1 | (************** Content-type: application/mathematica **************
2 |
3 | Mathematica-Compatible Notebook
4 |
5 | This notebook can be used with any Mathematica-compatible
6 | application, such as Mathematica, MathReader or Publicon. The data
7 | for the notebook starts with the line containing stars above.
8 |
9 | To get the notebook into a Mathematica-compatible application, do
10 | one of the following:
11 |
12 | * Save the data starting with the line of stars above into a file
13 | with a name ending in .nb, then open the file inside the
14 | application;
15 |
16 | * Copy the data starting with the line of stars above to the
17 | clipboard, then use the Paste menu command inside the application.
18 |
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22 |
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27 |
28 | For more information on notebooks and Mathematica-compatible
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33 |
34 | Notebook reader applications are available free of charge from
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36 | *******************************************************************)
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50 | Notebook[{
51 |
52 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
53 | Cell["Phenomenology of pp\[Rule]H+X at NLO", "Subtitle"],
54 |
55 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
56 |
57 | Cell["Introduction", "Section"],
58 |
59 | Cell[TextData[{
60 | StyleBox["In this notebook we calculate the inclusive cross section for \
61 | Higgs production at hadron colliders, at NLO in the strong coupling. We use \
62 | the analytic results obtained in a previous notebook corresponding to the \
63 | original calculation by Sally Dawson (Nuclear Physics B (1991) 283). To get \
64 | useful numbers we use a modern set of PDF, i.e. the MRST as implemented in ",
65 | FontSize->16],
66 | StyleBox["Mathematica",
67 | FontSize->16,
68 | FontSlant->"Italic"],
69 | StyleBox[" by J.Andersen (many thanks!). A description of the calculation, \
70 | including the formulas used here for the numerical results, is given in the \
71 | notes.",
72 | FontSize->16]
73 | }], "Text"]
74 | }, Closed]],
75 |
76 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
77 |
78 | Cell["Preliminaries", "Section"],
79 |
80 | Cell["\<\
81 | Off[General::spell];
82 | Off[General::spell1];
83 | Clear[\"Global`*\"];\
84 | \>", "Input"],
85 |
86 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
87 |
88 | Cell["Install Vegas", "Subsection"],
89 |
90 | Cell["\<\
91 | I use the Vegas package of CUBA library of T. Hahn \
92 | (hep-ph/0404043). If you do not want to use it, use NIntegrate instead of \
93 | Vegas\
94 | \>", "Text"],
95 |
96 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
97 |
98 | Cell[BoxData[
99 | \(Install["\</Users/fabiomaltoni/Physics/Codes/CUBA/VegasX\>"]
100 | Install["\</Users/fabiomaltoni/Physics/Codes/CUBA/SuaveX\>"]\)], "Input"],
101 |
102 | Cell[BoxData[
103 | \(TraditionalForm\`LinkObject[
104 | "/Users/fabiomaltoni/Physics/Codes/CUBA/SuaveX", 3, 3]\ LinkObject[
105 | "/Users/fabiomaltoni/Physics/Codes/CUBA/VegasX", 2, 2]\)], "Output"]
106 | }, Open ]]
107 | }, Closed]],
108 |
109 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
110 |
111 | Cell["Call special graphics routines", "Subsection"],
112 |
113 | Cell["\<\
114 | << Graphics`Colors`;
115 | << Graphics`Graphics`;\
116 | \>", "Input"]
117 | }, Closed]],
118 |
119 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
120 |
121 | Cell["Install PDF'S: for help read the PDF-HOWTO document", "Subsection"],
122 |
123 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
124 |
125 | Cell[BoxData[{
126 | \(SetDirectory["\<~/Physics/Teaching/pp>Higgs\ at\ NLO/Jeppe\>"]\), "\
127 | \[IndentingNewLine]",
128 | \(Install["\<pdf.exe\>"]\)}], "Input"],
129 |
130 | Cell[BoxData[
131 | \(TraditionalForm\`"/Users/fabiomaltoni/Physics/Teaching/pp>Higgs at \
132 | NLO/Jeppe"\)], "Output"],
133 |
134 | Cell[BoxData[
135 | \(TraditionalForm\`LinkObject["./pdf.exe", 4, 4]\)], "Output"]
136 | }, Open ]],
137 |
138 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
139 |
140 | Cell["\<\
141 |
142 | <<\"loadCTEQ5.m\";\
143 | \>", "Input"],
144 |
145 | Cell[BoxData[
146 | \(TraditionalForm\`"Loading Package: PDF"\)], "Print"],
147 |
148 | Cell[BoxData[
149 | \(TraditionalForm\`"PDF's from CTEQ5"\)], "Print"],
150 |
151 | Cell[BoxData[
152 | \(TraditionalForm\`"Eur.Phys.J.C12:375-392,2000 "\)], "Print"],
153 |
154 | Cell[BoxData[
155 | \(TraditionalForm\`"*** Warning *** Unofficial release. "\)], "Print"],
156 |
157 | Cell[BoxData[
158 | \(TraditionalForm\`"*** Cross-check with official Fortran code."\)], \
159 | "Print"],
160 |
161 | Cell[BoxData[
162 | \(TraditionalForm\`" Version 1.0: Written by Tamara Trout & Fred Olness, \
163 | October 1, 2000"\)], "Print"],
164 |
165 | Cell[BoxData[
166 | \(TraditionalForm\`" "\)], "Print"],
167 |
168 | Cell[BoxData[
169 | \(TraditionalForm\`"In case of problems, contact:"\)], "Print"],
170 |
171 | Cell[BoxData[
172 | \(TraditionalForm\`"Fred Olness: olness@mail.physics.smu.edu"\)], "Print"]
173 | }, Open ]],
174 |
175 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
176 |
177 | Cell["\<\
178 | Wrapper to call the pdf. Notation is self-explanatory. Just notice \
179 | that all parton distribution codes usually return x f(x). To avoid confusion, \
180 | at expense of a couple more floating point operations, I divide all the \
181 | values by the corresponding x. pdfcall calculates the parton-parton \
182 | luminoties, gg qg, qq~\
183 | \>", "Subsubsection"],
184 |
185 | Cell["\<\
186 | (* MRST *)
187 |
188 | pdfMRST[X1_,X2_,q_]:=Module[
189 | {Q,xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF,pd1,pd2,xgg,xqg,xqq},
190 | Q=q*1.;
191 | xgDF =f[3,X1,Q]/X1;
192 | xdbDF=f[8,X1,Q]/X1;
193 | xdDF =f[2,X1,Q]/X1+xdbDF;
194 | xubDF=f[4,X1,Q]/X1;
195 | xuDF =f[1,X1,Q]/X1+xubDF;
196 | xsDF =f[6,X1,Q]/X1;
197 | xcDF =f[5,X1,Q]/X1;
198 | xbDF =f[7,X1,Q]/X1;
199 |
200 | pd1={xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF};
201 | xgDF =f[3,X2,Q]/X2;
202 | xdbDF=f[8,X2,Q]/X2;
203 | xdDF =f[2,X2,Q]/X2+xdbDF;
204 | xubDF=f[4,X2,Q]/X2;
205 | xuDF =f[1,X2,Q]/X2+xubDF;
206 | xsDF =f[6,X2,Q]/X2;
207 | xcDF =f[5,X2,Q]/X2;
208 | xbDF =f[7,X2,Q]/X2;
209 | pd2={xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF};
210 |
211 |
212 | xgg=pd1[[1]]*pd2[[1]];
213 | xqg=pd1[[1]]*(pd2[[2]]+pd2[[3]]+pd2[[4]]+pd2[[5]]+2(pd2[[6]]+pd2[[7]]+pd2[[8]]\
214 | ))+
215 | pd2[[1]]*(pd1[[2]]+pd1[[3]]+pd1[[4]]+pd1[[5]]+2(pd1[[6]]+pd1[[7]]+pd1[[8]])\
216 | );
217 | xqq=pd1[[2]]*pd2[[3]]+pd1[[4]]*pd2[[5]]+pd1[[3]]*pd2[[2]]+pd1[[5]]*pd2[[4]]+
218 | 2(pd1[[6]] pd2[[6]]+pd1[[7]] pd2[[7]]+pd1[[8]] pd2[[8]]);
219 |
220 | Return[{xgg,xqg,xqq}];
221 | ];\
222 | \>", "Input"],
223 |
224 | Cell["\<\
225 |
226 | (* cteq5 *)\
227 | \>", "Input"],
228 |
229 | Cell["\<\
230 | pdfCTEQ[X1_,X2_,q_]:=Module[
231 | {Q,pd1,pd2,xgg,xqg,xqq},
232 | Q=q*1.;
233 |
234 | pd1={cteq5pdf[1,0,X1,Q],
235 | cteq5pdf[1,2,X1,Q],
236 | cteq5pdf[1,-2,X1,Q],
237 | cteq5pdf[1,1,X1,Q],
238 | cteq5pdf[1,-1,X1,Q],
239 | cteq5pdf[1,3,X1,Q],
240 | cteq5pdf[1,4,X1,Q],
241 | cteq5pdf[1,5,X1,Q]};
242 | pd2={cteq5pdf[1,0,X2,Q],
243 | cteq5pdf[1,2,X2,Q],
244 | cteq5pdf[1,-2,X2,Q],
245 | cteq5pdf[1,1,X2,Q],
246 | cteq5pdf[1,-1,X2,Q],
247 | cteq5pdf[1,3,X2,Q],
248 | cteq5pdf[1,4,X2,Q],
249 | cteq5pdf[1,5,X2,Q]};
250 |
251 | xgg=pd1[[1]]*pd2[[1]];
252 | xqg=pd1[[1]]*(pd2[[2]]+pd2[[3]]+pd2[[4]]+pd2[[5]]+2(pd2[[6]]+pd2[[7]]+pd2[[8]]\
253 | ))+
254 | pd2[[1]]*(pd1[[2]]+pd1[[3]]+pd1[[4]]+pd1[[5]]+2(pd1[[6]]+pd1[[7]]+pd1[[8]])\
255 | );
256 | xqq=pd1[[2]]*pd2[[3]]+pd1[[4]]*pd2[[5]]+pd1[[3]]*pd2[[2]]+pd1[[5]]*pd2[[4]]+
257 | 2(pd1[[6]] pd2[[6]]+pd1[[7]] pd2[[7]]+pd1[[8]] pd2[[8]]);
258 |
259 | Return[{xgg,xqg,xqq}];
260 | ];
261 |
262 | pdfCTEQLO[X1_,X2_,q_]:=Module[
263 | {Q,xgDF,xdDF,xdbDF,xuDF,xubDF,xsDF,xcDF,xbDF,pd1,pd2,xgg,xqg,xqq},
264 | Q=q*1.;
265 |
266 | pd1={cteq5pdf[3,0,X1,Q],
267 | cteq5pdf[3,2,X1,Q],
268 | cteq5pdf[3,-2,X1,Q],
269 | cteq5pdf[3,1,X1,Q],
270 | cteq5pdf[3,-1,X1,Q],
271 | cteq5pdf[3,3,X1,Q],
272 | cteq5pdf[3,4,X1,Q],
273 | cteq5pdf[3,5,X1,Q]};
274 | pd2={cteq5pdf[3,0,X2,Q],
275 | cteq5pdf[3,2,X2,Q],
276 | cteq5pdf[3,-2,X2,Q],
277 | cteq5pdf[3,1,X2,Q],
278 | cteq5pdf[3,-1,X2,Q],
279 | cteq5pdf[3,3,X2,Q],
280 | cteq5pdf[3,4,X2,Q],
281 | cteq5pdf[3,5,X2,Q]};
282 |
283 | xgg=pd1[[1]]*pd2[[1]];
284 | xqg=pd1[[1]]*(pd2[[2]]+pd2[[3]]+pd2[[4]]+pd2[[5]]+2(pd2[[6]]+pd2[[7]]+pd2[[8]]\
285 | ))+
286 | pd2[[1]]*(pd1[[2]]+pd1[[3]]+pd1[[4]]+pd1[[5]]+2(pd1[[6]]+pd1[[7]]+pd1[[8]])\
287 | );
288 | xqq=pd1[[2]]*pd2[[3]]+pd1[[4]]*pd2[[5]]+pd1[[3]]*pd2[[2]]+pd1[[5]]*pd2[[4]]+
289 | 2(pd1[[6]] pd2[[6]]+pd1[[7]] pd2[[7]]+pd1[[8]] pd2[[8]]);
290 |
291 | Return[{xgg,xqg,xqq}];
292 | ];\
293 | \>", "Input"]
294 | }, Open ]],
295 |
296 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
297 |
298 | Cell["Decide the pdf family to be used ", "Subsubsection"],
299 |
300 | Cell["pdfcall[x__] = pdfCTEQ[x];", "Input"]
301 | }, Open ]]
302 | }, Open ]],
303 |
304 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
305 |
306 | Cell["\<\
307 | Alpha_S: Very basic implementation of Alpha_S.
308 | Check that the value of Lamda_4 or Lambda_5 is consistent with that of the \
309 | PDF.
310 | One simple, but indirect way to do it is to compare the value of alphas(MZ) \
311 | with the one quoted by MRST.\
312 | \>", "Subsection"],
313 |
314 | Cell[BoxData[{
315 | \(\(b[nf_] := \(\((33 - 2\ nf)\)/12\)/
316 | Pi;\)\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
317 | \ \ \ \), "\[IndentingNewLine]",
318 | \(\(bp[
319 | nf_] := \(\(\((153 - 19\ nf)\)/2\)/
320 | Pi\)/\((33 - 2\ nf)\);\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]",
321 | \(\(t[nf] :=
322 | Log[q^2/\[CapitalLambda][nf]^2];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]",
323 | \(\(\(mb = 4.75;\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
324 | \)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]",
325 | \(\(\[CapitalLambda][5] = 0.146;\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]",
326 | \(\(asLO[q_, nf_] = 1/\((b[nf]\ t[nf])\);\)\), "\n",
327 | \(\(\[CapitalLambda][5] = 0.226;\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]",
328 | \(\(asNLO[q_, nf_] =
329 | 1/\((b[nf]\ t[nf])\) \((1 -
330 | bp[nf]/b[nf]\ Log[t[nf]]/t[nf])\);\)\)}], "Input"],
331 |
332 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
333 |
334 | Cell["\<\
335 | Check the values of alpha_S at the scale MZ\
336 | \>", "Subsubsection"],
337 |
338 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
339 |
340 | Cell["asNLO[91.118,5]", "Input"],
341 |
342 | Cell[BoxData[
343 | \(TraditionalForm\`0.11799518835498905`\)], "Output"]
344 | }, Open ]]
345 | }, Open ]]
346 | }, Open ]],
347 |
348 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
349 |
350 | Cell["Color factors ", "Subsection"],
351 |
352 | Cell["\<\
353 | CF=4/3;
354 | CA=3;
355 | nf=5;
356 | TF=1/2;
357 | b0=11/6 CA -2 nf TF/3;
358 | \
359 | \>", "Input"]
360 | }, Closed]]
361 | }, Open ]],
362 |
363 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
364 |
365 | Cell["LO cross section", "Section"],
366 |
367 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
368 |
369 | Cell["\<\
370 | Integral of the LO loop. The sign of the Imaginary part is given by \
371 | the usual prescription mt^2-i eps which is equivalent to t+i eps in the \
372 | notation below.
373 | t=mh^2/4/mt^2;\
374 | \>", "Subsubsection"],
375 |
376 | Cell[" ", "Input"],
377 |
378 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
379 |
380 | Cell["\<\
381 | eps=0.00000001;
382 | inte[t_]=3*Integrate[(1-4 x y)/(1-4 t x y),{x,0,1},{y,0,1-x}]//Simplify;
383 | Plot[{Re[inte[t+I eps]],Im[inte[t+I \
384 | eps]]},{t,0,10},PlotStyle\[Rule]{{Blue,Thickness[0.007]},{Red,Thickness[0.007]\
385 | }}];\
386 | \>", "Input"],
387 |
388 | Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\
389 | %!
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414 | [.78571 .00222 3 0 ]
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416 | [.97619 .00222 6 0 ]
417 | [.01131 .09936 -24 -4.5 ]
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420 | [.01131 .18401 0 4.5 ]
421 | [.01131 .26865 -24 -4.5 ]
422 | [.01131 .26865 0 4.5 ]
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425 | [.01131 .43794 -24 -4.5 ]
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427 | [.01131 .52258 -18 -4.5 ]
428 | [.01131 .52258 0 4.5 ]
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447 | s
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482 | s
483 | .5 .01472 m
484 | .5 .01847 L
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486 | .54762 .01472 m
487 | .54762 .01847 L
488 | s
489 | .64286 .01472 m
490 | .64286 .01847 L
491 | s
492 | .69048 .01472 m
493 | .69048 .01847 L
494 | s
495 | .7381 .01472 m
496 | .7381 .01847 L
497 | s
498 | .83333 .01472 m
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501 | .88095 .01472 m
502 | .88095 .01847 L
503 | s
504 | .92857 .01472 m
505 | .92857 .01847 L
506 | s
507 | .25 Mabswid
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521 | s
522 | [(0.75)] .01131 .26865 1 0 Mshowa
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525 | s
526 | [(1)] .01131 .35329 1 0 Mshowa
527 | .02381 .43794 m
528 | .03006 .43794 L
529 | s
530 | [(1.25)] .01131 .43794 1 0 Mshowa
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532 | .03006 .52258 L
533 | s
534 | [(1.5)] .01131 .52258 1 0 Mshowa
535 | .02381 .60723 m
536 | .03006 .60723 L
537 | s
538 | [(1.75)] .01131 .60723 1 0 Mshowa
539 | .125 Mabswid
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542 | s
543 | .02381 .04857 m
544 | .02756 .04857 L
545 | s
546 | .02381 .0655 m
547 | .02756 .0655 L
548 | s
549 | .02381 .08243 m
550 | .02756 .08243 L
551 | s
552 | .02381 .11629 m
553 | .02756 .11629 L
554 | s
555 | .02381 .13322 m
556 | .02756 .13322 L
557 | s
558 | .02381 .15015 m
559 | .02756 .15015 L
560 | s
561 | .02381 .16708 m
562 | .02756 .16708 L
563 | s
564 | .02381 .20093 m
565 | .02756 .20093 L
566 | s
567 | .02381 .21786 m
568 | .02756 .21786 L
569 | s
570 | .02381 .23479 m
571 | .02756 .23479 L
572 | s
573 | .02381 .25172 m
574 | .02756 .25172 L
575 | s
576 | .02381 .28558 m
577 | .02756 .28558 L
578 | s
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587 | s
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592 | .02756 .38715 L
593 | s
594 | .02381 .40408 m
595 | .02756 .40408 L
596 | s
597 | .02381 .42101 m
598 | .02756 .42101 L
599 | s
600 | .02381 .45487 m
601 | .02756 .45487 L
602 | s
603 | .02381 .4718 m
604 | .02756 .4718 L
605 | s
606 | .02381 .48873 m
607 | .02756 .48873 L
608 | s
609 | .02381 .50566 m
610 | .02756 .50566 L
611 | s
612 | .02381 .53951 m
613 | .02756 .53951 L
614 | s
615 | .02381 .55644 m
616 | .02756 .55644 L
617 | s
618 | .02381 .57337 m
619 | .02756 .57337 L
620 | s
621 | .02381 .5903 m
622 | .02756 .5903 L
623 | s
624 | .25 Mabswid
625 | .02381 0 m
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636 | .007 w
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643 | .10458 .46661 L
644 | .11004 .48287 L
645 | .11243 .49122 L
646 | .11508 .5017 L
647 | .11756 .51355 L
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948 | o`00oiWooooo2Ooo0026ooooo`007Oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`15ooooo`;oo`009Oooool3o`00
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950 | oooo1ooo002>ooooo`007Oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`16ooooo`;oo`008oooool3o`00oi7ooooo
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952 | 0?n?ooooo`Ooo`00U?ooool001Cooooo00?o0000ooooooooool01_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`16
953 | ooooo`?oo`008Oooool2o`00ohcooooo2?oo002Gooooo`005?ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`06oooo
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960 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`03o`00odOooooo0ooo000Iooooo`?o003oMoooool7ool00;3ooooo000Moooo
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963 | 0;Kooooo000Mooooo`;o00001?ooool3o`00odKooooo0ooo000Eooooo`?o003oKoooool8ool00;Wo
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987 | 7Oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Dooooo`;o003o@_ooool3o`00oa7ooooo5ooo003ooooooaGooooo
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989 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`0Eooooo`;o003o@?ooool3o`00oooooooo?_ooool001gooooo00?o0000oooo
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992 | o`00ocgooooo0ol00?ooooooocoooooo0002ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00Sooooo00Ko0000oooo
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997 | 003oooooooooo`04ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01Sooooo0_l00?ljooooo`?o003ooooooom1oooo
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1006 | 0?ldooooo`;o003ooooooom5ooooo`007Oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Kooooo`?o003o<_ooool3
1007 | o`00ooooooooAOooool001gooooo00?o0000ooooooooool07?ooool3o`00oc7ooooo0_l00?oooooo
1008 | odKooooo000Mooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01gooooo0_l00?l`ooooo`?o003ooooooom6ooooo`00
1009 | 7Oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Mooooo`?o003o;oooool2o`00ooooooooAoooool001gooooo00?o
1010 | 0000ooooooooool07_ooool2o`00obkooooo0ol00?ooooooodOooooo000Mooooo`;o00007oooool2
1011 | o`00obkooooo0_l00?ooooooodSooooo000Mooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01kooooo0ol00?l/oooo
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1015 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`0Pooooo`;o003o:_ooool2o`00ooooooooB_ooool001gooooo00?o0000oooo
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1021 | ooooooooo`0Qooooo`?o003o9?ooool3o`00ooooooooCOooool001gooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0
1022 | 8_ooool2o`00obCooooo0_l00?ooooooodkooooo000Mooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02;ooooo0_l0
1023 | 0?lTooooo`;o003ooooooom>ooooo`007Oooool2o`0002?ooooo0_l00?lSooooo`?o003ooooooom>
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1030 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`0;ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00Cooooo00?o0000ooooooooool08oooool2
1031 | o`00oaoooooo0ol00?oooooooe7ooooo0008ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00_ooooo00?o0000oooo
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1035 | 9?ooool2o`00oagooooo0ol00?oooooooe;ooooo0008ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00Oooooo1Ol0
1036 | 0006ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02Cooooo0_l00?lMooooo`;o003ooooooomCooooo`007Oooool0
1037 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`0Tooooo`;o003o7?ooool3o`00ooooooooDoooool001gooooo00?o0000oooo
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1039 | oooo0_l00?lKooooo`?o003ooooooomDooooo`007Oooool2o`0002Gooooo0ol00?lJooooo`;o003o
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1044 | 9Oooool2o`00oaSooooo0_l00?oooooooeOooooo000Mooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02Gooooo0_l0
1045 | 0?lGooooo`?o003ooooooomGooooo`007Oooool2o`0002Kooooo0ol00?lFooooo`;o003ooooooomH
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1058 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`0Yooooo`?o003o2Oooool3o`00ooooooooH?ooool001gooooo00?o0000oooo
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1062 | 0oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`02ooooo`?o00001oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0/ooooo`So003o
1063 | oooooomTooooo`000_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`09ooooo`05o`000?ooooooooooooooool00000
1064 | 0oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`04ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02gooooo1_l00?ooooooofGooooo
1065 | 0002ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool01?ooool00ol0003ooooooooo
1066 | o`04ooooo`?o0000;_ooool3o`00ooooooooIoooool000;ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool02_ooool0
1067 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`04ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00Cooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0oooooonH
1068 | ooooo`000_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0;ooooo`03o`000?oooooo000000?o00001oooool00ol0
1069 | 003oooooooooo`3ooooooiSooooo00000ooooooo0000o`000009ooooo`07o`000?oooooooooooooo
1070 | ool0003oooooo`00000:ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo0?ooooooV?ooool000;ooooo00?o0000oooo
1071 | ooooool01oooool5o`000003ooooool0003o000000?o00001_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`3ooooo
1072 | oiSooooo000Mooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo0?ooooooV?ooool00?oooooo^?ooool00001\
1073 | \>"],
1074 | ImageRangeCache->{{{0, 438.375}, {270.562, 0}} -> {-0.732569, -0.112555, \
1075 | 0.025053, 0.00704711}}]
1076 | }, Open ]],
1077 |
1078 | Cell["\<\
1079 | Plot of the real and imaginary part of 3*I(a) as defined in the \
1080 | notes (I use 3*I(a) so that the function goes to 1 as a->0.)\
1081 | \>", "Text"]
1082 | }, Open ]],
1083 |
1084 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1085 |
1086 | Cell[TextData[{
1087 | "Function to be integrated to get the LO cross section. In general, we use \
1088 | the convention that all functions to be numerically integrated in the \
1089 | hypercubes ",
1090 | Cell[BoxData[
1091 | \(TraditionalForm\`\([0, 1]\)\^d\)]],
1092 | ", where d is the dimension of the integration space. dsigma depends on the \
1093 | Higgs mass (mh), the total collider energy (sqrtS) and from the arbitrary \
1094 | normalization and factorization scales (mur,muf)."
1095 | }], "Subsubsection"],
1096 |
1097 | Cell["\<\
1098 | dsigmaLO[zz_,mh_,sqrtS_,muf_,mur_]:=Module[
1099 | {y,x1,x2,gg0,qg0,qq0,s0,ymin,ymax,JAC,v,S,tau0},
1100 | Muf=muf*1.;
1101 | v=246.;
1102 | S=sqrtS^2;
1103 | tau0=mh^2/S;
1104 | ymax=-Log[Sqrt[tau0]];
1105 | ymin=-ymax;
1106 | y=ymin+(ymax-ymin)*zz;
1107 | JAC=ymax-ymin;
1108 | x1=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[y];
1109 | x2=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[-y];
1110 | {gg0,qg0,qq0}=pdfCTEQLO[x1,x2,Muf];
1111 | s0=asLO[mur,5]^2/576/Pi/v^2*tau0;
1112 | s0=s0*gg0;
1113 | s0=s0*389379660; (*to picobarns*)
1114 | s0=s0*JAC;
1115 | Return[s0];
1116 | ];\
1117 | \>", "Input"],
1118 |
1119 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1120 |
1121 | Cell["sLO=NIntegrate[dsigmaLO[xx,100,14000,100,100],{xx,0,1}]", "Input"],
1122 |
1123 | Cell[BoxData[
1124 | \(TraditionalForm\`28.056643821030747`\)], "Output"]
1125 | }, Open ]]
1126 | }, Open ]],
1127 |
1128 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1129 |
1130 | Cell["\<\
1131 | Get the cross section for various Higgs masses and including the \
1132 | form factor of the loop.
1133 | I first build a table with the results of the cross section in picobarns, and \
1134 | then plot it.\
1135 | \>", "Subsection"],
1136 |
1137 | Cell["\<\
1138 | resEFT=Table[{i,NIntegrate[dsigmaLO[x,i*1.,14000.,i*1.,i*1.],{x,0,1}\
1139 | ]},{i,20,600,10}];\
1140 | \>", "Input"],
1141 |
1142 | Cell["\<\
1143 | resFULL=Table[{resEFT[[i]][[1]],Abs[inte[resEFT[[i]][[1]]^2/175^2/4]\
1144 | ]^2*resEFT[[i]][[2]]},{i,1,Length[resEFT]}];\
1145 | \>", "Input"],
1146 |
1147 | Cell["resFULL", "Input"],
1148 |
1149 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1150 |
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1152 | "Show[LogListPlot[resEFT, ",
1153 | StyleBox["PlotJoined", "MR"],
1154 | " ",
1155 | StyleBox["->", "MR"],
1156 | " ",
1157 | StyleBox["True,", "MR"],
1158 | "PlotStyle\[Rule]{Red}],\nplotFULL=LogListPlot[resFULL, ",
1159 | StyleBox["PlotJoined", "MR"],
1160 | " ",
1161 | StyleBox["->True,", "MR"],
1162 | "PlotStyle\[Rule]{Blue}]];\n\n"
1163 | }], "Input"],
1164 |
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1266 | .21429 .00375 L
1267 | s
1268 | .24603 0 m
1269 | .24603 .00375 L
1270 | s
1271 | .27778 0 m
1272 | .27778 .00375 L
1273 | s
1274 | .30952 0 m
1275 | .30952 .00375 L
1276 | s
1277 | .37302 0 m
1278 | .37302 .00375 L
1279 | s
1280 | .40476 0 m
1281 | .40476 .00375 L
1282 | s
1283 | .43651 0 m
1284 | .43651 .00375 L
1285 | s
1286 | .46825 0 m
1287 | .46825 .00375 L
1288 | s
1289 | .53175 0 m
1290 | .53175 .00375 L
1291 | s
1292 | .56349 0 m
1293 | .56349 .00375 L
1294 | s
1295 | .59524 0 m
1296 | .59524 .00375 L
1297 | s
1298 | .62698 0 m
1299 | .62698 .00375 L
1300 | s
1301 | .69048 0 m
1302 | .69048 .00375 L
1303 | s
1304 | .72222 0 m
1305 | .72222 .00375 L
1306 | s
1307 | .75397 0 m
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1309 | s
1310 | .78571 0 m
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1312 | s
1313 | .84921 0 m
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1318 | s
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1321 | s
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1324 | s
1325 | .25 Mabswid
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1328 | s
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1331 | s
1332 | gsave
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1455 | s
1456 | gsave
1457 | -0.0125 .36746 -77 -10 Mabsadd m
1458 | 1 1 Mabs scale
1459 | currentpoint translate
1460 | 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale
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1486 | s
1487 | gsave
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1517 | s
1518 | gsave
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1545 | grestore
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1548 | s
1549 | gsave
1550 | -0.0125 .58924 -83 -10 Mabsadd m
1551 | 1 1 Mabs scale
1552 | currentpoint translate
1553 | 0 20 translate 1 -1 scale
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1558 | [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont
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1580 | s
1581 | 0 .21245 m
1582 | .00375 .21245 L
1583 | s
1584 | 0 .2515 m
1585 | .00375 .2515 L
1586 | s
1587 | 0 .26635 m
1588 | .00375 .26635 L
1589 | s
1590 | 0 .27921 m
1591 | .00375 .27921 L
1592 | s
1593 | 0 .29056 m
1594 | .00375 .29056 L
1595 | s
1596 | 0 .40652 m
1597 | .00375 .40652 L
1598 | s
1599 | 0 .43423 m
1600 | .00375 .43423 L
1601 | s
1602 | 0 .47328 m
1603 | .00375 .47328 L
1604 | s
1605 | 0 .48813 m
1606 | .00375 .48813 L
1607 | s
1608 | 0 .50099 m
1609 | .00375 .50099 L
1610 | s
1611 | 0 .51233 m
1612 | .00375 .51233 L
1613 | s
1614 | .25 Mabswid
1615 | 0 0 m
1616 | 0 .61803 L
1617 | s
1618 | 0 0 m
1619 | 1 0 L
1620 | 1 .61803 L
1621 | 0 .61803 L
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1623 | clip
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1657 | .53175 .17154 L
1658 | .54762 .16454 L
1659 | .56349 .1577 L
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1688 | 0 0 1 r
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1831 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`3oooooofcooooo0ooo000Booooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`3ooooo
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1838 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`3ooooood[ooooo1?oo000cooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`3ooooo
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1909 | oooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo08Kooooo0_oo000>ooooo`;o003oj?ooool001[ooooo00?o
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1912 | ooooool02_ooool3o`00onkooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo083ooooo0_oo000:ooooo`?o
1913 | 003olOooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0Ooooool00ooo003oooooooooo`08ooooo`;o003o
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1915 | o`0007cooooo00?oo`00ooooooooool01oooool2o`00ooSooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo
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1918 | 0_l00?onooooo`006_ooool3o`0007Kooooo00?oo`00ooooooooool01Oooool2o`00oooooooo0Ooo
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1921 | o`Gooooo000:ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00;ooooo00Co0000oooooooooooo00001oooool00ol0
1922 | 003oooooooooo`1aooooo`03ool00?oooooooooo00Gooooo00?o003oooooooooool0ooooool5oooo
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1929 | 00Gooooo0ol00?ooooooo`gooooo000:ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00?ooooo0_l00008ooooo`03
1930 | o`000?oooooooooo06Wooooo00?oo`00ooooooooool00oooool2o`00oooooooo4?ooool001[ooooo
1931 | 00?o0000ooooooooool0Ioooool2ool000Cooooo0_l00?oooooooa;ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oo
1932 | oooooooo06Kooooo00?oo`00ooooooooool00oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3ooooooa;ooooo000J
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1937 | ool0oooooolHooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1Pooooo`04ool00?ooooooooooooooo`;o
1938 | 003ooooooolKooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1Oooooo`05ool00?ooooooooooooooool0
1939 | 0?l0oooooolMooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1Nooooo`03ool00?oooooooooo00;o003o
1940 | oooooolNooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1Mooooo`04ool00?ooooooooooo`00oooooooo
1941 | 8?ooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0Foooool2ool000;ooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooo
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1943 | oolRooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1Iooooo`05ool00?ooooooooooooooool00?l0oooo
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1945 | ooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1Gooooo`04ool00?ooooooooooo`00oooooooo9_ooool0
1946 | 01[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0EOooool2ool00003ooooool00?oo003o0?oooooo9oooool001[o
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1948 | o`000?oooooooooo05?ooooo00Coo`00ooooool00?oo003ooooooolZooooo`006_ooool00ol0003o
1949 | ooooooooo`1Booooo`03ool00?oooooo003o0?oooooo;?ooool000Sooooo1Ol00003ooooo`;o0000
1950 | 2?ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1Aooooo`03ool00?oooooo003o0?oooooo;Oooool000Wooooo00Co
1951 | 0000oooooooooooo00000_ooool01?l0003oooooooooool00007ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo053o
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1954 | 00Go0000ooooooooooooooooo`000002ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00Gooooo00?o0000oooooooo
1955 | ool0C_ooool00ooo003oooooo`00o`3ooooooc3ooooo0008ooooo`05o`000?ooooooooooooooool0
1956 | 00000_ooool01?l0003oooooooooool00007ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo04gooooo00?oo`00oooo
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1959 | 00Wooooo0ol00004ooooo`;o00002?ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`1;ooooo`03ool00?oooooo003o
1960 | 0?oooooo<oooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0B_ooool00ooo003oooooo`00o`3oooooocCo
1961 | oooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo04Wooooo00?oo`00ooooool00?l0ooooooleooooo`006_oo
1962 | ool00ol0003oooooooooo`18ooooo`03ool00?l00?oo003o0?oooooo=_ooool001[ooooo00?o0000
1963 | ooooooooool0Aoooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3oooooocOooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo
1964 | 04Kooooo00?oo`00o`00ooooool0oooooolhooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`15ooooo`03
1965 | ool00?l00?oooooo0?oooooo>Oooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0A?ooool00ooo003o003o
1966 | ooooo`3ooooooc[ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo04Cooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooo
1967 | ooljooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`13ooooo`03ool00?l00?oooooo0?oooooo>oooool0
1968 | 01[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0@_ooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3ooooooccooooo000Jooooo`?o
1969 | 0000@Oooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3oooooocgooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo043ooooo
1970 | 00?oo`00o`00ooooool0oooooolnooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0oooooo`03ool00?l0
1971 | 0?oooooo0?oooooo?oooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0?_ooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3o
1972 | oooood3ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo03gooooo00?oo`00o`00ooooool0oooooom1oooo
1973 | o`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0looooo`03ool00?l00?oooooo0?oooooo@_ooool001[ooooo
1974 | 00?o0000ooooooooool0>oooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3ooooood?ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oo
1975 | oooooooo03[ooooo00?oo`00o`00ooooool0oooooom4ooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0i
1976 | ooooo`03ool00?l00?oooooo0?ooooooAOooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0>?ooool00ooo
1977 | 003o003oooooo`3oooooodKooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo03Oooooo00?oo`00o`00oooo
1978 | ool0oooooom7ooooo`006_ooool3o`0003Oooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooom7ooooo`006_oo
1979 | ool00ol0003oooooooooo`0fooooo`03ool00?l00?oooooo0?ooooooB?ooool001[ooooo00?o0000
1980 | ooooooooool0=Oooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3oooooodWooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo
1981 | 03Cooooo00?oo`00o`00ooooool0oooooom:ooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0dooooo`03
1982 | o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooB_ooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0<oooool00ol00?oooooo
1983 | ooooo`3ooooood_ooooo0009ooooo`?o00001?ooool2o`0000Sooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0<_oo
1984 | ool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooodcooooo0008ooooo`05o`000?ooooooooooooooool000000_oo
1985 | ool01?l0003oooooooooool00007ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo037ooooo00?o003oooooooooool0
1986 | oooooom=ooooo`003?ooool01?l0003oooooooooool00002ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00Gooooo
1987 | 1?l0000`ooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooCOooool000cooooo00Co0000oooooooooooo0000
1988 | 0_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`05ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo033ooooo00?o003oooooooooool0
1989 | oooooom>ooooo`002?ooool4o`0000?ooooo00Co0000oooooooooooo00001oooool00ol0003ooooo
1990 | ooooo`0_ooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooCoooool000Sooooo00?o0000ooooooooool01?oo
1991 | ool01?l0003oooooooooool00007ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02kooooo00?oo`00o`00ooooool0
1992 | oooooom@ooooo`002?ooool5o`0000?ooooo0_l00008ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02kooooo00?o
1993 | 003oooooooooool0oooooom@ooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0]ooooo`03o`00oooooooo
1994 | oooo0?ooooooDOooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0;?ooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3ooooo
1995 | oe;ooooo000Jooooo`?o0000:oooool00ooo003o003oooooo`3ooooooe?ooooo000Jooooo`03o`00
1996 | 0?oooooooooo02_ooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooomCooooo`006_ooool00ol0003ooooooooo
1997 | o`0Zooooo`03ool00?l00?oooooo0?ooooooE?ooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0:Oooool0
1998 | 0ooo003o003oooooo`3ooooooeGooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02Wooooo00?o003ooooo
1999 | ooooool0oooooomEooooo`006_ooool3o`0002Sooooo00?oo`00o`00ooooool0oooooomFooooo`00
2000 | 6_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Xooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooE_ooool001[ooooo00?o
2001 | 0000ooooooooool09oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3ooooooeOooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooo
2002 | oooo02Kooooo00?oo`00o`00ooooool0oooooomHooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Voooo
2003 | o`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooF?ooool001[ooooo0ol0000Uooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?oo
2004 | ooooFOooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool09Oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3ooooooeWooooo
2005 | 000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02Cooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooomJooooo`006_ooool0
2006 | 0ol0003oooooooooo`0Tooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooF_ooool001[ooooo00?o0000oooo
2007 | ooooool08oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3ooooooe_ooooo000Jooooo`?o00008oooool00ol00?oo
2008 | ooooooooo`3ooooooe_ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo02;ooooo00?o003oooooooooool0
2009 | oooooomLooooo`000oooool3o`0000Cooooo0_l00004ooooo`;o00002?ooool00ol0003ooooooooo
2010 | o`0Qooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooGOooool000Cooooo00?o0000ooooooooool00_ooool0
2011 | 1?l0003oooooooooool00002ooooo`04o`000?ooooooooooo`0000Oooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0
2012 | 8Oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3ooooooegooooo0004ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00;ooooo00Co
2013 | 0000oooooooooooo00000_ooool01?l0003oooooooooool00007ooooo`Co00007oooool00ol00?oo
2014 | ooooooooo`3ooooooekooooo0004ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00;ooooo00Co0000oooooooooooo
2015 | 00000_ooool01?l0003oooooooooool00007ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo023ooooo00?o003ooooo
2016 | ooooool0oooooomNooooo`001?ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`02ooooo`04o`000?ooooooooooo`00
2017 | 00;ooooo00Co0000oooooooooooo00001oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Oooooo`03o`00oooooooo
2018 | oooo0?ooooooGoooool000?ooooo0_l00004ooooo`04o`000?ooooooooooo`0000;ooooo00Co0000
2019 | oooooooooooo00001oooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Oooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooGooo
2020 | ool000Cooooo00?o0000ooooooooool00oooool2o`0000Cooooo0_l00008ooooo`03o`000?oooooo
2021 | oooo01kooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooomPooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Noooo
2022 | o`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooH?ooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool07Oooool00ol00?oo
2023 | ooooooooo`3oooooof7ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01gooooo00?o003oooooooooool0
2024 | oooooomQooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Looooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooH_oo
2025 | ool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool07?ooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooof;ooooo000Joooo
2026 | o`03o`000?oooooooooo01cooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooomRooooo`006_ooool00ol0003o
2027 | ooooooooo`0Kooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooHoooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0
2028 | 6oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooof?ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01[ooooo00?o
2029 | 003oooooooooool0oooooomTooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Jooooo`03o`00oooooooo
2030 | oooo0?ooooooI?ooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool06Oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3ooooo
2031 | ofGooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01Wooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooomUooooo`00
2032 | 6_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Hooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooI_ooool001[ooooo00?o
2033 | 0000ooooooooool06?ooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooofKooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooo
2034 | oooo01Sooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooomVooooo`006_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Goooo
2035 | o`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooIoooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool05oooool00ol00?oo
2036 | ooooooooo`3oooooofOooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01Oooooo00?o003oooooooooool0
2037 | oooooomWooooo`000_ooool5o`0000?ooooo0_l00004ooooo`;o00002?ooool00ol0003ooooooooo
2038 | o`0Fooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooJ?ooool000?ooooo00Co0000oooooooooooo00000_oo
2039 | ool01?l0003oooooooooool00002ooooo`04o`000?ooooooooooo`0000Oooooo00?o0000oooooooo
2040 | ool05_ooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooofSooooo0004ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00;ooooo
2041 | 00Co0000oooooooooooo00000_ooool01?l0003oooooooooool00007ooooo`Co00005?ooool00ol0
2042 | 0?ooooooooooo`3oooooofWooooo0005ooooo`05o`000?ooooooooooooooool000000_ooool01?l0
2043 | 003oooooooooool00002ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo00Gooooo00?o0000ooooooooool05Oooool0
2044 | 0ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooofWooooo0002ooooo`05o`000?ooooooooooooooool000000_ooool0
2045 | 1?l0003oooooooooool00002ooooo`04o`000?ooooooooooo`0000Oooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0
2046 | 5Oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooofWooooo0002ooooo`05o`000?ooooooooooooooool00000
2047 | 0_ooool01?l0003oooooooooool00002ooooo`04o`000?ooooooooooo`0000Oooooo00?o0000oooo
2048 | ooooool05?ooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooof[ooooo0003ooooo`?o00001?ooool2o`0000Co
2049 | oooo0_l00008ooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo01Cooooo00?o003oooooooooool0oooooomZooooo`00
2050 | 6_ooool00ol0003oooooooooo`0Dooooo`03o`00oooooooooooo0?ooooooJ_ooool001[ooooo00?o
2051 | 0000ooooooooool04oooool00ol00?ooooooooooo`3oooooof_ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooo
2052 | oooo0?ooooooPOooool001[ooooo00?o0000ooooooooool0oooooon1ooooo`006_ooool00ol0003o
2053 | ooooooooo`3ooooooh7ooooo000Jooooo`03o`000?oooooooooo0?ooooooPOooool001[ooooo00?o
2054 | 0000ooooooooool0oooooon1ooooo`00oooooonNooooo`00\
2055 | \>"],
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2058 | }, Open ]],
2059 |
2060 | Cell["\<\
2061 | Cross section (pb) as a function of the Higgs mass. This plot shows \
2062 | how well the EFT does. For a Higgs<200 GeV the approximation is very \
2063 | good.\
2064 | \>", "Text"]
2065 | }, Open ]],
2066 |
2067 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2068 |
2069 | Cell["Various ways to do the integration over the x1 and x2.", "Subsection"],
2070 |
2071 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2072 |
2073 | Cell["\<\
2074 |
2075 | uno=Integrate[x1*x2,{x1,t0,1},{x2,t0/x1,1}]//Expand
2076 | due=Integrate[ta,{ta,t0,1},{y,Log[Sqrt[ta]],-Log[Sqrt[ta]]}]//PowerExpand//\
2077 | Expand
2078 | tre=Integrate[t0/z \
2079 | t0/z^2,{z,t0,1},{y,Log[Sqrt[t0/z]],-Log[Sqrt[t0/z]]}]//PowerExpand//Expand\
2080 | \>\
2081 | ", "Input"],
2082 |
2083 | Cell[BoxData[
2084 | \(TraditionalForm\`1\/2\ \(log(t0)\)\ t0\^2 - t0\^2\/4 + 1\/4\)], "Output"],
2085 |
2086 | Cell[BoxData[
2087 | \(TraditionalForm\`1\/2\ \(log(t0)\)\ t0\^2 - t0\^2\/4 + 1\/4\)], "Output"],
2088 |
2089 | Cell[BoxData[
2090 | \(TraditionalForm\`1\/2\ \(log(t0)\)\ t0\^2 - t0\^2\/4 + 1\/4\)], "Output"]
2091 | }, Open ]]
2092 | }, Closed]]
2093 | }, Closed]],
2094 |
2095 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2096 |
2097 | Cell["NLO cross section", "Section"],
2098 |
2099 | Cell["\<\
2100 | We have integrate over the angular variables, so we are only left \
2101 | with two integrations. One is over z (=mh/S/x1/x2) and the other over the \
2102 | rapidity y of the partonic cms. For every point in the phase space we have to \
2103 | calculate an event and a corresponding counter-event with z=1 to implement \
2104 | the + distributions in the gg channel. Various contributions add to the final \
2105 | result:
2106 |
2107 | virtual: gg>h at 1-loop + corrections to the effective lagrangian (UV and IR \
2108 | divergent)
2109 | real: qq~ >h g (finite)
2110 | qg > qh (collinear divergent)
2111 | gg>gh (soft and collinear divergent)
2112 | \
2113 | \>", "Text",
2114 | FontSize->16],
2115 |
2116 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2117 |
2118 | Cell["Born+Virtual ", "Subsection"],
2119 |
2120 | Cell[TextData[{
2121 | "dsigmaBV[yy_,mh_,sqrtS_,muf_,mur_]:=Module[\n",
2122 | StyleBox["(* local variables *)",
2123 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 1, 0]],
2124 | "\n{y0,x10,x20,sig0,ymax0,JAC0,v,S,tau0,beta,gg0,qg0,qq0},\nMuf=muf 1.;\n\
2125 | Mur=mur 1.;\nv=246.;\nS=sqrtS^2;\ntau0=mh^2/S;\nbeta=Sqrt[1-tau0];\n\n",
2126 | StyleBox["(* calculate quantities for z=1 *)",
2127 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2128 | "\nymax0=-Log[Sqrt[tau0]];\ny0=-ymax0+2*ymax0*yy;\nJAC0=2*ymax0;\n\
2129 | x10=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[y0];\nx20=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[-y0];\n\
2130 | {gg0,qg0,qq0}=pdfcall[x10,x20,Muf];\n\n",
2131 | StyleBox["(* sigma0 *)",
2132 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2133 | "\nsig0=asNLO[Mur,5]^2/576/Pi/v^2*tau0;\nsig0=sig0+sig0*asNLO[Mur,5]/2/Pi*\n\
2134 | (11/3 CA+ 2 Pi^2 - 2 b0 2 Log[Muf/Mur]+\n16 CA Log[beta] Log[mh/Muf]+16 CA \
2135 | Log[beta]^2);\nsig0=sig0*gg0;\nsig0=sig0*389379660; (*to picobarns*)\n\
2136 | sig0=sig0*JAC0;\n\n\
2137 | (*Print[{muf,mur,v,S,tau0,beta,ymax0,y0,JAC0,x10,x20,gg0,qg0,qq0,sig0}];*)\n\
2138 | Return[sig0];\n];"
2139 | }], "Input"]
2140 | }, Open ]],
2141 |
2142 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2143 |
2144 | Cell["Real contributions", "Subsection"],
2145 |
2146 | Cell[TextData[{
2147 | "dsigmaR[xx_,yy_,mh_,sqrtS_,muf_,mur_]:=Module[\n",
2148 | StyleBox["(* local variables *)",
2149 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 1, 0]],
2150 | "\n{v,S,tau0,\n y,y0,z,tau,\n x1,x2,x10,x20,\n ymax0,ymax,\n JAC,JAC0,\n \
2151 | gg,qg,qq,gg0,qg0,qq0,\n qqterm,qgterm,ggterm,ggterm0,\n sig,sig0,\n Muf},\n\n\
2152 | v=246.;\nS=sqrtS^2;\ntau0=mh^2/S;\nMuf=muf*1.0;\n\n",
2153 | StyleBox["(* calculate quantities for an event *)",
2154 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2155 | "\nz=tau0+(1-tau0)*xx;\ntau=tau0/z;\nymax =-Log[Sqrt[tau]];\n\
2156 | y=-ymax+2*ymax*yy;\nJAC =2*ymax*(1-tau0)*tau0/z^2;\nx1=Sqrt[tau] Exp[y];\n\
2157 | x2=tau/x1;\n",
2158 | StyleBox["(* call the pdf *)\n",
2159 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2160 | "\n{gg,qg,qq}=pdfcall[x1,x2,Muf];\n\n",
2161 | StyleBox["(* calculate quantities for counter-event *)",
2162 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2163 | "\nymax0=-Log[Sqrt[tau0]];\ny0=-ymax0+2*ymax0*yy;\n\
2164 | JAC0=2*ymax0*(1-tau0)*tau0;\nx10=Sqrt[tau0] Exp[y0];\nx20=tau0/x10;\n",
2165 | StyleBox["(* call the pdf at z=1 *)",
2166 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2167 | "\n{gg0,qg0,qq0}=pdfcall[x10,x20,Muf];\n\n",
2168 | StyleBox["(* sigma0 *)",
2169 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2170 | "\nsig0=asNLO[mur,5]^2/576/Pi/v^2;\nsig0=sig0*asNLO[mur,5]/2/Pi;\n\n",
2171 | StyleBox["(* qq channnel : no counter event *)",
2172 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2173 | "\nqqterm=64/27*(1-z)^3;\nqqterm=qqterm*sig0*JAC*qq;\n\n",
2174 | StyleBox["(* qg channnel : no counter event *)",
2175 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2176 | "\nqgterm=CF*( (1+(1-z)^2)/z (2*Log[mh/muf]+2 Log[1-z]-Log[z])\n \
2177 | +(z^2-3/2(1-z)^2)/z )*z;\nqgterm=qgterm*sig0*JAC*qg;\n\n",
2178 | StyleBox["(* gg channnel *)",
2179 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2180 | "\nggterm=CA*(2 (2 (z/(1-z)+(1-z)/z+z (1-z) )) * (2*Log[mh/muf])-\n \
2181 | 11/3 (1-z)^3/z -\n 4 (1-z+z^2)^2/z/(1-z) Log[z]+\n 8 \
2182 | (1-z+z^2)^2/z Log[1-z]/(1-z) )*z;\nggterm=ggterm*sig0*JAC*gg;\n",
2183 | StyleBox["(* gg counter-event *)",
2184 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2185 | "\nggterm0=CA*(-4/(1-z) 2*Log[mh/muf] - 8*Log[1-z]/(1-z) );\n\
2186 | ggterm0=ggterm0*sig0*JAC0*gg0;\n\n\n",
2187 | StyleBox["(* total *)",
2188 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]],
2189 | "\nsig=0;\nsig=sig+qqterm;\nsig=sig+qgterm;\nsig=sig+ggterm+ggterm0;\n\
2190 | sig=sig*389379660; (*to picobarns*)\n\nReturn[sig];\n\n];\n"
2191 | }], "Input"],
2192 |
2193 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2194 |
2195 | Cell["\<\
2196 | virt=NIntegrate[dsigmaBV[xvar,100,14000,100,100],{xvar,0,1}];
2197 | virt\
2198 | \>", "Input"],
2199 |
2200 | Cell[BoxData[
2201 | \(TraditionalForm\`33.56877602575538`\)], "Output"]
2202 | }, Open ]],
2203 |
2204 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2205 |
2206 | Cell["\<\
2207 | eps=0.0000000001;
2208 | real=Vegas[dsigmaR[xvar,yvar,100,14000,100,100],{xvar,eps,1-eps},{yvar,eps,1-\
2209 | eps},Compiled->False,NStart->1000,MaxPoints->10000]\
2210 | \>", "Input"],
2211 |
2212 | Cell[BoxData[
2213 | \(TraditionalForm\`"\nIteration 1: 1000 integrand evaluations so far\n\
2214 | [1] 16.6638 +- 0.729445 \tchisq -0 (0 df)"\)], "Print"],
2215 |
2216 | Cell[BoxData[
2217 | \(TraditionalForm\`"\nIteration 2: 2500 integrand evaluations so far\n\
2218 | [1] 16.6521 +- 0.173781 \tchisq 0.000273976 (1 df)"\)], "Print"],
2219 |
2220 | Cell[BoxData[
2221 | \(TraditionalForm\`$Aborted\)], "Output"]
2222 | }, Open ]],
2223 |
2224 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2225 |
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2227 |
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2230 | }, Open ]]
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2426 | *)
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2428 |
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