101 | | * LO/NLO? |
102 | | * Model used: |
103 | | * MC generator program (name + version): |
104 | | * Shower program (name + version): |
105 | | * Tune of Pythia: |
106 | | * PDF set: |
107 | | * ME/PS merging???? |
| 99 | 1. LO/NLO? LO |
| 100 | 2. Model used: |
| 101 | 1) dark matter production in a simplified model with a spin-1 mediator A |
| 102 | 2) dark matter production in a simplified model with a spin-0 mediator phi |
| 103 | 3. MC generator program (name + version): MAD-GRAPH5_aMC@NLO 2.2.2 |
| 104 | 4. Shower program (name + version): PYTHIA 8.205 |
| 105 | 5. Tune of Pythia: CUETP8M1 |
| 106 | + |
| 107 | The coupling g(kai) is set to one. For 0.25 < g(q) < 1.0 |
| 108 | the width ranges 1-5% of the mediator mass for g(q) = 0.25 |
| 109 | 30-50% of the mediator mass for g(q) = 1.00 |
| 110 | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| 111 | Events for ADD extra-dimension scenario |
| 112 | LO, EFT implementaion in PYTHIA 8 |
| 113 | M(D) = 1, 2 and 3 TeV, each with n = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
| 114 | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| 115 | The events for the unparticle model |
| 116 | LO, PYTHIA 8, tune CUETP8M1 |
| 117 | assuming cutoff scale ㅅ(U) =15TeV |
| 118 | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| 119 | ZH & gluon-gluon fusion = WZ & ZZ processes |
| 120 | |