1 | #include "SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/cms_exo_17_015.h"
2 | using namespace MA5;
3 |
4 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 | // Initialize
6 | // function called one time at the beginning of the analysis
7 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | bool cms_exo_17_015::Initialize(const MA5::Configuration& cfg, const std::map<std::string,std::string>& parameters)
9 | {
10 | // General information
11 | INFO << " <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" << endmsg;
12 | INFO << " <> Analysis: CMS-EXO-17-015 <>" << endmsg;
13 | INFO << " <> arXiv:1811.10151 <>" << endmsg;
14 | INFO << " <> (1 muon + >= 1 jet + MET) <>" << endmsg;
15 | INFO << " <> Recasted by: B. Fuks and A. Jueid <>" << endmsg;
16 | INFO << " <> Contacts: fuks@lpthe.jussieu.fr <>" << endmsg;
17 | INFO << " <> adil.hep@gmail.com <>" << endmsg;
18 | INFO << " <> Based on MadAnalysis 5 v1.8 <>" << endmsg;
19 | INFO << " <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" << endmsg;
20 |
21 | // Definition of the signal region
22 | Manager()->AddRegionSelection("SR");
23 |
24 | // cuts
25 | Manager()->AddCut("SignalMuon");
26 | Manager()->AddCut("SignalJet");
27 | Manager()->AddCut("bTagVeto");
28 | Manager()->AddCut("TauVeto");
29 | Manager()->AddCut("ElectronVeto");
30 | Manager()->AddCut("ZmassVeto");
31 | Manager()->AddCut("Etmiss > 100 GeV");
32 | Manager()->AddCut("DPhijetMET > 0.5");
33 | Manager()->AddCut("DPhimuMET > 0.5");
34 | Manager()->AddCut("MT > 500 GeV");
35 |
36 | // Histograms
37 | Manager()->AddHisto("Mmuj", 20, 0.0, 2000.0);
38 | return true;
39 | }
40 |
41 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 | // Finalize
43 | // function called one time at the end of the analysis
44 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 | void cms_exo_17_015::Finalize(const SampleFormat& summary, const std::vector<SampleFormat>& files)
46 | {
47 | }
48 |
49 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 | // Execute
51 | // function called each time one event is read
52 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 | bool cms_exo_17_015::Execute(SampleFormat& sample, const EventFormat& event)
54 | {
55 | // Event weight
56 | double myWeight;
57 | if(Configuration().IsNoEventWeight()) myWeight=1.;
58 | else if(event.mc()->weight()!=0.) myWeight=event.mc()->weight();
59 | else { return false; } // Event with a 0 weight -> can be skipped
60 | Manager()->InitializeForNewEvent(myWeight);
61 |
62 | // Security for empty events
63 | if (event.rec()==0) return true;
64 |
65 | // Jets
66 | std::vector<const RecJetFormat*> SignalJets;
67 | unsigned int nb=0;
68 | for(unsigned int ii=0; ii<event.rec()->jets().size(); ii++)
69 | {
70 | const RecJetFormat *CurrentJet = &(event.rec()->jets()[ii]);
71 | // Pseudorapidity acceptance
72 | if (CurrentJet->abseta() < 2.4) //continue;
73 | // Signal jets
74 | SignalJets.push_back(CurrentJet);
75 | // b-tagged jets (we will veto those jets to reduce ttbar background)
76 | if ( CurrentJet->pt()>30. && CurrentJet->btag()) nb++;
77 | }
78 |
79 | // Electrons with pt > 15 and |eta| < 2.5
80 | // unsigned int ne=0;
81 | std::vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> LooseElectrons;
82 | for(unsigned int ie=0; ie<event.rec()->electrons().size(); ie++)
83 | {
84 | const RecLeptonFormat* CurrentElectron = &(event.rec()->electrons()[ie]);
85 | double pt = CurrentElectron->pt();
86 | double iso = (PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->sumIsolation(CurrentElectron,event.rec(),0.4,0.,IsolationEFlow::ALL_COMPONENTS))/pt;
87 | // Pseudorapidity, pt and isolation basic cuts
88 | if( CurrentElectron->eta()<2.5 && pt>15. && iso<0.4 ) LooseElectrons.push_back(CurrentElectron);
89 | }
90 |
91 | // Loose Muons with pt > 10 GeV and |eta| < 2.4
92 | // Signal Muons with pt > 60 GeV and iso < 0.15
93 | std::vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> LooseMuons;
94 | std::vector<const RecLeptonFormat*> SignalMuons;
95 | for(unsigned int im=0; im<event.rec()->muons().size(); im++)
96 | {
97 | const RecLeptonFormat* CurrentMuon = &(event.rec()->muons()[im]);
98 | double pt = CurrentMuon->pt();
99 | double iso = (PHYSICS->Isol->eflow->sumIsolation(CurrentMuon,event.rec(),0.4,0.,IsolationEFlow::ALL_COMPONENTS))/pt;
100 | if ( CurrentMuon->abseta() >= 2.4 ) continue;
101 | if ( pt > 10. && iso < 0.25 ) LooseMuons.push_back(CurrentMuon);
102 | if ( pt > 60. && iso < 0.15 ) SignalMuons.push_back(CurrentMuon);
103 | }
104 |
105 | bool LeadingMuon = false;
106 | if ( SignalMuons.size() > 0 ) LeadingMuon=true;
107 |
108 | // hadronic taus with pT > 20 GeV and |eta| < 2.3
109 | unsigned int ntau = 0;
110 | for (unsigned int it=0; it < event.rec()->taus().size(); it++)
111 | {
112 | const RecTauFormat *CurrentTau = &(event.rec()->taus()[it]);
113 | // Pseudorapidity and pt basic cuts
114 | if ( CurrentTau->pt() > 20.0 && CurrentTau->abseta()< 2.3 ) ntau++;
115 | }
116 |
117 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(LeadingMuon, "SignalMuon")) return true;
118 |
119 | // Leading jet requirements
120 | SignalJets = PHYSICS->Isol->JetCleaning(SignalJets, LooseElectrons, 0.2);
121 | SignalJets = PHYSICS->Isol->JetCleaning(SignalJets, SignalMuons, 0.2);
122 |
123 | bool dR_jet_muon = false;
124 | int jm(-1);
125 | for ( unsigned int ii = 0; ii < SignalMuons.size(); ii++ ) {
126 | if ( SignalJets.size() == 0 ) continue;
127 | if ( SignalJets[0]->dr(SignalMuons[ii]) < 0.5 ) continue;
128 | jm=ii;
129 | dR_jet_muon = true;
130 | }
131 |
132 | bool SignalJet = false;
133 | if ( SignalJets.size() > 0 ) {
134 | if ( SignalJets[0]->pt() > 100. && dR_jet_muon ) SignalJet = true;
135 | }
136 |
137 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(SignalJet, "SignalJet")) return true;
138 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(nb==0, "bTagVeto") ) return true;
139 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(ntau==0, "TauVeto") ) return true;
140 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(LooseElectrons.size()==0, "ElectronVeto") ) return true;
141 |
142 |
143 | // Off-Z
144 | bool ZMassWindow = true;
145 | for (unsigned int ii=1; ii<LooseMuons.size(); ii++ )
146 | {
147 | if(SignalMuons[jm]->charge()*LooseMuons[ii]->charge() < 0)
148 | {
149 | double mmumu = (SignalMuons[0]->momentum() + LooseMuons[ii]->momentum()).M();
150 | if(std::abs(mmumu - 91.1876) < 10.) {ZMassWindow=false; break;}
151 | }
152 | }
153 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(ZMassWindow, "ZmassVeto") ) return true;
154 |
155 | // Cut on MET
156 | MALorentzVector pMET = event.rec()->MET().momentum();
157 | double MET = pMET.Pt();
158 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut((MET > 100.0), "Etmiss > 100 GeV")) return true;
159 |
160 | // MET isolation
161 | double dphi1 = SignalJets[0]->dphi_0_pi(pMET);
162 | double dphi2 = SignalMuons[jm]->dphi_0_pi(pMET);
163 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(dphi1 > 0.5, "DPhijetMET > 0.5") ) return true;
164 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(dphi2 > 0.5, "DPhimuMET > 0.5") ) return true;
165 |
166 | // Now requiring that mT(leading muon, MET) > 500 GeV
167 | double mT = SignalMuons[jm]->mt_met(pMET);
168 | if ( !Manager()->ApplyCut(mT > 500., "MT > 500 GeV") ) return true;
169 |
170 | // Now fill Histogram corresponding to Fig. 3 of the CMS paper
171 | double mLQ = ( SignalMuons[0]->momentum() + SignalJets[0]->momentum() ).M();
172 | Manager()->FillHisto("Mmuj", mLQ);
173 |
174 | return true;
175 | }
176 |