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28 | \newcommand{\pythia}{{\sc Pythia}}
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54 | %\preprint{TSL/ISV-2004-0282\\
55 | %September 2004}
56 |
57 | \title{Effects of jet matching in production of new heavy particles at
58 | the LHC}
59 | \date{\today}
60 | \author{Johan Alwall\footnote{Research supported by the Swedish Research Council}\\
61 | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park,
62 | CA 94025, USA\\
63 | E-mail: \email{awall@slac.stanford.edu}}
64 | \author{Simon de Visscher\\
65 | Universit\'e de Louvain\\
66 | E-mail: \email{simon.devisscher@ulouvain.be}}
67 | \author{Fabio Maltoni\\
68 | Universit\'e de Louvain\\
69 | E-mail: \email{fabio.maltoni@ulouvain.be}}
70 |
71 | %\abstract{
72 | %
73 | %}
74 |
75 |
76 | %\keywords{Supersymmetry, Beyond the Standard Model, LHC, QCD, jet matching}
77 |
78 |
79 | \begin{document}
80 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
81 | \section{Introduction}
82 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
83 |
84 | Many models for physics beyond the Standard Model, notably
85 | Supersymmetry, Little Higgs models, many models for extra dimensions
86 | and many versions of technicolor models, contain new strongly
87 | interacting particles with masses below or near the TeV scale. Such
88 | particles, if they exist, will be copiously produced at the LHC, and
89 | will be the first and most important sign of new physics. By analyzing
90 | the production and decay of these particles, we might already in the
91 | first few years of the LHC be able to determine many properties of the
92 | new physics present in nature, including parts of the particle
93 | spectrum, spin structure and the existance of new stable particles.
94 |
95 | One additional difficulty in the simulation of production of heavy
96 | particles at hadron colliders is the presence of additional QCD
97 | radiation. This radiation, which is even more important in the
98 | production of strongly interacting particles than for color neutral
99 | particles, affects the event kinematics by giving transverse boosts to
100 | the produced particle system. It also produces additional jets besides
101 | the jets originating from the decay of the heavy particles.
102 |
103 | Additional jet production has traditionally been simulated using
104 | parton shower Monte Carlo programs such as \pythia\ and \herwig, which
105 | describe parton radiation as successive parton emissions using the
106 | soft and collinear limit. This description is formally correct only in
107 | the limit of soft and collinear emissions, but has been shown to give
108 | a good description of much data also relatively far away from this
109 | limit. However, for the production of hard and widely separated extra
110 | jets, this description breaks down due to the lack of subleading terms
111 | and interference. For that case, it is necessary to use the full
112 | matrix element for the heavy particle production plus additional
113 | jets.
114 |
115 | The matrix element description diverges
116 | as jets become soft or collinear, while the parton shower description
117 | breaks down when jets become hard and widely separated. In order to
118 | describe both these areas in phase space, these two desriptions must
119 | be combined, without double counting between different jet
120 | multiplicities. An additional requirement is that this procedure gives
121 | smooth distributions, and interpolates between the parton shower
122 | description in the soft and collinear limits and the matrix element
123 | description in the limit of hard and widely separated jets. Several
124 | such procedures have been produced, including the CKKW, L\"onnblad and
125 | Mangano schemes. These different procedures seem to all give
126 | consistent results (see comparison).
127 |
128 | For Standard Model processes, in particular the production of
129 | weak vector bosons and top quark pairs plus additional jets, such
130 | matching has been used extensively since several years.
131 |
132 | In this paper we will argue that there are many situations in which it
133 | is necessary to use jet matching also for the production of new heavy
134 | particles, in order to get a sufficiently precise description. We will
135 | study the impact of additional jet radiation on the kinematical
136 | distributions traditionally used to determine mass scales of the new
137 | physics, as well as extract the ...
138 |
139 |
140 | Wishlist: Effect of additional radiation on
141 | \begin{itemize}
142 | \item
143 | Variation of effect depending on masses of strong particles
144 | \item
145 | Variation of effect depending on type of strong particles ($\tilde
146 | g\tilde g$, $\tilde q-\tilde q$, $\tilde q-\tilde q*$, $\tilde q-\tilde g$
147 | \item
148 | Variation of effect depending on masses of decay products (including
149 | the degenerate limit)
150 | \item
151 | Possibility to make one tune of Pythia to describe all particle masses
152 | \item
153 | $H_T$, $m_{T2}$
154 | \item
155 | Edges and endpoints (for mass determination)
156 | \item
157 | Possibility for radiation to mimic strongly decaying particles
158 | (gluinos \gives squarks, squarks \gives gluinos)
159 | \end{itemize}
160 |
161 |
162 | \section{Jet matching methods}
163 |
164 | \section{Extra jet radiation in different scenarios}
165 |
166 | \section{Effects on inclusive observables}
167 |
168 | \section{Mimicking of decays by extra jets}
169 |
170 | \section{Conclusions}
171 |
172 | \end{document}
173 |