1 | # Analysis name | INSPIRE url | Delphes_card name | Description
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4 | ATLAS_EXOT_2014_06 | MA5-local | delphes_card_atlas_sus_2013_05_pad.tcl | ATLAS - 8 TeV - monophoton
5 | ATLAS_1711_03301 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1672234 | delphes_card_ATLAS_1711_03301.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Monojet (36.1 fb-1)
6 | ATLAS_EXOT_2016_25 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1672227 | delphes_card_atlas_2016_25.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Monohiggs in the bbar channel (36.1 fb-1)
7 | | | MinBias.pileup |
8 | ATLAS_EXOT_2016_32 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1642639 | delphes_card_atlas_2016_32.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Monophoton (36.1 fb-1)
9 | atlas_exot_2018_30 | MA5-local | delphes_card_atlas_exot_2018_30.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - W' into lepton + neutrino (139 fb-1)
10 | ATLAS_SUSY_16_07 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1691534 | delphes_card_ATLAS_1604_07773.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Multijet + met (36.1 fb-1)
11 | ATLAS_CONF_2016_086 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1635567 | delphes_card_ATLAS_CONF_2016_086.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Dark matter production with a bbar pair (13.3 fb-1)
12 | ATLAS_1604_07773 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1476800 | delphes_card_ATLAS_1604_07773.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Monojet (3.2 fb-1)
13 | atlas_1605_03814 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1510490 | delphes_card_ATLAS_1604_07773.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Multijet + met (2-6 jets, 3.2 fb-1)
14 | atlas_conf_2019_040 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1765842 | delphes_card_ATLAS_1604_07773.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Multijet + met (139 fb-1)
15 | atlas_susy_2018_04 | MA5-local | delphes_card_atlas_susy_2018_04.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Staus in the ditau + met channel (139 fb-1)
16 | atlas_susy_2018_06 | MA5-local | delphes_card_atlas_susy_2018_06.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - Electroweakinos with jigsaw variables (139 fb-1)
17 | atlas_susy_2018_32 | MA5-local | delphes_card_atlas_susy_2018_32.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - sleptons/ewkinos with 2l+met (139 fb-1)
18 | atlas_susy_2019_08 | MA5-local | delphes_card_atlas_susy_2019_08.tcl | ATLAS - 13 TeV - H (in bbar) + lepton + met (139 fb-1)
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21 | CMS_B2G_12_012 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1402144 | delphes_card_cms_b2g_12_012.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - X_{5/3} partners in the SS2L channel
22 | cms_b2g_12_022 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1676305 | delphes_card_cms_b2g_14_004.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - Hadronic monotops
23 | cms_b2g_14_004 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1456179 | delphes_card_cms_b2g_14_004.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - Dark matter production with a ttbar pair
24 | cms_exo_12_047 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1411894 | delphes_card_cms_b2g_12_012.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - monophoton
25 | cms_exo_12_048 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1413153 | delphes_card_cms_b2g_12_012.tcl | CMS - 8 TeV - monojet
26 | cms_exo_16_010 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1618045 | delphes_card_cms_exo_16_010.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - Mono-Z (2.3 fb-1)
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28 | CMS_EXO_16_012_2gamma | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1642631 | delphes_card_cms_exo_16_012.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - Monohiggs in the diphoton channel (2.3 fb-1)
29 | cms_exo_16_022 | MA5-local | delphes_card_cms_exo_16_022.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - Long-lived leptons (2.6 fb-1)
30 | cms_exo_17_015 | MA5-local | delphes_card_cms_exo_17_015.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - Leptoquark+DM in the 1 mu+1jet+met channel (77.4 fb-1)
31 | cms_exo_17_030 | MA5-local | delphes_card_cms_exo_17_030.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - Pairs of resonances decaying into a trijet system (35.9 fb-1)
32 | cms_hig_18_011 | MA5-local | delphes_card_cms_hig_18_011.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - Exotic Higgs decays (H to aa to 2mu 2b) (35.9 fb-1)
33 | cms_sus_16_033 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1685439 | delphes_card_cms_sus_16_033.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - SUSY multijets (35.9 fb-1)
34 | cms_sus_16_039 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1676304 | delphes_card_cms_sus_16_039.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - SUSY multileptons (36 fb-1)
35 | cms_sus_16_048 | MA5-local | delphes_card_cms_sus_16_048.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - SUSY soft leptons (36 fb-1)
36 | CMS_SUS_16_052 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1644684 | delphes_card_cms_sus_16_052.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - SUSY 1 lepton + jets (36 fb-1)
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38 | cms_sus_17_001 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1667773 | delphes_card_cms_exo_16_010.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - stops in the OS2L+jets channel (35.9 fb-1)
39 | | | MinBias.pileup |
40 | cms_sus_19_006 | MA5-local | delphes_card_cms_sus_19_006.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - SUSY in the HT / missing HT channel (137 fb-1)
41 | cms_top_17_009 | http://old.inspirehep.net/record/1672876 | delphes_card_cms_top_17_009.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - 4top analysis (SS2L and multilepton, 35.9 fb-1)
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43 | cms_top_18_003 | MA5-local | delphes_card_cms_top_18_003.tcl | CMS - 13 TeV - 4top analysis (SS2L and multilepton, 137 fb-1)
44 | | | MinBias.pileup |