1 | # Analysis name | inspire url | Delphes_card name | Description
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3 | atlas_1405_7875 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1701966 | delphesMA5tune_card_ATLAS_dileptonSUSY.tcl| ATLAS - 8 TeV - squark-gluino in the 0 letons + 2-6 jets + met channel
4 | atlas_higg_2013_03 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1347081 | delphesMA5tune_card_ATLAS_dileptonSUSY.tcl| ATLAS - 8 TeV - ZH in the invisible + 2 leptons channel
5 | atlas_susy_2013_04 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1408964 | delphes_card_atlas_sus_2013_04.tcl | ATLAS - 8 TeV - multijet + met
6 | atlas_susy_2013_11 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1326686 | delphesMA5tune_card_ATLAS_dileptonSUSY.tcl| ATLAS - 8 TeV - ewkinos in the 2 leptons + met channel
7 | atlas_susy_2013_21 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1388797 | delphesMA5tune_card_ATLAS_05.tcl | ATLAS - 8 TeV - monojet
8 | atlas_susy_2014_10 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1387577 | delphesMA5tune_card_ATLAS_2014_10.tcl | ATLAS - 8 TeV - squark-gluino in the 2 leptons + jets + met channel
9 | atlas_sus_13_05 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1325001 | delphesMA5tune_card_ATLAS_05.tcl | ATLAS - 8 TeV - stop/sbottom in the0 lepton + 2 bjets + met channel
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13 | cms_sus_13_011 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1301484 | delphesMA5tune_card_CMS_SUSY.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - stop in the 1 lepton + bjets + met channel
14 | cms_sus_13_012 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1305458 | delphesMA5tune_card_CMS_SUSY.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - squark-gluino in the MET/MHT channel
15 | cms_sus_13_016 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1305194 | delphesMA5tune_card_CMS_SUSY.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - gluinos in the 2 leptons + bjets + met channel
16 | cms_sus_14_001_monojet| http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1401439 | delphesMA5tune_card_CMS_SUSY.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - stop in the monojet channel
17 | cms_sus_14_001_TopTag | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1409185 | delphesMA5tune_card_CMS_sus14004.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - stops in the top-tagging channel