1 | The change from the "old" fermilab batch system
2 | to condor was pretty straightforward, so I have
3 | about 4 years experience now!
4 |
5 | The basic idea is that almost everything has to
6 | be done remotely, but your beautiful code is
7 | set up to do this nicely.
8 |
9 | You package everything up you need for each run --
10 | which is just a few files. Here is a typical condor
11 | job description file:
12 |
13 | universe = vanilla
14 | Notification = Error
15 | executable =
16 | /farm/run2mc_stage01/condor/W2/SubProcesses/Pug_e+vedg/ajob8.sh
17 | environment = F77=g77
18 | transfer_output = true
19 | transfer_error = true
20 | transfer_executable = true
21 | should_transfer_files = YES
22 | transfer_input_files =
23 | ajob8,input_app.txt,madevent,input-card.dat,cteq6l1.tbl,randinit
24 | WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT
25 | input = /dev/null
26 | output = $(Cluster).$(Process).out
27 | error = $(Cluster).$(Process).err
28 | log = $(Cluster).$(Process).log
29 | queue
30 |
31 | After each step (survey, refine, refine), a bunch of files come
32 | back into the appropriate directories. THEN, I run a
33 | shell script locally:
34 |
35 | #!/usr/local/bin/bash
36 |
37 | ./bin/march
38 | cd SubProcesses
39 | ../bin/sumall
40 | ../bin/combine_events
41 | cd ..
42 |
43 |
44 | "march" is a script I wrote that "marches" through all of the
45 | directories, untars alot of tarballs, and basically prepares the
46 | output for combine_events.
47 |
48 | Also, I found that it was more efficient to deal with
49 | "gzipped" events.dat files. There is actually a library
50 | out there that lets you READ gzipped files in fortran.
51 |
52 | As far as I can tell, there is no GOOD way to avoid the
53 | local processing step between survey, refine, refine.
54 |
55 | People won't like that, but that is because they haven't
56 | really thought about the problem.
57 |