
Version 16 (modified by Eric CONTE, 7 years ago) ( diff )


MadAnalysis 5 LLP (Long Lived Particle)

LLP with official Delphes 3.4.1

  • Test with commented example
  • Extensive test with signal regions
  • Reference event
  • one sample with unknown particle

LLP with special Delphes package for MA5

Delphes-LLP package is a special improvement of the Delphes package. Associated to MadAnalysis 5 v1.6, it allows the user to perform phenomenological investigations with long-lived particles or to recast existed analysis devoted to this kind of signature.

Current status: the package handles neutral LLPs which decay into leptons in the first layers of the CMS tracker (such as neutralino in the framework of RPV-SUSY). Realistic efficiency is applied to the tracks and D0 parameter is accessible in MadAnalysis 5.

Package[update 2017/08/25]: ma5track_v1.6.tgz

Changes in the Delphes dataformat:

for leptons:

  • D0: impact parameter in tranverse plane wrt the closest approach point
  • Z: Z-coordinate of the closest approach point

New modules in Delphes:

  • MA5EfficiencyD0: applying efficiency to tracks according to the D0 parameter

Efficiency functions is coming from 8-TeV tracking performance of CMS, describing in the following wiki:

set EfficiencyFormula { (d0<=20) * (-5.06107e-7 * d0**6 + 0.0000272756 * d0**5 - 0.00049321 * d0**4 + 0.00287189 * d0**3 + 0.00522007 * d0**2 -0.0917957 * d0 +  0.924921) +
                        (d0>20) * (0.00) }

Recast experimental analyses

Ongoing development

  • Next development: the package will handle charged LLPs which decay into leptons in the first layers of the CMS tracker (such as neutralino in the framework of RPV-SUSY). To reach this goal, the magnetic field of the detector must be applied to the charged LLP before decaying in order to curve the trajectory. This effect will be described by the MA5LLParticlePropagator module.
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