4 | | This page contains a brief introduction about the usage of SFS machinery, for details, please see [CITE]. SFS machinery allows the user to simulate detector response within !MadAnalysis 5 framework using only !FastJet libraries. It is fully integrated with [http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/PublicAnalysisDatabase Public Analysis Database], and the user can recast experimental analyses using SFS' fast interface, for details, please see below. Although we provide default ATLAS and CMS cards which are validated against corresponding Delphes cards for four different physics process, this introduction will provide all information that is needed to use SFS machinery for any homebrew detector simulation. |
| 4 | This page contains a brief introduction about the usage of SFS machinery, for details, please see [CITE]. SFS machinery allows the user to simulate detector response within !MadAnalysis 5 framework using only !FastJet libraries. It is fully integrated with [http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/PublicAnalysisDatabase Public Analysis Database], and the user can recast experimental analyses using SFS' fast interface, for details, please see below. Although we provide default [https://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/raw-attachment/wiki/SFS/ATLAS_default.ma5 ATLAS] and [https://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/raw-attachment/wiki/SFS/CMS_default.ma5 CMS] cards which are validated against corresponding Delphes cards for four different physics process, this introduction will provide all information that is needed to use SFS machinery for any homebrew detector simulation. |