1 | c
2 | c
3 | c Plotting routines
4 | c
5 | c
6 | subroutine initplot
7 | implicit none
8 | c Book histograms in this routine. Use mbook or bookup. The entries
9 | c of these routines are real*8
10 | double precision emax,ebin,etamin,etamax,etabin,xmi,xms,bin
11 | double precision pi
12 | parameter (pi=3.1415926535897932385d0)
13 | integer i,kk
14 | include 'run.inc'
15 | character*5 cc(2)
16 | data cc/' ',' cuts'/
17 | c
18 | emax=dsqrt(ebeam(1)*ebeam(2))
19 | ebin=emax/50.d0
20 | etamin=-5.d0
21 | etamax=5.d0
22 | etabin=0.2d0
23 | c resets histograms
24 | call inihist
25 | c
26 | xmi=50.d0
27 | xms=130.d0
28 | bin=0.8d0
29 |
30 | do i=1,2
31 | kk=(i-1)*50
32 | call bookup(kk+ 1,'V pt'//cc(i),2.d0,0.d0,200.d0)
33 | call bookup(kk+ 2,'V pt'//cc(i),10.d0,0.d0,1000.d0)
34 | call bookup(kk+ 3,'V log[pt]'//cc(i),0.05d0,0.1d0,5.d0)
35 | call bookup(kk+ 4,'V y'//cc(i),0.2d0,-9.d0,9.d0)
36 | call bookup(kk+ 5,'V eta'//cc(i),0.2d0,-9.d0,9.d0)
37 | call bookup(kk+ 6,'mV'//cc(i),bin,xmi,xms)
38 | c
39 | call bookup(kk+ 7,'l pt'//cc(i),2.d0,0.d0,200.d0)
40 | call bookup(kk+ 8,'l pt'//cc(i),10.d0,0.d0,1000.d0)
41 | call bookup(kk+ 9,'l log[pt]'//cc(i),0.05d0,0.1d0,5.d0)
42 | call bookup(kk+10,'l eta'//cc(i),0.2d0,-9.d0,9.d0)
43 | call bookup(kk+11,'lb pt'//cc(i),2.d0,0.d0,200.d0)
44 | call bookup(kk+12,'lb pt'//cc(i),10.d0,0.d0,1000.d0)
45 | call bookup(kk+13,'lb log[pt]'//cc(i),0.05d0,0.1d0,5.d0)
46 | call bookup(kk+14,'lb eta'//cc(i),0.2d0,-9.d0,9.d0)
47 | c
48 | call bookup(kk+15,'llb delta eta'//cc(i),0.2d0,-9.d0,9.d0)
49 | call bookup(kk+16,'llb azimt'//cc(i),pi/20.d0,0.d0,pi)
50 | call bookup(kk+17,'llb log[pi-azimt]'//cc(i),0.05d0,-4.d0,0.1d0)
51 | call bookup(kk+18,'llb inv m'//cc(i),bin,xmi,xms)
52 | call bookup(kk+19,'llb pt'//cc(i),2.d0,0.d0,200.d0)
53 | call bookup(kk+20,'llb log[pt]'//cc(i),0.05d0,0.1d0,5.d0)
54 | c
55 | call bookup(kk+21,'total'//cc(i),1.d0,-1.d0,1.d0)
56 | enddo
57 | return
58 | end
59 |
60 |
61 | subroutine topout
62 | implicit none
63 | character*14 ytit
64 | logical usexinteg,mint
65 | common/cusexinteg/usexinteg,mint
66 | integer itmax,ncall
67 | common/citmax/itmax,ncall
68 | real*8 xnorm1,xnorm2
69 | logical unwgt
70 | double precision evtsgn
71 | common /c_unwgt/evtsgn,unwgt
72 | integer i,kk
73 | include 'dbook.inc'
74 | c
75 | if (unwgt) then
76 | ytit='events per bin'
77 | else
78 | ytit='sigma per bin '
79 | endif
80 | xnorm1=1.d0/float(itmax)
81 | xnorm2=1.d0/float(ncall*itmax)
82 | do i=1,NPLOTS
83 | if(usexinteg.and..not.mint) then
84 | call mopera(i,'+',i,i,xnorm1,0.d0)
85 | elseif(mint) then
86 | call mopera(i,'+',i,i,xnorm2,0.d0)
87 | endif
88 | call mfinal(i)
89 | enddo
90 | do i=1,2
91 | kk=(i-1)*50
92 | call multitop(kk+ 1,3,2,'V pt',' ','LOG')
93 | call multitop(kk+ 2,3,2,'V pt',' ','LOG')
94 | call multitop(kk+ 3,3,2,'V log[pt]',' ','LOG')
95 | call multitop(kk+ 4,3,2,'V y',' ','LOG')
96 | call multitop(kk+ 5,3,2,'V eta',' ','LOG')
97 | call multitop(kk+ 6,3,2,'mV',' ','LOG')
98 | enddo
99 | do i=1,2
100 | kk=(i-1)*50
101 | call multitop(kk+ 7,3,2,'l pt',' ','LOG')
102 | call multitop(kk+ 8,3,2,'l pt',' ','LOG')
103 | call multitop(kk+ 9,3,2,'l log[pt]',' ','LOG')
104 | call multitop(kk+10,3,2,'l eta',' ','LOG')
105 | call multitop(kk+11,3,2,'l pt',' ','LOG')
106 | call multitop(kk+12,3,2,'l pt',' ','LOG')
107 | call multitop(kk+13,3,2,'l log[pt]',' ','LOG')
108 | call multitop(kk+14,3,2,'l eta',' ','LOG')
109 | c
110 | call multitop(kk+15,3,2,'llb deta',' ','LOG')
111 | call multitop(kk+16,3,2,'llb azi',' ','LOG')
112 | call multitop(kk+17,3,2,'llb azi',' ','LOG')
113 | call multitop(kk+18,3,2,'llb inv m',' ','LOG')
114 | call multitop(kk+19,3,2,'llb pt',' ','LOG')
115 | call multitop(kk+20,3,2,'llb pt',' ','LOG')
116 | c
117 | call multitop(kk+21,3,2,'total',' ','LOG')
118 | enddo
119 | return
120 | end
121 |
122 |
123 | subroutine outfun(pp,ybst_til_tolab,www,itype)
124 | C
126 | C
127 | C In MadFKS, the momenta PP given in input to this function are in the
128 | C reduced parton c.m. frame. If need be, boost them to the lab frame.
129 | C The rapidity of this boost is
130 | C
132 | C
133 | C also given in input
134 | C
135 | C This is the rapidity that enters in the arguments of the sinh() and
136 | C cosh() of the boost, in such a way that
137 | C ylab = ycm - ybst_til_tolab
138 | C where ylab is the rapidity in the lab frame and ycm the rapidity
139 | C in the center-of-momentum frame.
140 | C
142 | implicit none
143 | include 'nexternal.inc'
144 | real*8 pp(0:3,nexternal),ybst_til_tolab,www
145 | integer itype
146 | real*8 var
147 | real*8 ppevs(0:3,nexternal)
148 |
149 | real*8 getrapidity,getpseudorap,chybst,shybst,chybstmo
150 | real*8 xd(1:3)
151 | data (xd(i),i=1,3)/0,0,1/
152 | real*8 pplab(0:3,nexternal)
153 | double precision ppcl(4,nexternal),y(nexternal)
154 | double precision pjet(0:3,nexternal)
155 | double precision cthjet(nexternal)
156 | integer nn,njet,nsub,jet(nexternal)
157 | real*8 emax,getcth,cpar,dpar,thrust,dot,shat
158 | integer i,j,kk,imax
159 |
162 | c masses
163 | double precision pmass(nexternal)
164 | double precision pt1, eta1, y1, pt2, eta2, y2, pt3, eta3, y3, ht
165 |
166 | common/to_mass/pmass
167 | double precision ppkt(0:3,nexternal),ecut,djet
168 | double precision ycut, palg
169 | integer ipartjet(nexternal)
170 |
171 | double precision pi
172 | parameter (pi=3.1415926535897932385d0)
173 | double precision tiny
174 | parameter (tiny=1d-5)
175 | double precision ppl(5),pplb(5),ppv(5),xmv,ptv,yv,thv,etav,ptl,yl
176 | $ ,thl,etal,pll,enl,ptlb,ylb,thlb,etalb,pllb,enlb,ptpair,dll
177 | $ ,cll,azi,azinorm,xmll,detallb,wmass,wgamma,bwcutoff
178 | logical flag
179 |
180 | c
181 | if(itype.eq.11.or.itype.eq.12)then
182 | kk=0
183 | elseif(itype.eq.20)then
184 | kk=50
185 | return
186 | else
187 | write(*,*)'Error in outfun: unknown itype',itype
188 | stop
189 | endif
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 | chybst=cosh(ybst_til_tolab)
194 | shybst=sinh(ybst_til_tolab)
195 | chybstmo=chybst-1.d0
196 | do i=3,nexternal
197 | call boostwdir2(chybst,shybst,chybstmo,xd,
198 | # pp(0,i),pplab(0,i))
199 | enddo
200 |
201 |
202 | DO I=1,4
203 | PPL(I)=pplab(mod(I,4),4)
204 | PPLB(I)=pplab(mod(I,4),3)
205 | ENDDO
206 | ppl(5)=0d0
207 | pplb(5)=0d0
208 |
209 | do i=1,4
210 | ppv(i)=ppl(i)+pplb(i)
211 | enddo
212 | ppv(5)=sqrt(ppv(4)**2-ppv(1)**2-ppv(2)**2-ppv(3)**2)
213 |
215 | YCUT=2.5D0
216 | C Variables of the vector boson
217 | xmv=ppv(5)
218 | ptv=sqrt(ppv(1)**2+ppv(2)**2)
219 | if(abs(ppv(4)-abs(ppv(3))).gt.tiny)then
220 | yv=0.5d0*log( (ppv(4)+ppv(3))/
221 | # (ppv(4)-ppv(3)) )
222 | else
223 | yv=sign(1.d0,ppv(3))*1.d8
224 | endif
225 | thv = atan2(ptv+tiny,ppv(3))
226 | etav= -log(tan(thv/2))
227 | C Variables of the leptons
228 | ptl=sqrt(ppl(1)**2+ppl(2)**2)
229 | if(abs(ppl(4)-abs(ppl(3))).gt.tiny)then
230 | yl=0.5d0*log( (ppl(4)+ppl(3))/
231 | # (ppl(4)-ppl(3)) )
232 | else
233 | yl=sign(1.d0,ppl(3))*1.d8
234 | endif
235 | thl = atan2(ptl+tiny,ppl(3))
236 | etal= -log(tan(thl/2))
237 | pll = ppl(3)
238 | enl = ppl(4)
239 | c
240 | ptlb=sqrt(pplb(1)**2+pplb(2)**2)
241 | if(abs(pplb(4)-abs(pplb(3))).gt.tiny)then
242 | ylb=0.5d0*log( (pplb(4)+pplb(3))/
243 | # (pplb(4)-pplb(3)) )
244 | else
245 | ylb=sign(1.d0,pplb(3))*1.d8
246 | endif
247 | thlb = atan2(ptlb+tiny,pplb(3))
248 | etalb= -log(tan(thlb/2))
249 | pllb = pplb(3)
250 | enlb = pplb(4)
251 | c
252 | ptpair = dsqrt((ppl(1)+pplb(1))**2+(ppl(2)+pplb(2))**2)
253 | dll = ppl(1)*pplb(1)+ppl(2)*pplb(2)
254 | cll=0
255 | if(ptl.ne.0.and.ptlb.ne.0) cll = dll * (1-tiny)/(ptl*ptlb)
256 | if(abs(cll).gt.1) then
257 | write(*,*) ' cosine = ',cll ,dll,ptl,ptlb
258 | cll = - 1
259 | endif
260 | azi = (1-tiny)*acos(cll)
261 | azinorm = (pi-azi)/pi
262 | xmll = dsqrt( ppl(5)**2 + ppl(5)**2 +
263 | # 2*(enl*enlb - pll*pllb - dll) )
264 | detallb = etal-etalb
265 | c
266 | kk=0
267 | wmass=80.419d0
268 | wgamma=2.046d0
269 | bwcutoff=15.d0
270 |
271 | flag=(xmv.ge.wmass-wgamma*bwcutoff.and.
272 | & xmv.le.wmass+wgamma*bwcutoff)
273 |
274 | if(flag)then
275 | call mfill(kk+1,ptv,WWW)
276 | call mfill(kk+2,ptv,WWW)
277 | if(ptv.gt.0.d0)call mfill(kk+3,log10(ptv),WWW)
278 | call mfill(kk+4,yv,WWW)
279 | call mfill(kk+5,etav,WWW)
280 | call mfill(kk+6,xmv,WWW)
281 | c
282 | call mfill(kk+7,ptl,WWW)
283 | call mfill(kk+8,ptl,WWW)
284 | if(ptl.gt.0.d0)call mfill(kk+9,log10(ptl),WWW)
285 | call mfill(kk+10,etal,WWW)
286 | call mfill(kk+11,ptlb,WWW)
287 | call mfill(kk+12,ptlb,WWW)
288 | if(ptlb.gt.0.d0)call mfill(kk+13,log10(ptlb),WWW)
289 | call mfill(kk+14,etalb,WWW)
290 | c
291 | call mfill(kk+15,detallb,WWW)
292 | call mfill(kk+16,azi,WWW)
293 | if(azinorm.gt.0.d0)
294 | # call mfill(kk+17,log10(azinorm),WWW)
295 | call mfill(kk+18,xmll,WWW)
296 | call mfill(kk+19,ptpair,WWW)
297 | if(ptpair.gt.0)call mfill(kk+20,log10(ptpair),WWW)
298 | call mfill(kk+21,0d0,WWW)
299 | c
300 | kk=50
301 | if(abs(etav).lt.ycut)then
302 | call mfill(kk+1,ptv,WWW)
303 | call mfill(kk+2,ptv,WWW)
304 | if(ptv.gt.0.d0)call mfill(kk+3,log10(ptv),WWW)
305 | endif
306 | if(ptv.gt.20.d0)then
307 | call mfill(kk+4,yv,WWW)
308 | call mfill(kk+5,etav,WWW)
309 | endif
310 | if(abs(etav).lt.ycut.and.ptv.gt.20.d0)then
311 | call mfill(kk+6,xmv,WWW)
312 | call mfill(kk+21,0d0,WWW)
313 | endif
314 | c
315 | if(abs(etal).lt.ycut)then
316 | call mfill(kk+7,ptl,WWW)
317 | call mfill(kk+8,ptl,WWW)
318 | if(ptl.gt.0.d0)call mfill(kk+9,log10(ptl),WWW)
319 | endif
320 | if(ptl.gt.20.d0)call mfill(kk+10,etal,WWW)
321 | if(abs(etalb).lt.ycut)then
322 | call mfill(kk+11,ptlb,WWW)
323 | call mfill(kk+12,ptlb,WWW)
324 | if(ptlb.gt.0.d0)call mfill(kk+13,log10(ptlb),WWW)
325 | endif
326 | if(ptlb.gt.20.d0)call mfill(kk+14,etalb,WWW)
327 | c
328 | if( abs(etal).lt.ycut.and.abs(etalb).lt.ycut .and.
329 | # ptl.gt.20.d0.and.ptlb.gt.20.d0)then
330 | call mfill(kk+15,detallb,WWW)
331 | call mfill(kk+16,azi,WWW)
332 | if(azinorm.gt.0.d0)
333 | # call mfill(kk+17,log10(azinorm),WWW)
334 | call mfill(kk+18,xmll,WWW)
335 | call mfill(kk+19,ptpair,WWW)
336 | if(ptpair.gt.0)
337 | # call mfill(kk+20,log10(ptpair),WWW)
338 | endif
339 | endif
340 |
341 | 999 return
342 | end
343 |
344 |
345 | function getrapidity(en,px,py,pl)
346 | implicit none
347 | real*8 getrapidity,en,px,py,pl,tiny,xplus,xminus,y
348 | parameter (tiny=1.d-8)
349 | if (abs(en).lt.abs(pl)) en = dsqrt(px**2+py**2+pl**2)
350 | c
351 | xplus=en+pl
352 | xminus=en-pl
353 | if(xplus.gt.tiny.and.xminus.gt.tiny)then
354 | if( (xplus/xminus).gt.tiny.and.(xminus/xplus).gt.tiny )then
355 | y=0.5d0*log( xplus/xminus )
356 | else
357 | y=sign(1.d0,pl)*1.d8
358 | endif
359 | else
360 | y=sign(1.d0,pl)*1.d8
361 | endif
362 | getrapidity=y
363 | return
364 | end
365 |
366 |
367 | function getpseudorap(en,ptx,pty,pl)
368 | implicit none
369 | real*8 getpseudorap,en,ptx,pty,pl,tiny,pt,eta,th
370 | parameter (tiny=1.d-5)
371 | c
372 | pt=sqrt(ptx**2+pty**2)
373 | if(pt.lt.tiny.and.abs(pl).lt.tiny)then
374 | eta=sign(1.d0,pl)*1.d8
375 | else
376 | th=atan2(pt,pl)
377 | eta=-log(tan(th/2.d0))
378 | endif
379 | getpseudorap=eta
380 | return
381 | end
382 |