5 | | In order to use these files, you need **!MadAnalysis 5 version 1.1.12**, which can be [http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/raw-attachment/wiki/PublicAnalysisDatabase/ma5_v1.1.12beta.tgz downloaded here] (beware, the latest version on Launchpad is 1.1.11 and will not have all the functionality described below). After installation of !MadAnalysis 5 v1.1.12, you also need our modified version of Delphes. To install it, type |
| 5 | ---- |
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| 7 | '''IMPORTANT NOTE:''' the currently available recast codes and the descriptions provided below are for **!MadAnalysis 5 version 1.1.12**, which can be [http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/raw-attachment/wiki/PublicAnalysisDatabase/ma5_v1.1.12beta.tgz downloaded here]. If you want to use these recast codes with the **latest** |
| 8 | !MadAnalysis 5 **version 1.2.x**, you have to install our MA5tune version of Delphes as detailed below. For updating the analysis codes to use them with the standard Delphes linked to !MadAnalysis 5 version 1.2, see these slides. In this case it is however advisable to re-do the validation of the analysis code(s). |
| 9 | Note also that the standard Delphes and delphesMA5tune still cannot be used simultaneously in v1.2. The update of the PAD to MA5v1.2 is in progress. |
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| 13 | In order to use the current version of the PAD, after installation of !MadAnalysis 5, you also need our modified version of Delphes. To install it, type |