RowBox[{
1856 | RowBox[{"dsigmaR", "[",
1857 | RowBox[{
1858 | "xvar", ",", "yvar", ",", "100", ",", "14000", ",", "100", ",", "100"}],
1859 | "]"}], ",",
1860 | RowBox[{"{",
1861 | RowBox[{"xvar", ",", "eps", ",",
1862 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "eps"}]}], "}"}], ",",
1863 | RowBox[{"{",
1864 | RowBox[{"yvar", ",", "eps", ",",
1865 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "eps"}]}], "}"}], ",",
1866 | RowBox[{"Compiled", "->", "False"}], ",",
1867 | RowBox[{"MaxPoints", "->", "10000"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
1868 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.692600166376462*^9, 3.692600177417946*^9}, {
1869 | 3.692600360649798*^9, 3.6926003615777073`*^9}}],
1870 |
1871 | Cell[BoxData[
1872 | FormBox[
1873 | RowBox[{
1874 | StyleBox[
1875 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "::", "maxp"}], "MessageName"],
1876 | RowBox[{
1877 | ":", " "}], "\<\"The integral failed to converge after \
1878 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"10013\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] \
1879 | integrand evaluations. NIntegrate obtained \
1880 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"16.66201077391391`\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\
1881 | \[NoBreak] and \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"0.000022383172924215294`\\\", \
1882 | TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] for the integral and error estimates. \
1883 | \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", \
1884 | ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/NIntegrate\\\", ButtonNote -> \
1885 | \\\"NIntegrate::maxp\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
1886 | CellChangeTimes->{3.6926010228788767`*^9}],
1887 |
1888 | Cell[BoxData[
1889 | FormBox["16.66201077391391`", TraditionalForm]], "Output",
1890 | CellChangeTimes->{3.692599984614505*^9, 3.692601022882782*^9}]
1891 | }, Open ]],
1892 |
1893 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1894 |
1895 | Cell["asNLO[100,5]", "Input"],
1896 |
1897 | Cell[BoxData[
1898 | FormBox["0.11636176382460801`", TraditionalForm]], "Output",
1899 | CellChangeTimes->{3.69259998466387*^9, 3.692601022979712*^9}]
1900 | }, Open ]]
1901 | }, Open ]],
1902 |
1903 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1904 |
1905 | Cell["Do a mass-scan for a couple of points and plot LO vs NLO", "Subsection",
1906 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.692600821201602*^9, 3.692600848006814*^9}}],
1907 |
1908 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1909 |
1910 | Cell[BoxData[
1911 | RowBox[{
1912 | RowBox[{"RealList", " ", "=", " ",
1913 | RowBox[{"Table", "[",
1914 | RowBox[{
1915 | RowBox[{"{",
1916 | RowBox[{"i", ",",
1917 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "[",
1918 | RowBox[{
1919 | RowBox[{"dsigmaR", "[",
1920 | RowBox[{"xvar", ",", " ", "yvar", ",",
1921 | RowBox[{"i", "*", "1."}], ",", "14000.", ",",
1922 | RowBox[{"i", "*", "1."}], ",",
1923 | RowBox[{"i", "*", "1."}]}], "]"}], ",",
1924 | RowBox[{"{",
1925 | RowBox[{"xvar", ",", "eps", ",",
1926 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "eps"}]}], "}"}], ",",
1927 | RowBox[{"{",
1928 | RowBox[{"yvar", ",", "eps", ",",
1929 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "eps"}]}], "}"}], ",",
1930 | RowBox[{"Compiled", "->", "False"}], ",",
1931 | RowBox[{"MaxPoints", "->", "10000"}]}], "]"}]}], "}"}], ",",
1932 | RowBox[{"{",
1933 | RowBox[{"i", ",", "20", ",", "600", ",", "10"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}],
1934 | ";"}]], "Input",
1935 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.6926002896875057`*^9, 3.692600331110671*^9},
1936 | 3.692600365642234*^9, 3.692600613795476*^9}],
1937 |
1938 | Cell[BoxData[
1939 | FormBox[
1940 | RowBox[{
1941 | StyleBox[
1942 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "::", "maxp"}], "MessageName"],
1943 | RowBox[{
1944 | ":", " "}], "\<\"The integral failed to converge after \
1945 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"10013\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] \
1946 | integrand evaluations. NIntegrate obtained \
1947 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"249.53858371108677`\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\
1948 | \[NoBreak] and \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"0.00046671005854989264`\\\", \
1949 | TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] for the integral and error estimates. \
1950 | \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", \
1951 | ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/NIntegrate\\\", ButtonNote -> \
1952 | \\\"NIntegrate::maxp\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
1953 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.692600349011602*^9, 3.69260036971212*^9},
1954 | 3.692601026809997*^9}],
1955 |
1956 | Cell[BoxData[
1957 | FormBox[
1958 | RowBox[{
1959 | StyleBox[
1960 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "::", "maxp"}], "MessageName"],
1961 | RowBox[{
1962 | ":", " "}], "\<\"The integral failed to converge after \
1963 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"10013\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] \
1964 | integrand evaluations. NIntegrate obtained \
1965 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"136.30122409849506`\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\
1966 | \[NoBreak] and \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"0.00021920270660652564`\\\", \
1967 | TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] for the integral and error estimates. \
1968 | \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", \
1969 | ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/NIntegrate\\\", ButtonNote -> \
1970 | \\\"NIntegrate::maxp\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
1971 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.692600349011602*^9, 3.69260036971212*^9},
1972 | 3.692601030482253*^9}],
1973 |
1974 | Cell[BoxData[
1975 | FormBox[
1976 | RowBox[{
1977 | StyleBox[
1978 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "::", "slwcon"}], "MessageName"],
1979 | RowBox[{
1980 | ":", " "}], "\<\"Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one \
1981 | of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly \
1982 | oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\
1983 | \[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
1984 | ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/NIntegrate/slwcon\\\", ButtonNote -> \
1985 | \\\"NIntegrate::slwcon\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
1986 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.692600349011602*^9, 3.69260036971212*^9},
1987 | 3.692601032828919*^9}],
1988 |
1989 | Cell[BoxData[
1990 | FormBox[
1991 | RowBox[{
1992 | StyleBox[
1993 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "::", "maxp"}], "MessageName"],
1994 | RowBox[{
1995 | ":", " "}], "\<\"The integral failed to converge after \
1996 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"10013\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] \
1997 | integrand evaluations. NIntegrate obtained \
1998 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"86.01964094871275`\\\", TraditionalForm]\\)\
1999 | \[NoBreak] and \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[\\\"0.0004496982081794881`\\\", \
2000 | TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] for the integral and error estimates. \
2001 | \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", \
2002 | ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/NIntegrate\\\", ButtonNote -> \
2003 | \\\"NIntegrate::maxp\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
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2013 | ":", " "}], "\<\"Further output of \
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2015 | \\\"maxp\\\"}], \\\"MessageName\\\"], TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] will be \
2016 | suppressed during this calculation. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\
2017 | \", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
2018 | ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/stop\\\", ButtonNote -> \
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2029 | ":", " "}], "\<\"Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one \
2030 | of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly \
2031 | oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\
2032 | \[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
2033 | ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/NIntegrate/slwcon\\\", ButtonNote -> \
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2044 | ":", " "}], "\<\"Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one \
2045 | of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly \
2046 | oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\
2047 | \[RightSkeleton]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
2048 | ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/NIntegrate/slwcon\\\", ButtonNote -> \
2049 | \\\"NIntegrate::slwcon\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
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2060 | \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\*FormBox[StyleBox[RowBox[{\\\"NIntegrate\\\", \\\"::\\\", \
2061 | \\\"slwcon\\\"}], \\\"MessageName\\\"], TraditionalForm]\\)\[NoBreak] will be \
2062 | suppressed during this calculation. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\
2063 | \", ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \
2064 | ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/stop\\\", ButtonNote -> \
2065 | \\\"General::stop\\\"]\\)\"\>"}], TraditionalForm]], "Message", "MSG",
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2075 | RowBox[{"{",
2076 | RowBox[{"i", ",",
2077 | RowBox[{"NIntegrate", "[",
2078 | RowBox[{
2079 | RowBox[{"dsigmaBV", "[",
2080 | RowBox[{"xvar", ",", " ",
2081 | RowBox[{"i", "*", "1."}], ",", "14000.", ",",
2082 | RowBox[{"i", "*", "1."}], ",",
2083 | RowBox[{"i", "*", "1."}]}], "]"}], ",",
2084 | RowBox[{"{",
2085 | RowBox[{"xvar", ",", "eps", ",",
2086 | RowBox[{"1", "-", "eps"}]}], "}"}], ",",
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2088 | RowBox[{"MaxPoints", "->", "10000"}]}], "]"}]}], "}"}], ",",
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2090 | RowBox[{"i", ",", "20", ",", "600", ",", "10"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}],
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2101 | RowBox[{"{",
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2104 | RowBox[{"RealList", "[",
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2109 | RowBox[{"RealList", "[",
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