1 | subroutine histo_init(num_channel)
2 | implicit none
3 | c
4 | c argument
5 | c
6 | integer num_channel
7 | c
8 | c local
9 | c
10 | character*40 t1, t2, t3, t4, t0
11 | integer i
12 | c
13 | c gobal
14 | c
15 | double precision GeVbin, etabin, xbin, PTbin, THETAbin
16 | common/to_bin/ GeVbin, etabin, xbin
17 | c
18 | c
19 | call inihist
20 | c
21 | GeVbin=24d0
22 | etabin=0.1d0
23 | PTbin=10d0
24 | THETAbin=4d-2
25 | c
26 | t0='histo for one vegas iteration (prov)'
27 | t1='final state invariant mass '
28 | t2='fct error'
29 | CALL MBOOK(1,200,t0,GeVbin,100d0,1300d0)
30 | CALL MBOOK(1,-200,t0,GeVbin,100d0,1300d0)
31 | c
32 | t3='Top quark PT '
33 | CALL MBOOK(2,200,t0,PTbin,0d0,500d0)
34 | CALL MBOOK(2,-200,t0,PTbin,0d0,500d0)
35 | c
36 | t4='THETA angle '
37 | CALL MBOOK(3,200,t0,THETAbin,-1d0,1d0)
38 | CALL MBOOK(3,-200,t0,THETAbin,-1d0,1d0)
39 |
40 | do i=1,num_channel
41 | CALL MBOOK(1,i,t1,GeVbin,100d0,1300d0)
42 | CALL MBOOK(1,-1*i,t2,GeVbin,100d0,1300d0)
43 | CALL MBOOK(2,i,t3,PTbin,0d0,500d0)
44 | CALL MBOOK(2,-1*i,t2,PTbin,0d0,500d0)
45 | CALL MBOOK(3,i,t4,THETAbin,-1d0,1d0)
46 | CALL MBOOK(3,-1*i,t2,THETAbin,-1d0,1d0)
47 | enddo
48 | return
49 |
50 | end
51 | ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
52 |
53 | subroutine FILL_plot(fct,weight)
54 | implicit none
55 | include '../../nexternal.inc'
56 | include '../../genps.inc'
57 | c
58 | c arguments
59 | c
60 | double precision weight,fct
61 | c
62 | c local
63 | c
64 | double precision Ptot(0:3), minv
65 | integer i,nu
66 |
67 | double precision Ptot1(0:3),Ptot2(0:3),PT1,PT2
68 | double precision BETA,GAM,PZ_CM,THETA
69 | c
70 | c common
71 | c
72 | double precision momenta(0:3,-max_branch:2*nexternal) ! records the momenta of external/intermediate legs (MG order)
73 | double precision mvir2(-max_branch:2*nexternal) ! records the sq invariant masses of intermediate particles (MG order)
74 | common /to_diagram_kin/ momenta, mvir2
75 |
76 | double precision PT
77 | external PT
78 |
79 |
80 | c---
81 | c Begin code for variable 1 (invariant mass of the top quark pair)
82 | c---
83 |
84 | do nu=0,3
85 | Ptot(nu)=0d0
86 | do i=3,nexternal
87 | Ptot(nu)=Ptot(nu)+momenta(nu,i)
88 | enddo
89 | enddo
90 | minv=dsqrt(Ptot(0)**2-Ptot(1)**2-Ptot(2)**2-Ptot(3)**2)
91 |
92 | CALL MFILL(1,200, minv, fct*weight)
93 | CALL MFILL(1,-200, minv, fct**2*weight)
94 |
95 | c---
96 | c Begin code for variable 2 (PT of the top quark)
97 | c---
98 |
99 | do nu=0,3
100 | Ptot1(nu)=0d0
101 | Ptot2(nu)=0d0
102 | do i=3,5
103 | Ptot1(nu)=Ptot1(nu)+momenta(nu,i)
104 | Ptot2(nu)=Ptot2(nu)+momenta(nu,i+3)
105 | enddo
106 | enddo
107 | PT1=PT(Ptot1)
108 | PT2=PT(Ptot2)
109 |
110 | CALL MFILL(2,200,PT1,fct*weight)
111 | CALL MFILL(2,-200,PT1,fct**2*weight)
112 |
113 | c CALL MFILL()
114 | c CALL MFILL()
115 |
116 | c---
117 | c Begin code for variable 3 (angle of the top quark in the center of mass referentiel)
118 | c---
119 |
120 |
121 | BETA = (momenta(0,1)-momenta(0,2))/(momenta(0,1)+momenta(0,2))
122 | GAM = dsqrt(1-BETA**2)
123 |
124 | PZ_CM = GAM*Ptot1(3)-GAM*BETA*Ptot1(0)
125 | THETA = PZ_CM/(Ptot1(1)**2+Ptot1(2)**2+PZ_CM**2)
126 |
127 | CALL MFILL(3,200,THETA,fct*weight)
128 | CALL MFILL(3,-200,THETA,fct**2*weight)
129 |
130 | return
131 | end
132 |
133 |
134 |
136 | subroutine histo_final(num_channel)
137 | c
138 | c argument
139 | c
140 | integer num_per
141 | c
142 | c local
143 | c
144 | integer i,num_iter,j,k
145 | character*30 BUFFER
146 | character istring
147 | c
148 | c gobal
149 | c
150 | double precision GeVbin, etabin, xbin
151 | common/to_bin/ GeVbin, etabin, xbin
152 | c
153 | c include histo globlal
154 | c
155 | include 'dbook.inc'
156 |
157 | do k=1,NHistovar
158 | do i=1,num_channel
159 | c if (i.eq.1) istring='1'
160 | c if (i.eq.2) istring='2'
161 |
162 | call MFINAL(k, i)
163 | call MFINAL(k, -i)
164 | call MOPERA(k, -1*i, 'I',-1*i,-1*i,1d0,1d0) !contains final error square
165 | call MOPERA(k, i, '*',-i,i,1d0,1d0) !contains final estimation of integral
166 |
167 | if(i.ne.1) then
168 | call MOPERA(k,i, '+',1,1,1d0,1d0)
169 | call MOPERA(k, -i, '+',-1,-1,1d0,1d0)
170 | endif
171 |
172 | call MFINAL(k, 1)
173 | call MOPERA(k, -1,'R',-1,-1,1d0,1d0) ! contains the error for the sum of all permutations
174 | call MFINAL(k, -1)
175 | enddo
176 | buffer='plot_00.dat'
177 | if (k.ge.10)then
178 | write(buffer(6:7),'(I2)') k
179 | else
180 | write(buffer(7:7),'(I1)') k
181 | endif
182 |
183 | OPEN(UNIT=98,file=buffer,STATUS='UNKNOWN')
184 | buffer=buffer(1:7)//'.top'
185 | OPEN(UNIT=99,file=buffer,STATUS='UNKNOWN')
186 | CALL MPRINT(k, 1)
187 | CALL MTOP(k, 1, 50,' M_INV (GeV) '
188 | & ,'d P/d M_inv ','log')
189 |
190 | close(98)
191 | close(99)
192 |
193 |
194 | buffer='err_'//buffer(1:7)//'.dat'
195 | OPEN(UNIT=98,file=buffer,STATUS='UNKNOWN')
196 | buffer=buffer(1:11)//'.top'
197 | OPEN(UNIT=99,file=buffer,STATUS='UNKNOWN')
198 | CALL MPRINT(k, -1)
199 | CALL MTOP(k, -1,50,' M_INV (GeV) '
200 | & ,'d P/d M_inv ','log')
201 | c
202 | close(98)
203 | close(99)
204 | enddo
205 | return
206 | end
207 |
209 | subroutine histo_combine_iteration(channel_pos)
210 | implicit none
211 | c
212 | c argument
213 | c
214 | integer channel_pos
215 | c
216 | c local
217 | c
218 | integer i,num_iter,j,k
219 | character*30 BUFFER
220 | character istring
221 | c
222 | c gobal
223 | c
224 | double precision GeVbin, etabin, xbin
225 | common/to_bin/ GeVbin, etabin, xbin
226 | c
227 | c include histo globlal
228 | c
229 | include 'dbook.inc'
230 | c call MFINAL(i)
231 | c call MFINAL(-1*i)
232 |
233 | do k=1,NHistoVar
234 |
235 | call MFINAL(k, 200)
236 | call MFINAL(k, -200)
237 |
238 | write(*,*) 'combine for histo', channel_pos
239 | call MOPERA(k, 200,'V',-200,-200,1d0,1d0)
240 | call MOPERA(k, -200,'S',0,-200,1d0,1d0)
241 | call MOPERA(k, 200,'/',-200,200,1d0,1d0)
242 | call MOPERA(k, channel_pos,'+',200,channel_pos,1d0,1d0)
243 |
244 | !define a unity histogram in 200 (after simply redifine to zero)
245 | call MOPERA(k, -200,'I',-200,-200,1d0,1d0)
246 | call MOPERA(k, -1*channel_pos,'+',-200,-1*channel_pos,1d0,1d0)
247 |
248 | call MOPERA(k, 200,'+',200,200,0d0,0d0)
249 | call MOPERA(k, -200,'+',-200,-200,0d0,0d0)
250 |
251 | enddo
252 | return
253 | end
254 |