= !MadAnalysis 5 LLP (Long Lived Particle) = == LLP with official Delphes 3.4.1 == * ~~Test with commented example~~ * Extensive test with signal regions * Reference event * ~~one sample with unknown particle~~ == LLP with special Delphes package for MA5 == Delphes-LLP package is a special improvement of the Delphes package. Associated to !MadAnalysis 5 v1.6, it allows the user to perform phenomenological investigations with long-lived particles or to recast existed analysis devoted to this kind of signature. Current status: the package handles neutral LLPs which decay into leptons in the first layers of the CMS tracker (such as neutralino in the framework of RPV-SUSY). Package[update 2017/08/25]: [http://madanalysis.irmp.ucl.ac.be/raw-attachment/wiki/Korea00-AnalysisList/ma5track_v1.6.tgz ma5track_v1.6.tgz] === Changes in the Delphes dataformat: === for leptons: * D0: impact parameter in tranverse plane wrt the closest approach point * Z: Z-coordinate of the closest approach point === New modules in Delphes: === * MA5EfficiencyD0: applying efficiency to tracks according to the D0 parameter Efficiency functions is coming from 8-TeV tracking performance of CMS, describing in the following wiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/DisplacedSusyParametrisationStudyForUser {{{ set EfficiencyFormula { (d0<=20) * (-5.06107e-7 * d0**6 + 0.0000272756 * d0**5 - 0.00049321 * d0**4 + 0.00287189 * d0**3 + 0.00522007 * d0**2 -0.0917957 * d0 + 0.924921) + (d0>20) * (0.00) } }}} == Recast experimental analyses == === Ongoing developement ===