1 | (************** Content-type: application/mathematica **************
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60 |
61 | Cell["Input FeynCalc", "Subsection"],
62 |
63 | Cell[BoxData[
64 | \(\(<< HighEnergyPhysics`fc`;\)\)], "Input"],
65 |
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82 |
83 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
84 |
85 | Cell["Preliminaries", "Subsection"],
86 |
87 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
88 |
89 | Cell["Kinematics 2->1 ", "Subsubsection"],
90 |
91 | Cell[BoxData[
92 | \(\(\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)\(\(ScalarProduct[q1, q1] =
93 | 0;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
94 | \(ScalarProduct[q2, q2] = 0;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
95 | \(ScalarProduct[q1, q2] = mh2/2;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
96 | \(ScalarProduct[q, q1] = mh2/2;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
97 | \(ScalarProduct[q, q2] = mh2/2;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
98 | \(ScalarProduct[q, q] = mh2;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
99 | \)\)\)], "Input"]
100 | }, Open ]]
101 | }, Closed]],
102 |
103 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
104 |
105 | Cell["Amplitude (2 diagrams)", "Subsection"],
106 |
107 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
108 |
109 | Cell[BoxData[
110 | \(\(\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)\(\(Amp = \((\(-I\))\) \((\(\((\(-\((\(-I\)\ \
111 | gs)\)^2\)\ \ \((\(-\ I\)\ mt\ /v)\)\ *\ I^3*deltaAB/2*
112 | Tr[\((GSD[l + q1] + mt)\) .
113 | GAD[mu] . \((GSD[l] + mt)\) .
114 | GAD[nu] . \((GSD[l - q2] +
115 | mt)\) + \((GSD[l + q2] + mt)\) .
116 | GAD[nu] . \((GSD[l] + mt)\) .
117 | GAD[mu] . \((GSD[l - q1] + mt)\)]\ //
118 | DiracSimplify)\) /. \
119 | Pair[Momentum[q2], LorentzIndex[nu]] \[Rule] 0\) /. \
120 | Pair[Momentum[q1], LorentzIndex[mu]] \[Rule] 0)\)\ //
121 | Simplify\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
122 | \)\)\)], "Input"],
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127 | RowBox[{"(",
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199 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
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201 | Cell["Let's ask FeynCalc to do the tensor reduction", "Subsection"],
202 |
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204 |
205 | Cell[BoxData[
206 | \(\(\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)\(\(res = \(\(1/\((2\ Pi)\)^4*
207 | OneLoop[l,
208 | FAD[{l, mt}, {l + q1, mt}, {l - q2, mt}]\ Amp // Contract] //
209 | PaVeReduce\) // Factor\) // Simplify;\)\[IndentingNewLine]
210 | res = \((\(res /. \ Pair[Momentum[q2], LorentzIndex[nu]] \[Rule] 0\) /. \
211 | Pair[Momentum[q1], LorentzIndex[mu]] \[Rule] 0\ )\) //
212 | Simplify\)\)\)], "Input"],
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258 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
259 |
260 | Cell["\<\
261 | The scalar integral C0, can be evaluated with the help of the \
262 | Feynman parameters (by hand) and the result is:\
263 | \>", "Subsection"],
264 |
265 | Cell["\<\
266 | c0=-I/(16 Pi^2)*1/mt^2*Integrate[1/(1-4 \[Tau] x \
267 | y),{x,0,1},{y,0,1-x}, Assumptions \[Rule] {\[Tau]<1}]//Simplify;
268 | c0FC=(2 Pi)^4/(I Pi^2) c0;\
269 | \>", "Input"]
270 | }, Closed]],
271 |
272 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
273 |
274 | Cell["\<\
275 | Let's take the mt->Infinity limit and see that the amplitude does \
276 | not depend on m_top:\
277 | \>", "Subsection"],
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280 |
281 | Cell[BoxData[
282 | \(myamp =
283 | Normal[Series[\(\(\(\((\
284 | res\ /. \ C0[x__]\ \[Rule] c0FC // Simplify)\) /. \
285 | gs^2\ \[Rule] \ as\ 4\ Pi\) /. \
286 | mh2 \[Rule] mh^2\) /. \ \[Tau] \[Rule] \ \(mh^2/4\)/mt^2 //
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