1 | #include "SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/cms_hig_18_011.h"
2 |
3 | using namespace MA5;
4 | using namespace std;
5 |
6 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 | // Initialize
8 | // function called one time at the beginning of the analysis
9 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | bool cms_hig_18_011::Initialize(const MA5::Configuration& cfg, const std::map<std::string,std::string>& parameters)
11 | {
12 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("mumubb");
13 |
14 | Manager()->AddCut("preselection");
15 | Manager()->AddCut("finalselection");
16 |
17 | return true;
18 | }
19 |
20 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 | // Finalize
22 | // function called one time at the end of the analysis
23 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | void cms_hig_18_011::Finalize(const SampleFormat& summary, const std::vector<SampleFormat>& files)
25 | {
26 | }
27 |
28 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | // Execute
30 | // function called each time one event is read
31 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 |
33 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 | // Directories of header files
35 | //
36 | // SampleFormat :: MA5_DIR//tools/SampleAnalyzer/Commons/DataFormat/SampleFormat.h
37 | // EventFormat :: MA5_DIR//tools/SampleAnalyzer/Commons/DataFormat/EventFormat.h
38 | // All other Rec, MC headers are in MA5_DIR//tools/SampleAnalyzer/Commons/DataFormat/REC_OR_MC_Header.h
39 | //
40 | // MA_Something like MALorentzVector are in MA5_DIR//tools/SampleAnalyzer/Commons/Vector
41 | //
42 | // Isolation, EFlow, Tagging information are in MA5_DIR//tools/SampleAnalyzer/Commons/Service
43 | //
44 | // Delphes cards are in MA5_DIR//tools/SampleAnalyzer/Interfaces/delphes/
45 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 |
47 | bool cms_hig_18_011::Execute(SampleFormat& sample, const EventFormat& event) {
48 | // --- event weight --- //
49 | double weight=1;
50 | if(Configuration().IsNoEventWeight()) weight=1.;
51 | else if(event.mc()->weight()!=0.) weight=event.mc()->weight();
52 | else
53 | {
54 | WARNING << "Found one event with a zero weight. Skipping..." << endmsg;
55 | return false;
56 | }
57 |
58 | //the loop start
59 | if(event.rec()==0) { return true;}
60 |
61 | // --- mumubb selection --- //
62 | std::vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> MuMuCandidate;
63 | for(unsigned int iMuon = 0; iMuon < event.rec()->muons().size(); iMuon++) {
64 | const RecLeptonFormat* LeadingMuon = &(event.rec()->muons()[iMuon]);
65 |
66 | if (!(LeadingMuon->pt() > 20)) continue;
67 | if (!(fabs(LeadingMuon->eta()) < 2.4)) continue;
68 | if (!(pfIsolation(event, LeadingMuon) < .15)) continue;
69 |
70 | for(unsigned int jMuon = iMuon+1; jMuon < event.rec()->muons().size(); jMuon++) {
71 | const RecLeptonFormat* SubleadingMuon = &(event.rec()->muons()[jMuon]);
72 |
73 | if (!(SubleadingMuon->pt() > 9)) continue;
74 | if (!(fabs(SubleadingMuon->eta()) < 2.4)) continue;
75 | if (!(pfIsolation(event, SubleadingMuon) < .15)) continue;
76 |
77 | if (!(LeadingMuon->charge()*SubleadingMuon->charge() < 0)) continue;
78 |
79 | double mass = (LeadingMuon->momentum()+SubleadingMuon->momentum()).M();
80 | if (!( 19.5 < mass && mass < 63.5 )) continue;
81 |
82 | MuMuCandidate.push_back(LeadingMuon);
83 | MuMuCandidate.push_back(SubleadingMuon);
84 |
85 | break;
86 | }
87 | if( MuMuCandidate.size() == 2 ) break;
88 | }
89 | bool MuonPairSelection = (MuMuCandidate.size() == 2);
90 |
91 | std::vector<const RecJetFormat*> bbCandidate;
92 | if( MuonPairSelection ) {
93 | for(unsigned int iJet = 0; iJet<event.rec()->jets().size(); iJet++) {
94 | const RecJetFormat* LeadingJet = &(event.rec()->jets()[iJet]);
95 |
96 | if (!(LeadingJet->pt() > 20.)) continue;
97 | if (!(fabs(LeadingJet->eta()) < 2.4)) continue;
98 | if (!(MuonVeto(LeadingJet, MuMuCandidate))) continue;
99 | if (!(LeadingJet->btag())) continue;
100 |
101 | for(unsigned int jJet = iJet+1; jJet<event.rec()->jets().size(); jJet++) {
102 | const RecJetFormat* SubleadingJet = &(event.rec()->jets()[jJet]);
103 |
104 | if (!(SubleadingJet->pt() > 15)) continue;
105 | if (!(fabs(SubleadingJet->eta()) < 2.4)) continue;
106 | if (!(MuonVeto(SubleadingJet, MuMuCandidate))) continue;
107 | if (!(SubleadingJet->btag())) continue;
108 |
109 | bbCandidate.push_back(LeadingJet);
110 | bbCandidate.push_back(SubleadingJet);
111 |
112 | break;
113 | }
114 | if( bbCandidate.size() == 2 ) break;
115 | }
116 | }
117 | bool JetPairSelection = (bbCandidate.size() == 2);
118 |
119 |
120 | // --- event reweight --- //
121 | if( JetPairSelection ) {
122 | weight *= (.81/.84)*(.81/.84);
123 | weight *= (1 - (1 - TightBTagEff( bbCandidate[0] )/LooseBTagEff( bbCandidate[0] ))*(1 - TightBTagEff( bbCandidate[1] )/LooseBTagEff( bbCandidate[1] )));
124 | }
125 |
126 | Manager()->InitializeForNewEvent(weight);
127 |
128 |
129 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(MuonPairSelection&&JetPairSelection, "preselection")) return true;
130 |
131 |
132 | // --- final selection --- //
133 | MALorentzVector MET_p4 = event.rec()->MET().momentum();
134 | double MET_Pt = MET_p4.Pt();
135 |
136 | bool METCut = (MET_Pt < 60);
137 |
138 | double Mass_bb = (bbCandidate[0]->momentum()+bbCandidate[1]->momentum()).M();
139 | double Mass_MuMu = (MuMuCandidate[0]->momentum()+MuMuCandidate[1]->momentum()).M();
140 | double Mass_MuMubb = (MuMuCandidate[0]->momentum()+MuMuCandidate[1]->momentum()+bbCandidate[0]->momentum()+bbCandidate[1]->momentum()).M();
141 | double Mass_h = 125.18;
142 | // --- Mass resolution --- //
143 | // = From Gaussian fit = //
144 | double Sigma_bb = 0.173*Mass_MuMu; // 1.5*sig fit
145 | double Sigma_h = 9.66; // 1.5*sig fit
146 | // ----------------------- //
147 |
148 | double Chi_bb = (Mass_bb - Mass_MuMu)/Sigma_bb;
149 | double Chi_h = (Mass_MuMubb - Mass_h)/Sigma_h;
150 | double Chi2_ = pow(Chi_bb,2) + pow(Chi_h,2);
151 |
152 | bool Chi2Cut = (Chi2_ < 5);
153 |
154 | if(!Manager()->ApplyCut(METCut&&Chi2Cut, "finalselection")) return true;
155 |
156 | return true;
157 | }
158 |
159 |
160 | double cms_hig_18_011::pfIsolation(const EventFormat& event, const RecLeptonFormat* Muon) {
161 | double Isolation = 0.;
162 |
163 | MALorentzVector Muon_p4 = Muon->momentum();
164 |
165 | double ChargedHadronIso = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Muon, event.rec(), .4, 1., IsolationEFlow::TRACK_COMPONENT);
166 | double NeutralHadronIso = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Muon, event.rec(), .4, 1., IsolationEFlow::NEUTRAL_COMPONENT);
167 | double PhotonIso = PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->relIsolation(Muon, event.rec(), .4, 1., IsolationEFlow::PHOTON_COMPONENT);
168 | Isolation = ChargedHadronIso + NeutralHadronIso + PhotonIso;
169 |
170 | return Isolation;
171 | }
172 |
173 | bool cms_hig_18_011::MuonVeto(const RecJetFormat* Jet, std::vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> Muons) {
174 | for(unsigned iMuon = 0; iMuon < Muons.size(); iMuon++) {
175 | if( Jet->momentum().DeltaR( Muons[iMuon]->momentum() ) < 0.5 )
176 | return false;
177 | }
178 | return true;
179 | }
180 |
181 | double cms_hig_18_011::LooseBTagEff(const RecJetFormat* Jet) {
182 | double out;
183 | double pT = Jet->pt();
184 | if( pT < 160 )
185 | out = 0.4344 + 0.02069*pT - 0.0004429*pow(pT,2) + 5.137*pow(10,-6)*pow(pT,3) - 3.406*pow(10,-8)*pow(pT,4) + 1.285*pow(10,-10)*pow(pT,5) - 2.559*pow(10,-13)*pow(pT,6) + 2.084*pow(10,-16)*pow(pT,7);
186 | else if( pT < 300 )
187 | out = 0.714 + 0.002617*pT - 1.656*pow(10,-5)*pow(pT,2) + 4.767*pow(10,-8)*pow(pT,3) - 6.431*pow(10,-11)*pow(pT,4) + 3.287*pow(10,-14)*pow(pT,5);
188 | else out = 0.872 - 6.885*pow(10,-5)*pT + 4.34*pow(10,-8)*pT*pT;
189 |
190 | out *= .81/.84;
191 |
192 | return out;
193 | }
194 |
195 | double cms_hig_18_011::TightBTagEff(const RecJetFormat* Jet) {
196 | double out;
197 | double pT = Jet->pt();
198 | if( pT < 50 )
199 | out = -0.033 + 0.0225*pT - 0.00035*pow(pT,2) + 2.586*pow(10,-6)*pow(pT,3) - 9.096*pow(10,-9)*pow(pT,4) + 1.212*pow(10,-11)*pow(pT,5);
200 | else if( pT < 160 )
201 | out = 0.169 + 0.013*pT - 0.00019*pow(pT,2) + 1.373*pow(10,-6)*pow(pT,3) - 4.923*pow(10,-9)*pow(pT,4) + 6.87*pow(10,-12)*pow(pT,5);
202 | else out = 0.62 - 0.00083*pT + 4.3078*pow(10,-7)*pow(pT,2);
203 |
204 | out *= .41/.50;
205 |
206 | return out;
207 | }
208 |