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29 | \title{MadGraph Tutorial at KIAS}
30 |
31 | \author{Olivier Mattelaer$~^{a,b}$\\
32 | $^a$ Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) \\
33 | Universit\'{e} Catholique de Louvain\\
34 | Chemin du Cyclotron 2, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium\\
35 | $^b$ Fond national de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS),\\
36 | Rue D'egmont 2\\
37 | 100 Bruxelles, Belgium\\
38 | E-mails: \email{
39 | olivier.mattelaer@uclouvain.be}
40 | }
41 |
42 |
43 | \abstract{}
44 |
45 |
46 | \begin{document}
47 | \newpage
48 |
49 | \section{Initiation to MadGraph}
50 |
51 | The purpose of this section is that you learn the basic command of the mg5 interface.
52 | In order to do so. Go to the directory when you install mg5, launch it, type "tutorial"
53 | and follow instructions.
54 | \begin{verbatim}
55 | $ ./bin/mg5
56 | mg5> tutorial
57 | \end{verbatim}
58 |
59 | \section{Masterize the Madgraph generation}
60 |
61 | The purpose of this section, is to masterize the creation of diagram.
62 | For this exercise, first draw (BY HAND) the diagram and then compare
63 | with MadGraph5.
64 |
65 | \begin{itemize}
66 | \item $ u \bar u > t \bar t$
67 | \item $ g g > t \bar t$ with the semi-leptonic decay.
68 | \item $ g g > t \bar t h$ use sm model and heft model.
69 |
70 | For this process, answer the following questions:
71 | \begin{itemize}
72 | \item What's the differences between this model and the sm one.
73 | \item What's the motivation for such model? What is the validity for such model?
74 | \end{itemize}
75 | \item $ u u~ > t \bar t b \bar b $
76 | \end{itemize}
77 |
78 | \section{Competition}
79 |
80 | The first to finish a generation wins some chocolate.
81 | The process will be given on the board.
82 |
83 |
84 | \section{How to Compute cross-section}
85 |
86 | The purpose of this section is to understand what are the different parameters used by MadGraph/Madevent in order to
87 | compute a cross-sections/generate events.
88 |
89 | \begin{itemize}
90 | \item create a process for madevent (for example):
91 | \begin{itemize}
92 | \item $mg5> generate\ p p > e^+ ve j$
93 | \item $mg5> output\ KIAS\_EXAMPLE$
94 | \end{itemize}
95 | and read the following files:
96 | \begin{itemize}
97 | \item KIAS\_EXAMPLE/Cards/param\_card.dat
98 | \item KIAS\_EXAMPLE/Cards/run\_card.dat
99 | \item KIAS\_EXAMPLE/Cards/pythia\_card\_default.dat
100 | \item KIAS\_EXAMPLE/Cards/pgs\_card\_default.dat
101 | \end{itemize}
102 | Note all your questions, and after we will discuss together the meaning of all those parameters.
103 | \end{itemize}
104 |
105 |
106 | \section{Compute your first cross-section}
107 |
108 | The purpose of this part is to make a first generation and to start to do physics with it.
109 | The idea is to make a generation and understand the various behavior presented in the
110 | various distributions.
111 |
112 | For this, by group, take one process and compute the cross-section
113 | for the LHC and for the Tevatron.
114 | \begin{itemize}
115 | \item Compare the two results, explain why you have such result.
116 | \item Look at the various distributions. Why looking at such variable?
117 | \item Do you expect such results?
118 | \item How this is different of the bkg? (which background?)
119 | \item All the question that you will have.
120 | \end{itemize}
121 |
122 | The proposed processes are the following
123 | \begin{itemize}
124 | \item $ p p > t t~ $ with a given decay.
125 | \item $ p p > l+ vl $
126 | \item $ p p > l+ l-$
127 | \item $ p p > H$ Higgs decaying in two W and the W in lepton.
128 | \end{itemize}
129 |
130 | \section{Signal + Background Phenomenology}
131 |
132 | The purpose of this study is to make a full chain analysis including shower/ hadronization/ basic detector reconstruction.
133 | And search how such process can be observed.
134 |
135 | Generate one of the two following process
136 | \begin{itemize}
137 | \item $ p p > H$ Higgs decaying in two W and the W in lepton.
138 | \item $ p p > t \bar t h$ with semi leptonic decay of the top.
139 | \item $ p p > sl \bar{sl} $ decaying in lepton neutralino.
140 | \end{itemize}
141 |
142 | Some of the questions that you should ask yourself
143 | \begin{itemize}
144 | \item How do I distinguish the signal from the background? (at parton level and reconstructed level)
145 | \item How do I measure the mass of the new particles?
146 | \item How do I measure the spin of the new particles?
147 | \item How do I treat the background?
148 | \item For which spectrum in mass, this might be interesting to discover the particles?
149 | \end{itemize}
150 |
151 | \section{Analyzing some unknown sample}
152 |
153 | At the LHC, we don't know the theory in advance. So finding the correct theory is not trivial.
154 | In this exercice, you will receive distributions for $ p p > X$ with full decay. Your job is to
155 | find what is $X$, what is the mass of $X$, the properties of $X$, ...
156 |
157 | You will find the sample here:
158 | \begin{itemize}
159 | \item http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/twiki/pub/Physics/CernSummerSchool08/A.pdf
160 | \item http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/twiki/pub/Physics/CernSummerSchool08/B.pdf
161 | \item http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/twiki/pub/Physics/CernSummerSchool08/C.pdf
162 | \end{itemize}
163 |
164 | In order to make the exercise more easy, this is the three scenarios:
165 | \begin{itemize}
166 | \item Higgs
167 | \item $W' $
168 | \item $Z'$
169 | \end{itemize}
170 |
171 | If you need some help, the same process at parton level are more easy to distinguish and more
172 | easy to analyze:
173 | \begin{itemize}
174 | \item http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/twiki/pub/Physics/CernSummerSchool08/A-lhe.pdf
175 | \item http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/twiki/pub/Physics/CernSummerSchool08/B-lhe.pdf
176 | \item http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/twiki/pub/Physics/CernSummerSchool08/C-lhe.pdf
177 | \end{itemize}
178 |
179 |
180 | \end{document}
181 |