Changes between Version 86 and Version 87 of PublicAnalysisDatabase

Jun 22, 2015, 11:02:00 AM (9 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • PublicAnalysisDatabase

    v86 v87  
    33This page contains a collection of LHC analyses that have been implemented in the !MadAnalysis 5 framework (in the expert mode) described in [ arXiv:1405.3982] and [ arXiv:1407.3278]. For each analysis, a commented C++ code is available for download, provided together with information on the analysis and references to relevant publications. A careful validation of each implementation is also provided.
    5 In order to use these files, you need **!MadAnalysis 5 version 1.1.12**, which can be [​ downloaded here] (beware, the latest version on Launchpad is 1.1.11 and will not have all the functionality described below). After installation of !MadAnalysis 5 v1.1.12, you also need our modified version of Delphes. To install it, type 
     5In order to use these files, you need **!MadAnalysis 5 version 1.1.12**, which can be [​ downloaded here] (beware, the latest version on Launchpad is 1.1.11 and will not have all the functionality described below). After installation of !MadAnalysis 5 v1.1.12, you also need our modified version of Delphes. To install it, type 
    77 install delphesMA5tune
    2929will create and modify the necessary files for adding the analysis named cms_sus_14_001. In particular, a pair of header and source C++ files cms_sus_14_001.cpp and cms_sus_14_001.h are now available in the subdirectory !Build/SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer. You can now either implement the analysis yourself or replace the newly created files with those shared by somebody else (or downloaded from the list below in case you do not use the automatic PAD installation from above).
    31 After execution of an analysis, **exclusion under the CLs prescription** can be computed with the Python code [] Note that it requires [ SciPy] to be installed.
     31After execution of an analysis, **exclusion under the CLs prescription** can be computed with the Python code [] Note that it requires [ SciPy] to be installed.
    3232The path to the working directory of interest has to be provided in the variable analysis_path in the beginning of the code.
    33 If you have done ''install !RecastingTools'', then a local copy of [] is available in every new working directory. The code is called as
     33If you have done ''install !RecastingTools'', then a local copy of [] is available in every new working directory. The code is called as
    3535 ./ analysis_name mypoint.txt [run_number] [cross section in pb]
    3737The exclusion results will be printed on the screen and in an output file located in the directory mypoint.txt/ of the output of the analysis. Details are given in [ arXiv:1407.3278].
    39 In order to get the **efficiency map** associated with a given benchmark point, the [] script can be run
     39In order to get the **efficiency map** associated with a given benchmark point, the [] script can be run
    4141 ./ mypoint.txt [cross section value]
    5555=== ATLAS analyses, 8 TeV ===
    5656|| '''Analysis''' || ''' Short Description''' || '''Implemented by''' || '''Code''' || '''Validation note''' || '''Status''' ||
    57 || [ ATLAS-SUSY-2013-05] (published) || stop/sbottom search: 0 leptons + 2 b-jets || G. Chalons || [ Inspire] ||[ PDF] [ (figures)]|| done ||
    58 || [ ATLAS-SUSY-2013-11] (published) || EWK-inos, 2 leptons + MET || B. Dumont || [ Inspire] || [ PDF] [ (source)] || done ||
    59 || [ ATLAS-HIGG-2013-03] (published) || ZH->ll+invisible || B. Dumont || [ Inspire]  || [ PDF] [ (source)] || done ||
    60 || [ ATLAS-EXOT-2014-06] (published) || mono-photons + MET || D. Barducci || [ Inspire] || [ PDF] [ MadGraph cards] || done ||
     57|| [ ATLAS-SUSY-2013-05] (published) || stop/sbottom search: 0 leptons + 2 b-jets || G. Chalons || [ Inspire] ||[ PDF] [ (figures)]|| done ||
     58|| [ ATLAS-SUSY-2013-11] (published) || EWK-inos, 2 leptons + MET || B. Dumont || [ Inspire] || [ PDF] [ (source)] || done ||
     59|| [ ATLAS-HIGG-2013-03] (published) || ZH->ll+invisible || B. Dumont || [ Inspire]  || [ PDF] [ (source)] || done ||
     60|| [ ATLAS-EXOT-2014-06] (published) || mono-photons + MET || D. Barducci || [ Inspire] || [ PDF] [ MadGraph cards] || done ||
    62 [ Delphes card] for ATLAS-SUSY-2013-05 and ​ATLAS-EXOT-2014-06[[BR]]
    63 [ Delphes card] for ATLAS-SUSY-2013-11 and ATLAS-HIGG-2013-03
     62[ Delphes card] for ATLAS-SUSY-2013-05 and ​ATLAS-EXOT-2014-06[[BR]]
     63[ Delphes card] for ATLAS-SUSY-2013-11 and ATLAS-HIGG-2013-03
    6565=== CMS analyses, 8 TeV ===
    6767|| '''Analysis''' || ''' Short Description''' || '''Implemented by''' || '''Code''' || '''Validation note''' || '''Status''' ||
    68 || [ CMS-SUS-13-011] (published) || stop search in the single lepton mode || B. Dumont, B. Fuks, C.  Wymant || [ Inspire] [1] [[BR]] || [ PDF] [ (source)] ||  done ||
    69 || [ CMS-SUS-13-012] (published) || gluino/squark search in jet multiplicity and missing energy || S. Bein, D. Sengupta ||  [ Inspire] [[BR]] || [ PDF] [ (source)] || done ||
    70 || [ CMS-SUS-13-016]  (PAS) || search for gluinos using OS dileptons and b-jets || D. Sengupta, S. Kulkarni || [ Inspire] || [ PDF]​ [ (source)] || done ||
     68|| [ CMS-SUS-13-011] (published) || stop search in the single lepton mode || B. Dumont, B. Fuks, C.  Wymant || [ Inspire] [1] [[BR]] || [ PDF] [ (source)] ||  done ||
     69|| [ CMS-SUS-13-012] (published) || gluino/squark search in jet multiplicity and missing energy || S. Bein, D. Sengupta ||  [ Inspire] [[BR]] || [ PDF] [ (source)] || done ||
     70|| [ CMS-SUS-13-016]  (PAS) || search for gluinos using OS dileptons and b-jets || D. Sengupta, S. Kulkarni || [ Inspire] || [ PDF]​ [ (source)] || done ||
    72 [ Delphes card] for these analyses
     72[ Delphes card] for these analyses
    7474[1] This analysis requires MINUIT libraries. Therefore, the line