= CMS Detector Card for Delphes = == Detector fiducial acceptance == - tracker : eta <= 2.5 - calorimeter (barrel) : eta <= 1.7 - calorimeter (end-cap) : eta <= 3.0 - calorimeter (fordward) : eta <= 5.0 - muon chamber : eta < 2.4 [[Image(accept.gif)]] == Hadronic calorimeter == sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}, E in GeV == Electromagnetic calorimeter == sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}, E in GeV == Muon smearing == == Tracker == === Tracker PT min ==== === Tracker efficiencies === TRACK_radius 129 //radius of the BField coverage, in cm \\ TRACK_length 300 //half-length of the BField coverage, in cm \\ TRACK_bfield_x 0 //X component of the BField, in T \\ TRACK_bfield_y 0 //Y component of the BField, in T \\ TRACK_bfield_z 3.8 //Z component of the BField, in T \\ == Isolation criteria for leptons == == PT thresholds == == Jet reconstruction algorithm == == B-tagging == Delphes describes b-tagging algorithms through 4 functions of two variables pT (x) and Eta (y) : - b-tagging efficiencies Function extracted from Function extracted from [http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1366061/files/BTV-11-001-pas.pdf BTV11-001] Figure 3 (a) [K] * pow([alpha]*x,[beta]) / ( 1 + pow([alpha]*x,[beta]) ) \\ K = 0.828 alpha = 0.048 beta = 2.386 - mistag for c-jets Function extracted from [http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1194494/files/BTV-09-001-pas.pdf BTV-09-001] Figure 6 (right) [0]*x*exp ( [1]*x^4^ + [2]*x^2^ + [3]*x + [4] )\\ [0]=0.40 [1]=-2.19 [2]=2.79 [3]=3.01 [4]=-2.70 - mistag for gluon-jets and light-jets Function extracted from [http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1194494/files/BTV-09-001-pas.pdf BTV-09-001] Figure 6 (right) [0]*x*exp ( [1]*x^6^ + [2]*x^5^ + [3]*x^4^ + [4]*x^3^ + [5]*x^2^ + [6]*x + [7] )\\ [0]= 0.0036 [1]= -78.22 [2]= 129.81 [3]=-44.16 [4]=-4.13 [5]=0.49 [6]=1.25 [7]=0.59