Version 13 (modified by 13 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
CMS Detector Card for Delphes
Detector fiducial acceptance
- tracker : eta <= 2.5
- calorimeter (barrel) : eta <= 1.7
- calorimeter (end-cap) : eta <= 3.0
- calorimeter (fordward) : eta <= 5.0
- muon chamber : eta < 2.4
Hadronic calorimeter
sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}, E in GeV
Electromagnetic calorimeter
sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}, E in GeV
Muon smearing
Tracker PT min =
Tracker efficiencies
TRACK_radius 129 radius of the BField coverage, in cm
TRACK_length 300 half-length of the BField coverage, in cm
TRACK_bfield_x 0 X component of the BField, in T
TRACK_bfield_y 0 Y component of the BField, in T
TRACK_bfield_z 3.8 Z component of the BField, in T
Isolation criteria for leptons
PT thresholds
Jet reconstruction algorithm
Delphes describes b-tagging algorithms through 4 functions of two variables pT (x) and Eta (y) :
- b-tagging efficiencies
K = 0.828
alpha = 0.048
beta = 2.386
- mistag for c-jets
- mistag for gluon-jets and light-jets
[0]= 0.0036
[1]= -78.22
[2]= 129.81
Attachments (1)
- accept.gif (23.8 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
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