1 | #<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
2 | # <>
3 | # CMS-SUS-16-048 <>
4 | # Author: Jack Y. Araz, Benjamin Fuks <>
5 | # <>
6 | # Please cite arXiv:2006.09387,1801.01846 <>
7 | # <>
8 | # Based on MadAnalysis 5 v1.8 <>
9 | # <>
10 | #<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
11 |
12 | set main.fastsim.package = fastjet
13 | set main.fastsim.algorithm = antikt
14 | set main.fastsim.radius = 0.4
15 | set main.fastsim.bjet_id.matching_dr = 0.3
16 | set main.fastsim.bjet_id.exclusive = true
17 | set main.fastsim.exclusive_id = false
18 | set main.fastsim.ptmin = 10.0
19 | set main.fastsim.jetrecomode = jets
20 |
21 | ### Jet Reconstruction
22 |
23 | ## Momentum smearing
24 |
25 | # based on arXiv:1405.6569
26 |
27 | define smearer j with PT sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) [abseta <= 0.5 and pt > 0.1]
28 | define smearer j with PT sqrt(0.1^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) [abseta > 0.5 and abseta <= 1.5 and pt > 0.1]
29 | define smearer j with PT sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2) [abseta > 1.5 and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 0.1]
30 |
31 | ## HCAL
32 |
33 | define smearer j with E sqrt(E^2*0.05^2 + E*1.5^2) [abseta <= 3.0]
34 | define smearer j with E sqrt(E^2*0.13^2 + E*2.7^2) [abseta > 3.0 and abseta <= 5.0]
35 |
36 |
37 | ### Electron Reconstruction
38 |
39 | ## Momentum Smearing
40 |
41 | define smearer e with PT sqrt(0.03^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) [abseta <= 0.5 and pt > 0.1]
42 | define smearer e with PT sqrt(0.05^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) [abseta > 0.5 and abseta <= 1.5 and pt > 0.1]
43 | define smearer e with PT sqrt(0.15^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2) [abseta > 1.5 and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 0.1]
44 |
45 | ## ECAL
46 |
47 | # for the ECAL barrel (|eta| < 1.5), see hep-ex/1306.2016 and 1502.02701
48 | # set ECalResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy}
49 | # Eta shape from arXiv:1306.2016, Energy shape from arXiv:1502.02701
50 |
51 | define smearer e with E (1+0.64*eta^2) * sqrt(E^2*0.008^2 + E*0.11^2 + 0.4^2) [abseta <= 1.5]
52 | define smearer e with E (2.16 + 5.6*(abseta-2)^2) * sqrt(E^2*0.008^2 + E*0.11^2 + 0.4^2) [abseta > 1.5 and abseta <= 2.5]
53 | define smearer e with E sqrt(E^2*0.107^2 + E*2.08^2) [abseta > 2.5 and abseta <= 5.0]
54 |
55 |
56 | ## Reconstruction efficiency
57 |
58 | define reco_efficiency e 0.0 [pt <= 5.0 or abseta > 2.5]
59 | define reco_efficiency e 0.336 [abseta <= 0.8 and pt > 5 and pt <= 10]
60 | define reco_efficiency e 0.412 [abseta <= 0.8 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
61 | define reco_efficiency e 0.465 [abseta <= 0.8 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
62 | define reco_efficiency e 0.496 [abseta <= 0.8 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
63 | define reco_efficiency e 0.503 [abseta <= 0.8 and pt > 25]
64 | define reco_efficiency e 0.344 [abseta > 0.8 and abseta <= 1.442 and pt > 5 and pt <=10]
65 | define reco_efficiency e 0.402 [abseta > 0.8 and abseta <= 1.442 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
66 | define reco_efficiency e 0.448 [abseta > 0.8 and abseta <= 1.442 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
67 | define reco_efficiency e 0.476 [abseta > 0.8 and abseta <= 1.442 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
68 | define reco_efficiency e 0.482 [abseta > 0.8 and abseta <= 1.442 and pt > 25]
69 | define reco_efficiency e 0.233 [abseta > 1.442 and abseta <= 1.556 and pt > 5 and pt <=10]
70 | define reco_efficiency e 0.229 [abseta > 1.442 and abseta <= 1.556 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
71 | define reco_efficiency e 0.250 [abseta > 1.442 and abseta <= 1.556 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
72 | define reco_efficiency e 0.261 [abseta > 1.442 and abseta <= 1.556 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
73 | define reco_efficiency e 0.255 [abseta > 1.442 and abseta <= 1.556 and pt > 25]
74 | define reco_efficiency e 0.309 [abseta > 1.556 and abseta <= 2. and pt > 5 and pt <=10]
75 | define reco_efficiency e 0.359 [abseta > 1.556 and abseta <= 2. and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
76 | define reco_efficiency e 0.394 [abseta > 1.556 and abseta <= 2. and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
77 | define reco_efficiency e 0.408 [abseta > 1.556 and abseta <= 2. and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
78 | define reco_efficiency e 0.418 [abseta > 1.556 and abseta <= 2. and pt > 25]
79 | define reco_efficiency e 0.243 [abseta > 2. and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 5 and pt <=10]
80 | define reco_efficiency e 0.287 [abseta > 2. and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
81 | define reco_efficiency e 0.327 [abseta > 2. and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
82 | define reco_efficiency e 0.341 [abseta > 2. and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
83 | define reco_efficiency e 0.352 [abseta > 2. and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 25]
84 |
85 | ### Muon Reconstruction
86 |
87 | ## Momentum Smearing
88 |
89 | define smearer mu with PT sqrt(0.01^2 + (pt^2)*1.0e-4^2) [abseta <= 0.5 and pt > 0.1]
90 | define smearer mu with PT sqrt(0.015^2 + (pt^2)*1.5e-4^2) [abseta > 0.5 and abseta <= 1.5 and pt > 0.1]
91 | define smearer mu with PT sqrt(0.025^2 + (pt^2)*3.5e-4^2) [abseta > 1.5 and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 0.1]
92 |
93 | ## Reconstruction efficiency
94 |
95 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.0 [pt < 3.5 or abseta > 2.4]
96 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.647 [abseta <= 0.9 and pt > 3.5 and pt <= 10]
97 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.718 [abseta <= 0.9 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
98 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.739 [abseta <= 0.9 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
99 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.760 [abseta <= 0.9 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
100 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.763 [abseta <= 0.9 and pt > 25]
101 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.627 [abseta > 0.9 and abseta <= 1.2 and pt > 3.5 and pt <= 10]
102 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.662 [abseta > 0.9 and abseta <= 1.2 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
103 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.694 [abseta > 0.9 and abseta <= 1.2 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
104 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.725 [abseta > 0.9 and abseta <= 1.2 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
105 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.733 [abseta > 0.9 and abseta <= 1.2 and pt > 25]
106 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.610 [abseta > 1.2 and abseta <= 2.1 and pt > 3.5 and pt <= 10]
107 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.660 [abseta > 1.2 and abseta <= 2.1 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
108 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.678 [abseta > 1.2 and abseta <= 2.1 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
109 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.685 [abseta > 1.2 and abseta <= 2.1 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
110 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.723 [abseta > 1.2 and abseta <= 2.1 and pt > 25]
111 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.566 [abseta > 2.1 and abseta <= 2.4 and pt > 3.5 and pt <= 10]
112 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.629 [abseta > 2.1 and abseta <= 2.4 and pt > 10 and pt <= 15]
113 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.655 [abseta > 2.1 and abseta <= 2.4 and pt > 15 and pt <= 20]
114 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.670 [abseta > 2.1 and abseta <= 2.4 and pt > 20 and pt <= 25]
115 | define reco_efficiency mu 0.696 [abseta > 2.1 and abseta <= 2.4 and pt > 25]
116 |
117 | ### Photon reconstruction
118 |
119 | ## ECAL
120 |
121 | # for the ECAL barrel (|eta| < 1.5), see hep-ex/1306.2016 and 1502.02701
122 | # set ECalResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy}
123 | # Eta shape from arXiv:1306.2016, Energy shape from arXiv:1502.02701
124 |
125 | define smearer a with E (1+0.64*eta^2) * sqrt(E^2*0.008^2 + E*0.11^2 + 0.4^2) [abseta <= 1.5]
126 | define smearer a with E (2.16 + 5.6*(abseta-2)^2) * sqrt(E^2*0.008^2 + E*0.11^2 + 0.4^2) [abseta > 1.5 and abseta <= 2.5]
127 | define smearer a with E sqrt(E^2*0.107^2 + E*2.08^2) [abseta > 2.5 and abseta <= 5.0]
128 |
129 | # Reconstruction efficiency
130 |
131 | define reco_efficiency a 0.0 [pt <= 10.0 or abseta > 2.5]
132 | define reco_efficiency a 0.95 [abseta <= 1.5 and pt > 10.0]
133 | define reco_efficiency a 0.85 [abseta > 1.5 and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 10.0]
134 |
135 |
136 | ### Particle Identification
137 |
138 | ## B tagging
139 |
140 | define tagger j as b (0.2450 - 0.005400*pt + 6.92*10^(-5)*pt^2 - 3.89*10^(-7)*pt^3 + 1.021*10^(-9)*pt^4 - 1.007*10^(-12)*pt^5) [pt >= 20.0 and pt < 150.0]
141 | define tagger j as b (0.0558 + 0.000428*pt - 1.00*10^(-7)*pt^2) [pt >= 150.0 and pt < 1000.0]
142 |
143 | define tagger c as b (0.398 - 0.000182*pt + 2.53*10^(-6)*pt^2 - 6.796*10^(-9)*pt^3 + 8.66*10^(-12)*pt^4 - 4.42*10^(-15)*pt^5) [pt >= 20.0 and pt < 300.0]
144 | define tagger c as b (0.350 + 0.000374*pt - 1.81*10^(-7)*pt^2) [pt >= 300.0 and pt < 1000.0]
145 |
146 | define tagger b as b (0.4344 + 0.02069*pt - 0.0004429*pt^2 + 5.137*10^(-6)*pt^3 - 3.406*10^(-8)*pt^4 + 1.285*10^(-10)*pt^5 - 2.559*10^(-13)*pt^6 + 2.084*10^(-16)*pt^7) [abseta < 2.5 and pt >= 20.0 and pt < 165.0]
147 | define tagger b as b (0.7140 + 0.002617*pt - 1.656*10^(-5)*pt^2 + 4.767*10^(-8)*pt^3 - 6.431*10^(-11)*pt^4 + 3.287*10^(-14)*pt^5) [abseta < 2.5 and pt >= 165.0 and pt < 300.0]
148 | define tagger b as b (0.8720 - 6.885*10^(-5)*pt + 4.34*10^(-8)*pt^2) [abseta < 2.5 and pt >= 300.0 and pt < 1000.0]
149 | define tagger b as b 0.0 [abseta >= 2.5]
150 |
151 | ## Tau tagging
152 |
153 | ## Momentum smearing
154 |
155 | # based on arXiv:1405.6569
156 |
157 | define smearer ta with PT sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) [abseta <= 0.5 and pt > 0.1]
158 | define smearer ta with PT sqrt(0.1^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) [abseta > 0.5 and abseta <= 1.5 and pt > 0.1]
159 | define smearer ta with PT sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2) [abseta > 1.5 and abseta <= 2.5 and pt > 0.1]
160 |
161 | ## HCAL
162 |
163 | define smearer ta with E sqrt(E^2*0.05^2 + E*1.5^2) [abseta <= 3.0]
164 | define smearer ta with E sqrt(E^2*0.13^2 + E*2.7^2) [abseta > 3.0 and abseta <= 5.0]
165 |
166 | define tagger j as ta 0.01
167 | define tagger ta as ta 0.6 [abseta < 2.5]
168 | define tagger ta as ta 0.0 [abseta >= 2.5]
169 |
170 | define reco_efficiency ta 0.0 [pt <= 1.]
171 | define reco_efficiency ta 1.0 [pt > 1.]
172 |